Empress has purpose

Chapter 45 Arrangement

Chapter 45 Arrangement
At Chenshi the next day, Chonghua Courtyard.

Mrs. Meng was getting up and changing clothes under the service of her servant girl, when another servant girl ran in with small steps to report the arrival of the Fourth Miss.

Mrs. Meng was helped into the main room, and she saw Gu Yunwan sitting on a chair, drinking tea leisurely, and when she saw Mrs. Meng came out, she got up and said with a smile, "Mother is awake."

Mrs. Meng looked at her with a smile, with a loving look on her face, and said: "Come here so early, you haven't had breakfast yet, use it with Wei Niang."

Gu Yunwan nodded and said with a smile, "My daughter has exactly that intention."

A few servant girls walked in, brought breakfast to the table, and then retreated respectfully.

Four simple and refreshing side dishes, pickled cucumber, spicy dried radish, sour cabbage and a small dish of beef sauce, pasta is a small steamed bun, baked golden pumpkin pie, shredded chicken noodles, and two cups of porridge with different flavors .

Meng's body has recovered recently, and she is in a good mood, so naturally her appetite has improved a lot, so she ordered the kitchen to make a richer breakfast.

After eating two steamed buns, half a bowl of shredded chicken noodles with side dishes, and a big bowl of chicken porridge with mushrooms, Meng Shi was finally full, and Gu Yunwan had almost eaten, so she also put down her chopsticks.

He personally helped Meng Shi into the back room, Meng Shi and Gu Yunwan went to sit on the kang, Gu Yunwan gently squeezed her shoulders.

The servant girl served tea again, and after about half an hour, Nanny Feng came in with a medicine bowl. The strong smell of medicine made her feel uncomfortable, but there was also a strange aroma.

Meng shi resisted the bitterness in her mouth, and drank the whole bowl of medicine, Dong Ju took a few steps forward with the candied fruit she had prepared earlier, Gu Yunwan took it, and Meng shi handed it over to Gu Yunwan After eating several candied fruit in a row, he suppressed the churning feeling in his stomach.

Gu Yunwan smiled and said: "Mother, how do you feel? I see that your complexion has improved a lot recently, and your appetite has also improved. I think this medicine has a good effect."

Meng Shi also nodded with a smile, her face was a little rosy, she looked much better than before, she smiled meaningfully and said: "Yes, mother also feels that her body is indeed better than before."

There was unconcealable excitement on his face.

Gu Yunwan looked at the servants who were waiting in the room, and said: "The two nuns stay, and everyone else goes down."

The maidservants said "yes" respectfully and obediently took their leave.

Dongju walked at the end, although she also bowed and walked out, but her face was full of doubts. Since the third girl came back from the outside for half a month, the wife and the fourth girl would always send away all the servants every morning. Mother Feng and Mother Chen were left behind, and the four of them locked themselves in the room and didn't know what to discuss.

The medicine was only started to be taken half a month ago, and the fourth girl personally ordered that no one else should handle it except Nanny Feng.

Thinking of the strange fragrance, Dong Ju felt that if there was nothing weird about it, no one would believe it.

Gu Yunwan looked at the figure of Dong Ju walking out at the end, and said with a serious expression on her face: "Mother, I think Dong Ju seems to be a little active recently, let's find a chance to beat her."

Meng Shi was taken aback for a moment, looked up at Gu Yunwan in doubt and said, "Dong Ju? What's wrong with her?"

Gu Yunwan said: "Mother, my daughter has recently paid careful attention to the maids serving you, Chunmei, Dongju, Xia Lan, except for Qiuzhu who was sent out of the house by you a few years ago, I am afraid that only Xia Lan is a little bit embarrassing." Great use."

In fact, Mrs. Meng understood a little bit in her heart. If she said that in the past few years, her most trusted maid was Dong Ju, but recently, she has also noticed Dong Ju's thoughts a little bit.

