Chapter 467 Extra Story 2 (You Are Too Bad)
Nangong Binglie flatly refused. "No! Get married next year! I don't want to wait for you to graduate from college. That's a matter of the year of the monkey. Moreover, this is obviously Han Chanfeng's delaying tactic. In case, there is an accident, I will not do such uncertain things! Linger, let's go!"

He wanted to pull Han Yuanling over, but Han Chanfeng wanted to let go to block it, Nangong Binglie skillfully parried it, took Han Yuanling's slender little hand, and ran out the door.

"Hey, Nangong Binglie, wait a minute! Eldest brother is not really such a violent person, that's because..." Panting, she glanced at him and said angrily, "However, you should hit too! You are too bad It's..."

"That's right, that's right, I'm so bad, so I need an angel to save me! The devil and the angel are a pair, without my badness, how can it reflect your innocence, so we are destined to be born together. Yeah, right, baby?"

Nangong Binglie hugged her Xiliu's waist from behind, pressed against her slender back, grinned and said on her fair neck.

Han Yuanling felt a little itchy, and pushed him away blushing, "Brother said he would wait until he graduated from college, and I thought so too, anyway, I'm young now..."

It is best not to see him until graduation. It is better for him to go abroad, so that she will be more free.

Now, she goes to class every morning, and he waits for her outside the gate and takes her to class.Then, after class, he came to pick her up for dinner, and then played until the evening before letting her go home.

No wonder the eldest brother is so angry. In the words of the eldest brother, it was this bastard who appeared out of nowhere and snatched their little sister away!

She felt a little restrained and not very free. Moreover, when talking and interacting with boys, he was even more angry and domineering and took her away.

Now everyone knows that she has a domineering boyfriend by her side. Although she doesn't admit it in her heart, what she can't admit is that she ignores him, and ignoring him has become an act of acquiescence.

Because even if she chased him away, she couldn't drive him away.

"Ling'er,..." He stared at her with a dark face, "I wish I could marry you home, and then I could hold you day and night, and see you when I wake up, you think I'm pestering you, don't you? Moreover, I don't know how sad you have forgotten me."

He sighed slightly, feeling a little disappointed.

"I forgot about you?"

Han Yuanling was stunned, where did this come from?

(End of this chapter)

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