Empress has purpose

Chapter 3 Family History

Chapter 3 Family History
After leaving the Jinxiu Courtyard, go straight to the north, which is the Chonghua Courtyard where the mistress of the Gu family lives. When Gu Yunxi and his party entered the gate of the Chonghua Courtyard, a maid greeted her, smiled and blessed Gu Yunxi: "The third girl is in the wing room. Wait a minute, Madam just got up."

Gu Yunxi nodded, knowing that Miss Zhao's family must be in the room, she didn't say anything, and followed the maid's lead to the side room on the side of the main room.

As soon as Gu Yunxi sat down at the top, two more people came outside the door, they were the eldest girl and the second girl from the mansion.

Seeing Gu Yunxi, the two walked in with a smile: "Third sister came earlier than us." The second girl Gu Qingwu spoke first, and the eldest girl Gu Qingmo also called out with a smile: "Third sister." Sit next to me.

Gu Yunxi smiled and said: "It's also much later than before. I don't know why this morning, I was very sleepy, so I got up late for a while, and I didn't come here until now."

Gu Qingwu covered her mouth and smiled, "Third sister can still sleep? How did I hear that Miss Zhao went to Jinxiu Courtyard early in the morning to disturb people's dreams?"

Gu Yunxi blinked when she heard the words, looked at Gu Qingwu, and asked blankly: "Is there any? Why don't I know?" After speaking, she turned her head to look at the two maids standing beside her with a puzzled expression, which meant, Have you heard?

Lvwu Fentao all replied in unison: "The slaves have not heard of the third girl's words."

The eldest girl and the second girl looked at each other, and burst out laughing with a "puchi". Ms. Zhao's busy work was in vain this morning.

Gu Yunxi also smiled, and changed the topic to another place. She knew that what they said now might have been passed on to Mrs. Meng's ears, but this was exactly what she wanted.

The three people in this room were talking when they heard footsteps at the door. They looked towards the door and saw a little girl in a pink embroidered blouse and a pearl white crepe skirt walking in. Girl Gu Qingrui.

She is 12 years old this year, and her eyebrows and eyes have just opened. She can already tell that she is a beauty, with a melon-seeded face, phoenix eyes, slender eyebrows, and a light rouge between her cheeks, which makes her cheeks look like a viburnum flower that has just opened. rosy.

She walked in gracefully, came in front of Gu Yunxi, and said with a blessed body: "Third sister."

Gu Yunxi smiled and nodded, and Gu Qingrui went to the empty chair at the bottom and sat down, took a bite of the snacks on the table, and did not salute the remaining two sisters.

"What was the third sister talking about just now? I heard laughter from a long way away." Gu Qingrui asked curiously.

Gu Yunxi looked at her with a smile, but didn't answer, and the eldest girl and the second girl who had been ignored by Gu Qingrui since entering the door would not talk to her at this time.

Relying on being favored by the old lady, Gu Qingrui always feels that she is different. She never pays attention to the second eldest girl who is also a concubine. If the elders are not around, she will never talk to the second eldest girl. Girl, let alone a salute.

Although the eldest girl and the second girl never said anything, they hated Gu Qingrui's hypocrisy and two-faced behavior in their hearts, so they didn't like her very much, so naturally they didn't want to talk to her more.

Gu Qingrui couldn't help being a little embarrassed, but she didn't dare to get angry in front of Gu Yunxi, so she just turned her head and ate some snacks sullenly.

Gu Yunxi looked at the three people in front of her and smiled.

Dali has very strict requirements on the elders and children of the concubine.

The prime minister, Gu Zhengyao, had two wives. Gu Yunxi's biological mother was the original wife, Qin Hua, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Dali Township. Although Gu Yunxi endured the pain to give birth to her, she did not survive the attack of the disease and passed away that winter, and Gu Yunxi also suffered from the root cause of the disease because of her weak body when she was young, and she was always a little chilly.

