Chapter 461 Extra Story 2 (Can I Explain It as Jealousy)

She fell to the ground by accident, and simply sat on the ground, wanting to cry and scream because of grievance.

"Hateful man with a heart! Go to history! Those who only bully civilians and good women will die of illness and death!"

After yelling, I felt much better.

She stood up, patted the dust off her body, hum! After 16 years, she is a beautiful woman again, who cares!

"Can I explain your behavior as jealousy?"

A beautiful and joking voice sounded from behind her.

As soon as she turned her head, that philandering carrot had already caught up with her.


As soon as she turned her head, she was about to swear never to see him again.

But when she fell just now, her knee was injured, and a streak of bright red blood flowed out from the wound.She fell straight down, fell down without any image, and just fell into a warm and broad arms.

"I want to ask, are you jealous when you saw Zhang Danna just now and ran away?"

Nangong Binglie lifted her thin lips, Hei Yao's pupils shone with a little light, and asked in her ear.


Less smug!Playboy, don't put gold on your face, it will make people despise!Very contemptuous!
She gave him a look of contempt, and wanted to shake him off and take a step, but she couldn't, because her body was suspended in the air, firmly in his arms.

"You are injured, let's go for treatment first, it will be bad if you get tetanus."

Nangong Binglie picked her up nervously, and then hired a taxi to take her to his villa.

"Hey! Why did you bring me here, let me down quickly, I will go home by myself!"

Han Yuanling struggled and took off her precious crystal high-heeled shoes. With her bare white feet, Nangong Binglie carried her all the way to his villa.

"You still owe me eight days' helper. Besides, you were injured today. I sympathize with what happened to you. Remember to pay me back!"

Nangong Binglie generously asked for favors, he would be surprised if he didn't want to, but he wished for more from this little girl, and it would be best if she never paid back.

His words were very cold, but his movements were very gentle. He put her on the sofa in the living room, and then found a medicine box to heal her.

He cleaned the wound on her knee first, then iodine, medicine and bandages...

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, go away! Don't pretend to be kind, I don't care about you!"

Han Yuanling died of pain, she even took iodine medicine, she was most afraid, it hurts, it hurts...

She pushed with both hands, trying to push the person in front of her away, but in the end, he fell straight into his arms in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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