Chapter 25
It turned out that Su Chen turned to Feng Ziyu for refuge later on!He is from Feng Ziyu!

Gu Yunxi seemed to understand everything at once, with mixed feelings in her heart, and her eyes became a little erratic.

Many things that she had never been able to understand, now she understands them all. The scenes of her previous life flashed before her like a revolving lantern.


In the previous life, although Gu Yunxi had divorced her father, she was still the daughter of the prime minister's mansion and the county magistrate personally appointed by the emperor. In the end, regardless of the obstruction of her uncle's family and the eldest princess, she resolutely married the long-admired Prince Yu's seal son Yu. .

Under the instigation of Meng Shi and Gu Yunwan, she gradually cut off contact with her uncle's family, including her cousin Qin Silan, who had always been on good terms with her, and made the eldest princess feel cold towards her. After that, she never cared about her own affairs. Even when he entered the palace to visit, he avoided seeing him.

Since then, only my stepmother, Meng Shi, and Gu Yunxi's younger sister Gu Yunwan, whom Gu Yunxi thinks is gentle and kind, are left by her side.

And because I put all my thoughts on my husband Feng Ziyu, I didn't care about the indifference of my uncle's family and the eldest princess, and only wanted to be a good wife wholeheartedly.

It took her eight years to help her husband Feng Ziyu ascend the throne.

In the second year of this period, I became pregnant, but because of overwork, I couldn't keep the child.

Then her charitable stepmother worried that she would be too sad, so she asked her younger sister, Gu Yunwan, who was two years younger than her, to come over to accompany her.

In the third year, she discovered that there was an ambiguous/ambiguous relationship between her husband and Gu Yunwan. At this time, Meng's elder brother Yong'an Hou Meng Yonglian made great contributions, and her sister Concubine Shu was also made a noble concubine. The house is full of people.

In order to win over the Yong'an Hou Mansion, help him stabilize his position, and help him ascend to the throne, plus her stepmother has always taken good care of her, and her younger sister is also gentle and kind, she endured the pain in her heart and took Gu Yunwan into the mansion herself, to be His concubine.

Gu Yunwan also became pregnant shortly after marrying into the palace, and gave birth to Feng Ziyu's first child a year later, a boy, his eldest son.

In the fifth year, Prince Yi forced the palace to rebel, Feng Ziyu led troops to escort him, and Prince Yi died.

In the sixth year, the emperor appointed the fifth prince, Feng Zilan, as the crown prince. Feng Ziyu was so sad that he was drunk and cried to himself. The next day, after Feng Ziyu went out, he was poisoned and returned. He finally made up his mind and went to beg Yan Wang Zhizi Feng Changhao helped Feng Ziyu win the throne, Feng Changhao agreed with a smile, but he didn't see the sadness deep in his eyes.

Later, under Feng Changhao's planning, a rebellion broke out on the southeastern border, and the emperor had no choice but to send Feng Changhao back to Yanjing to defend the frontier and pacify the war. Her husband, Feng Ziyu, went with him. He was worried and went with him. In order to save him, he was hit by an arrow, right in the middle of the mouth, and almost died.

At the same time, I got the news that Zhen Guogong’s family was murdered for treason, dragging his sick body, he hurried back, but he didn’t even see the corpses of his uncle’s family, the eldest princess also fell seriously ill because of this, and died soon after. And finally.

Then in the winter of the eighth year, assassins entered the palace, and the young prince Feng Zilan was killed. The emperor was so sad that he abdicated in February of the following year, and Feng Ziyu ascended the throne.

Afterwards, she was crowned queen.

It has been six years, six years since my last pregnancy, and I am finally pregnant again.

But shortly after giving birth to his child, he was charged with adultery. The son who had just reached the full moon was not the emperor's, and then his gentle and loving stepmother, weak and kind sister suddenly changed face, and the maids around him showed evidence against him. The evidence is all there, Gu Yunxi can't argue with it!
Her child was thrown to death by Feng Ziyu, Gu Yunxi was in terrific pain, heartbroken that the emperor didn't believe her, and heartbroken that the child left her. Only then did she realize that this was a conspiracy, step by step, and everything had its own consequences. Premeditated, and it all started from the day her fourth sister Gu Yunwan came back!
But Gu Yunxi has no ability to save her. Her uncle's family has been executed, and her father who once loved her has long since left her. She is left alone.

