Empress has purpose

Chapter 13 Preparation

Chapter 13 Preparation
It was two days ago that I received the news that Gu Yunwan was coming back.

Gu Yunxi stood barefoot in front of the window, and it was raining outside the window, falling along the eaves, making a ticking sound.

Zizhu opened the door and walked in, seeing her master standing barefoot, she hurriedly said: "Girl, why are you standing barefoot, this rainy day is already humid, if you catch a cold and get a cold, you will suffer , you can’t be so disrespectful to your body.”

While talking, he took out a pair of embroidered shoes from the big box in the corner of the room, hurriedly walked to Gu Yunxi's side, and squatted down to help her put them on.

Gu Yunxi chuckled lightly: "Zizhu, it's only been a few days, why are you nagging like this? Could it be that you have been with the second sister for a while and have been infected by her?"

Zi Zhu blushed slightly: "Girl, why are you doing this? This servant is thinking of you, but you actually want to play tricks on this servant."

After that time when Gu Yunxi punished Gu Yan, everyone in the mansion realized how powerful the third girl was, and everyone worked hard, for fear that they would be targeted by the third girl if they were not careful. The atmosphere in the mansion was extremely solemn for a while.

On that day, Gu Yunxi took the account book found from Gu Yan's room, and the account book given by the old lady not long ago, to the old lady's room. After explaining the details, she showed the account book to the old lady.

After comparing the two, Mrs. Gu was furious. It turned out that the Meng family actually took away more than [-]% of the money in the mansion behind her back.Mrs. Gu made a decisive decision. After some investigation, she found out that the whereabouts of the huge amount of silver was all in the other courtyard of Gu's Mansion in Jizhou, where the fourth girl Gu Yunwan left the mansion to cultivate.

How could a girl's family need so much money? Mrs. Gu couldn't help but wonder if she had done some shady trick behind her back.She didn't ask Meng Shi directly for questioning, and under Gu Yunxi's reminder, she secretly sent someone to the other courtyard in Jizhou to find out the truth of the matter.

It took ten days to go back and forth. During these ten days, Gu Yunxi did not waste them. She mobilized and dispatched the people in the mansion on a large scale, and sent the Meng family away without anyone noticing. Most of the forces scattered and arranged these people to some Zhuangzi outside the Gu family with poor harvests. When the Meng family received the news, these people were already on their way to Zhuangzi.

When the person sent to Jizhou came back, he reported that Gu Yunwan was already on his way back to the mansion, and he found traces of the nuns who had been educated in the palace in the other courtyard.At this time, Gu Yunxi has completely taken charge of the affairs of the mansion, and the arrangements for the affairs of the mansion are not stable. Even Mrs. Gu has to admit that Gu Yunxi has indeed handled it very well.

After hearing the report from the visitor, Mrs. Gu knew what was going on, and she couldn't help being furious.She naturally thought that Meng's sending Gu Yunwan to Jizhou was not what she meant by the master at all, but to send her to a place where others could not see her to be cultivated silently. The purpose of this can be imagined, but could they care Wouldn't the government spend money to train the girls in the government, and use her to embezzle the money from the government in such a sneaky way?

This is exactly the reason why Mrs. Gu was furious, Meng Shi kept it from her!
Therefore, she was also very displeased with Gu Yunwan, the fourth girl who came back without prior notice, and it was doomed that Gu Yunwan would not be welcomed after her return.

In this way, at the end of March, in the memory of Gu Yunxi's previous life, the day before Gu Yunwan returned to the house was just after a rain, and it seemed that there was no change in this life.

Then it will be tomorrow, Gu Yunxi sighed softly, we are finally going to meet, what kind of meeting gift should she give?
In the previous life, Gu Yunwan came back suddenly and gave everyone in the mansion a great "surprise". The daughter who came out of the room had a faint tendency to catch up with Gu Yunxi.