Especially when the second aunt and the third aunt came to her room that day, she clearly explained to Dongju that no one except the doctor was allowed to come in, but then the girl let Gu Yunxi in, if she hadn't been bought by Gu Yunxi, Meng Shi couldn't believe it.

Gu Yunwan said: "Although I can't be sure whether there is any problem with Dongju, but, mother, now is a critical period, so I can't help but be careless. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

Not only the Meng family, but Nanny Chen and Nanny Feng were also shocked. The fourth girl's face was full of fear at this time, which made people's hearts tremble.

Nanny Chen and Nanny Feng lowered their heads in unison and stood quietly.

Mrs. Meng hesitated for a moment, and said: "Wan'er, you are right, then find a reason to send it out another day, but the person was sent by your aunt, so you can't dispose of it casually, wait for your mother to think about it. "

Gu Yunwan said quickly: "Mother, now is the time for employing people, so there is no need to send them away. Dongju is also an old man who has been used by Mother for many years. It is enough to beat her. I don't think she is someone who wants to betray Mother. Leave this matter to my daughter, and you will be satisfied."

Looking at the serious-looking daughter in front of her, Meng nodded. Now she has naturally agreed with her daughter's suggestion, and seems to regard Gu Yunwan as the backbone.

Meng Shi thought for a while and then said, "Wan'er, do you really think Xia Lan is useful?"

Gu Yunwan nodded, and said: "Well, mother, you forgot, Xia Lan's old lady followed you from the Yong'an Hou Mansion, and she is the son of the Yong'an Hou Mansion's family. This deed of sale is all in your mother's hands Yes, besides, if it is said that the people we can trust most now are only the uncle and his family, he will never think of harming your sister. The people you selected for your mother back then were all absolutely trustworthy, that is In order to let mother not be in the mansion, you have been wronged."

Meng Shi nodded, his brother was indeed very kind to him.

She thought about it, and finally remembered that Xia Lan's old lady seemed to be the mother Liu who was with her back then, but she got upset with her later, and she was sent to the back door to be a porter and became Mrs. Liu. Said life was a bit difficult.

However, this person whom she detested back then now wants to use her daughter again, Meng's heart can't help but feel a little worried, what if Mrs. Liu resented her handling of her back then, and made things difficult?
Gu Yunwan seemed to see Meng's doubts, and said: "Don't worry, mother, I have taken care of everything. Half a month ago, I went to Mrs. Liu's house in person, visited Mrs. Liu on behalf of my mother, and gave some silver to comfort her. After a while, Mrs. Liu was very grateful to Mother for not forgetting her as a servant. In addition, Xia Lan was working by your side, so I agreed to her and said that Mother would carry Xia Lan as a housekeeper. If Mrs. Liu is really smart, I will also be grateful to you, mother."

Mrs. Meng thought for a while, and felt that it was the same reason, so she smiled and said, "Wan'er, that's why you sent Xia Lan to Jinxiu Courtyard yesterday?"

Gu Yunwan smiled and said: "Yes mother, I guess the third sister will definitely investigate Xia Lan, and then she will know what you have done to Mrs. Liu in the past, so I arranged for Mrs. Liu to say what should be said , I think Third Sister should have believed Xia Lan's words by now."

Meng Shi nodded appreciatively and said, "Our Wan'er is still smart."

Gu Yunwan snuggled up to Meng's side and said with a smile: "Mother, the most important thing for you now is to take care of yourself and add a younger brother to your daughter early. We will sacrifice Xia Lan to hold your father together for your mother, so that we can complete our mission as soon as possible. Wish, mother, are you right?"

She knew that Meng Shi was still a little reluctant to carry Xia Lan through the room, but this was the best way for them.

Meng Shi nodded.

But at this time, they didn't know how deep Granny Liu's resentment towards the Meng family was, so their plan was doomed to fail.

And Xia Lan was the biggest reason for the failure of their plan. This is a later story, so I won't mention it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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