Chapter 454 Extra Story 2 (I want to marry her)
"Linger, Linger..."

He whispered in her ear, hissing, and advanced into her body without hesitation.

"It hurts, it hurts..." This bastard, she wants to kill him!

She frowned in pain, and he galloped wantonly in her body, it was so hateful!this bastard...

Han Yuanling passed out several times, he seemed to use his inexhaustible energy to taste the sweetness of her body.

Finally, tired and exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep.

She slept for a whole day, she was awakened by a series of broken kisses, she moved her body, but was sore.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and met a pair of deep obsidian eyes, and the affectionate light, which made her stunned.

"Are you hungry? I bought your favorite sesame paste and egg tarts..."

Nangong Binglie kissed her slightly swollen and soft lips, and said softly.

Han Yuanling looked at him in surprise, how did he know that she likes to eat sesame paste and egg tarts.

"You... bastard! I don't eat, I don't eat! You are too bad, you bully people!"

She punched him shamelessly, and he let her hit him, always watching her with those deep black pupils.

"Don't you remember me?"

His low voice made her startled, and she stopped.

She doesn't remember him?But, wasn't it the first time I saw him at the Yishang Judo Gym?

She shook her head, not remembering the mess.What she wants to do most now is to run away from him and go home first.

"I'll walk you home."

Han Yuanling was startled, and looked up at him.Nangong Binglie stared at her for a moment, and she was startled, as if she had seen those eyes somewhere before.

cold house.

With a bang, the sandalwood table in the living room shattered!
"Nangong Binglie, my sister is only 17 years old!"

Hanchan yelled at Nangong Binglie furiously.The little girl didn't return all night, and was sent back by Nangong Binglie. Looking at the relationship between the two, something must have happened last night.

"I want to marry her."

Nangong Binglie sat opposite them and said calmly.

Uh... Han Chanfeng and Han Zhan looked at each other. Is this what normal men say?Oh no!It's not normal for a man not to say this!
However, they couldn't hear it. They said this to take responsibility.

Rather, he has a heart that wants her!
No one can stop him.

"I disagree!"

Han Chanfeng said coldly.

"Han Chanfeng!" Nangong Binglie gritted his teeth! "Ling'er is mine! Even if you don't agree, it doesn't matter. If she has a boyfriend, I'll beat him up! If she has a fiancé, I'll kill one! She is mine in this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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