And Gu Yunwan is also a smart person who knows how to please Mrs. Gu, so the old lady also has an extra love for this granddaughter whom no one else has.This made Gu Qingrui feel the crisis, and opposed Gu Yunwan everywhere.But later on, for unknown reasons, the two unexpectedly got together, and Gu Qingrui became Gu Yunwan's right-hand man.

In her opinion, this is absolutely impossible. Gu Yunxi still doesn't understand what method Gu Yunwan used to make Gu Qingrui willing to let her drive her.

But in this life, she will never let them have a chance to unite.

In this way, the next day, Gu Yunxi got up early in the morning, ready to welcome the fourth sister who hadn't seen her for many years.

Today she was wearing a jade-colored embroidered shirt with folded branches and piled flowers, and a moon-white embroidered makeup skirt, which was a bit plain, but it showed her dignified and graceful temperament.

She didn't go to the old lady's courtyard to say hello, but went to the big kitchen first. In a side hall in the courtyard, the maid served tea, and Gu Yunxi drank it leisurely, with Zizhu Luwu accompanying her around.

After a while, Xu Yuan stepped in. Now she has been promoted by Gu Yunxi as the deputy steward of the big kitchen, and she is cooking the big kitchen with the steward Mrs. Zhang.

"My servant has seen the third girl." Xu Yuan knelt down and saluted.

"Get up, there may be a special guest coming to the mansion today, you should prepare in advance and let me arrange it then." Gu Yunxi specially emphasized the word special.

"Yes, the servant knows."

Gu Yunxi smiled. Ever since meeting Xu Yuan, she felt that she was a smart and capable person who was meticulous in her work. Later, she learned that Xu Yuan was specially arranged for her by Mother Shen. Xu Yuan also had a younger sister. Xu Wen has now been transferred to my side. Xu Yuan's husband's family, Liu Ping, is an accountant in the house's accountant, and his listening and speaking ability is not ordinary. It can be said that this family is carefully selected by Mother Shen , to help Gu Yunxi.

Therefore, she can rest assured that Xu Yuan is doing business.

After coming out of the big kitchen, she walked slowly to the Old Furen's Ci'an Hall, and met the eldest girl and the second girl who went with her on the way.

Gu Qingmo whispered: "It's supposed to be here today."

Gu Yunxi nodded, her voice was very soft: "The appointment is almost here."

Gu Qingwu also said: "She came back so suddenly, she didn't even report it in advance, and my father probably didn't know, if the old lady didn't send someone, I'm afraid she would really be shocked. "

Gu Qingmo sighed: "Who said it wasn't? He came back suddenly. Could there be something wrong?"

Gu Yunxi sneered: "Four years have passed, and I am also 12 years old. If I don't come back again, I will miss some things."

"What is the third sister talking about?" Gu Qingwu was a little puzzled.

Gu Yunxi just smiled mysteriously and did not speak. Several people entered Ci'an Hall. Gu Qingrui had arrived a long time ago, and now she was sitting in front of the old lady coquettishly. When she saw several people coming in, she stood up and saluted.Recently, her attitude towards Gu Yunxi has undergone many changes, even with a hint of flattery, perhaps because she was shocked by Gu Yunxi's resolute way of handling things, maybe there is some unknown plan in her heart, in short, Gu Qingrui has been extraordinarily quiet recently.

The old lady looked at the girls with a smile, and said with a smile: "Come on, let's all sit down."

Gu Yunxi hesitated for a moment, and said, "Grandma, haven't you received any letters?"

The old lady's face darkened in an instant, and she snorted heavily: "It's just like that mother, she's very unruly!" The old lady's impression of the Meng family's mother and daughter is extremely bad now.

"Maybe I want to give everyone a surprise..." Gu Yunxi said with a smile, halfway through the speech, she seemed to think that the reason was too far-fetched, so she didn't say anything, and just sat quietly.

Gu Qingrui was very puzzled. Why didn't she know what the third sister and grandmother were talking about?
Just as she was about to ask, a servant girl came in and squatted down to report: "Old Madam! There is a carriage outside the gate of the house, and it is said that it is from another courtyard in Jizhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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