So soon, he was thrown into the cold palace.

Another three years later, Gu Yunwan came to visit her in the Leng Palace, waved off the maids, and stood in front of her alone, dressed in a gorgeous queen's court dress, looking down at herself with a sneer.

"Third sister, I didn't expect that you will have today."

"Winners and losers, that's the way it is. Did you come to see me making fun of me?" Gu Yunxi said calmly, her voice hoarse after a long period of suffering in the cold palace.

Gu Yunwan's fingers covered with red cardamom lightly lifted Gu Yunxi's chin, but she coldly pushed it away.

Gu Yunwan also didn't care, and said with a smile: "Do you know why you have been able to stay in the cold palace for so many years without being executed? It's not because the emperor is kind and misses your old love, but because Feng Chang Hao!"

Gu Yunxi finally raised her head in shock, Feng Changhao, that son of King Yan who always quarrels with him and always jumps out of nowhere to scare him?
"Shocked, isn't it? You didn't expect that Feng Changhao actually used his last life-saving talisman for you, just to protect you, an unfaithful abandoned queen! Gu Yunwan looked at her shocked look, viciously Said.

"What's wrong with him?" She heard her tranced voice.

"What's wrong? He's dead? You killed him!"

"How could it be?" Gu Yunxi said in surprise.

Gu Yunwan glared at herself fiercely, and said: "He has so many opportunities to return to Yanjing. He could have a bright future and live his life in peace and stability. Even if he thinks about rebelling, The entire Dali will also be his! But it is because of you that he gave up so much! He is even willing to help the son of his enemy ascend the throne in order to let you sit on the queen's position!"

Gu Yunwan paused for a moment, then continued: "Now he was killed by you! The emperor can't tolerate him, you know the hereditary gold medal for avoiding death from the King Yan family, the emperor can't touch him no matter what, but in order to save you, he put That one and only chance was used up. So, not long ago, he was executed for treason!"

"Do you know why I hate you so much? Do you know why I want to take your post? Because I hate you, I hate that you were born with the aura of a prostitute, and I, my mother, is the wife of the prime minister, but I will always be the wife of the prime minister." I can't get rid of the fact that I'm not the original partner. But I hate him even more! What's so good about you? It's worth his life for you? What's so good about you? Tell me!" Gu Yunwan grabbed her shoulders and shook like crazy with.

Gu Yunxi looked up at Gu Yunwan's distorted face due to madness, and suddenly understood.

"You like Feng Changhao."

Gu Yunwan suddenly let go, and stared at herself fiercely: "Yes! I like him! But he only has eyes for you! And you only have eyes for that hypocritical and disgusting Feng Ziyu! I can't get him, so I want him too. Ruin your happiness, ruin him! Don't you like Feng Ziyu, I just want to snatch him from you! Doesn't Feng Changhao like you? Then let him die for you. Do you know how miserable his death was? I saw him die with my own eyes. And you, everything you own is now mine! And you! Doomed to have nothing!"

"That's right!" Gu Yunwan turned her head suddenly, and smiled fiercely: "Do you know why you haven't been pregnant for so many years, but you got pregnant shortly after Feng Ziyu ascended the throne? Because that child is you and Feng Chang Hao's!"

What Gu Yunwan said again made her completely stunned.

"Shortly after I entered the palace to give birth to him, he lost his fertility due to an accident, so he cared so much about me, about the child I gave birth to him, and you, you are just for him to hold back A pawn of Feng Changhao. Do you still remember when you were hit by an arrow? There was poison on the arrow, and it was very poisonous! Why do you think you were all right so soon? It was because Feng Changhao sucked the poison for you came out, and he nearly died himself!"

No wonder, no wonder I found Feng Changhao's face so pale when I woke up, and I was only concerned about whether Feng Ziyu was injured, and I was glad that I was not dead, and that I could continue to live a happy and happy life with Feng Ziyu. She didn't pay much attention to Feng Changhao who was not important to her at all.

"and also."

Gu Yunwan paused for a moment, and suddenly looked at Gu Yunxi with a gentle face.

PS: Today is the last day of 2014, Wanwan here wishes everyone a new year and a new atmosphere, and there is more, continue to read the article next year~ ok~
(End of this chapter)

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