Chapter 447 Extra Story 2 (Forget it if you don’t eat)
Nangong Binglie was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at her leisurely, she didn't care about him, anyway, he had already done it, and it was considered as completing the work by carrying it over.

He said he was going to cook, but he didn't say he was going to make a big meal. She only knows this, so forget it!

She walked around the sofa with egg fried rice and wanted to put it on the dining table behind, but somehow she tripped over her feet.

The egg fried rice in her hand flew out, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and seemed to fall, wasting all her hard work just now.

More importantly, her situation is even worse.She fell straight down, onto the sofa, onto him.

What's more, what's even more frightening is that her soft lips actually touched the corners of his warm lips that seemed to be smiling.

His big warm hands fixed her fallen body, on the slender willow waist, her pink lips pressed against his thin hot lips.

She opened her eyes suddenly, how could she fall on him so accurately, and even "forced kiss" him.


She wanted to get up, but she remembered half of her body, and was pressed down by his evil big palm again, touching his lips again.

This time, it wasn't her "forcibly kissing" someone, it was...

"You kissed me just now. According to the agreement, I didn't kiss you first. I just want to get back the kiss you owe me."

As soon as she finished speaking, Han Yuanling opened her beautiful eyes, and her soft lips were sealed by Nangong Binglie.

He didn't have any gentle and domineering plundering, his slippery tongue stuck in like a snake, attacking the city and plundering her sweet sandalwood mouth.

She was so anxious that her cheeks were flushed, and she tried to push him away but couldn't. Her hands and feet were pressed against him and she couldn't move.


She was so angry that she wanted to resist, a woman went up to a man, and, besides, she was kissed forcibly, who was so unlucky as her.

The corners of Nangong Binglie's mouth raised slightly, he turned over, her soft body slid onto the bottom of the sofa, fortunately there was a fluffy carpet, so she couldn't hurt herself from falling.

However, she found that the injury was more serious than the fall. He turned over and pressed her on the carpet, and continued to kiss her violently.

This time the man went up and the woman got off...Damn it!Don't think about it!
Han Yuanling shook her head, shaking off the mess in her mind.

This time the situation was more critical, and she found that she was even more immobile than she was on the sofa just now.

His hands and thighs were pressed by him, and it was difficult for her to get up.

The bastard didn't let her go until her red lips were swollen and smothered.

She was panting heavily and almost suffocated, you bastard bastard!Bullying people when they get the chance, it seems that if you can't stay with him for too long, you will have problems if you stay by his side for a minute longer!
(End of this chapter)

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