Brother Gu Yunzhao is 16 years old this year, two years older than Gu Yunxi. He has a very refined and kind personality. He is young and smart, and he has been studying with the prince since childhood.

Gu Zhengyao had five daughters, but only two sons. Apart from his eldest brother, Gu Yunzhao, there was only one youngest son from a concubine named Sun, who just turned one year old this year, named Gu Qingzhuo.

The eldest girl, Gu Qingmo, and the second girl, Gu Qingwu, were born to the second aunt. Gu Qingmo was one year older than Gu Yunxi, and looked more like Prime Minister Gu, with a very gentle and kind personality. Gu Qingwu was the same age as Gu Yunxi, and looked like the second daughter. There are more aunts, and their personalities are similar, both of which are bright and optimistic.The second concubine Wang is a good concubine. When Gu Yunxi's mother was pregnant with her elder brother, she found a good-looking and cheerful concubine from an ordinary family in the capital to be Gu Zhengyao's concubine.

Gu Yunxi is the third among all the sisters, and they all call her the third girl.

After the original wife passed away, Gu Zhengyao married the current wife, Mrs. Meng, who is the younger sister of Meng Yonglian, Marquis of Yongan. Because the Meng family has a eldest sister who is a concubine in the palace, so although it is not as glorious as the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, But he was considered a dignitary, so he betrothed the Meng family to Gu Zhengyao, who was still the Minister of the Ministry of War at that time, as his successor.

The Meng family only had one daughter, and the fourth girl, Gu Yunwan, should have paid special attention to it. However, when Gu Yunwan was eight years old, the Meng family sent her to the Gu family's other courtyard in Jizhou. She was weak and sick, so she went to get her a lottery at Lingyin Temple. The master of Lingyin Temple said that Gu Yunwan was not suitable for the water and soil in Beijing. If she wanted to be safe and healthy, she had to be sent to live outside for a few years, and she could not see her family. .

The fifth girl, Gu Qingrui, can be regarded as a concubine with a special status. Her biological mother, Mrs. Zhang, was the maid in the room of Mrs. Meng, the mother of Prime Minister Gu. , was Gu Zhengyao's first woman, but she never got pregnant. Later, she finally gave birth to Gu Qingrui, but she died without even a concubine.

The old lady couldn't bear to think about this big maid who took care of her for so many years, so she hugged Gu Qingrui, who lost her mother when she was young, to her side to feed her herself.

Gu Qingrui knows that in this life, if she wants to live a good life and have a good home in the future, she can only rely on the old lady to support her, so she is very dedicated to the old lady, and the old lady is also more kind to this granddaughter. Raising by my side and watching him grow up is not comparable to Gu Yunxi and others.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Qingrui always thinks that she is different from other concubines, as long as she is not in front of the old lady, she will look arrogant, so she does not welcome Gu Yunxi and the others.

In addition to the second concubine Wang and the third concubine Sun mentioned just now, there is also a Tongfang Xu.

Mrs. Xu is the dowry maid of her stepwife Meng. She became pregnant within half a year after marrying into the mansion, so she disgraced the dowry maid beside her and accepted it for the prime minister.

But this Mrs. Xu is not very favored. Not long after the house was lifted, Mrs. Zhang, who had not been pregnant for several years, became pregnant with Gu Qingrui. The Prime Minister, besides going to sit in Meng's house every day, just went to see her. Mrs. Zhang didn't pay much attention to Mrs. Xu, and Mrs. Meng had no choice but to see her.

Footsteps sounded at the door, and a maid named Chunmei came in, and Fushen said, "Madam, invite some girls to come in."

All the girls got up, followed Gu Yunxi into the main room, passed through the main room and entered the inner room, Gu Yunxi saw her stepmother, Mrs. Meng, leaning on the kang under the window, and beside her was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl who was helping her. Gently rubbing her shoulders, the girl gave her a hard look when she saw herself coming in.

Gu Yunxi looked amused, ignored her, just went to salute her and said, "Greetings to mother."

The eldest girl, the second girl, and the fifth girl in the back also greeted respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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