Chapter 464 Extra Story 2 (Pleasure)

Nangong Binglie threw a burly man over his shoulder with ease, Han Yuanling sat aside and was shocked, even the eldest brother was not enough to beat Nangong Binglie.

"I'm going to fight Nangong Binglie for a while. Even if I lose, it's worth it! He really is a top-notch expert. My eldest brother's skill is the best in the country. Now, within dozens of rounds, I was defeated by Nangong Binglie. Defeated! However, I don't see any frustration in my elder brother's failure, but a kind of excitement in his eyes."

The second elder brother Han Zhan also said excitedly, he is eager to try, gearing up, and wants to go up and compete.

Han Yuanling was startled, and turned to look seriously at his elder brother. The elder brother Han Chanfeng's eyes were piercing and his pupils were shining. Even if he was thrown over his shoulder by Nangong Binglie, he didn't feel the despair and frustration in failure at all.

Since the eldest brother was 16 years old, no one has ever been able to throw him over his shoulder. This time, he really met a master who is hard to beat in his life. His heart was filled with excitement and admiration from the bottom of his heart!


Nangong Binglie made a few moves, returned the gift humbly, and wanted to go on.

Han Zhan stood up immediately, and ran up excitedly, "Hey, Nangong Binglie, it's my turn, I'll come to compete, don't you mind?"

Nangong Binglie looked at Han Zhan and nodded helplessly. There was no other way. In order to please his future brother-in-law, he had to learn a few tricks with the two members of the Han family. Otherwise, it would create a lot of obstacles for him to marry their sister in the future. .

Han Zhan went up to set up a stance, Lianshen attacked without hesitation.In fact, Han Zhan is also a first-class master in the domestic judo circle, second only to his elder brother Han Chanfeng in status and skill.

Because he was facing an unprecedented master, he didn't dare to neglect and attacked with all his strength.

Nangong Binglie's face was calm, he pulled out a thousand pieces of gold four times, easily relieved Han Zhan's strength, and hit Han Zhan's waist with one blow.

Han Zhan took a few steps back in pain, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he panicked, he really is a master!
He couldn't see how Nangong Binglie made a move, so he easily let go of his strength and attacked again.

The outside rumors are not false, and the eldest brother tried his best just now, but he couldn't shake it a little bit.

Han Zhan attacked with all his strength, and within a few dozen moves, he was defeated by Nangong Binglie.

"Ling'er, I finally know why Nangong Binglie returned to China at this time."

Han Chanfeng stared at the battlefield where the winner and loser had already been decided, and said calmly.

Han Yuanling was startled, and looked up at his elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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