Reborn lady my biggest

Chapter 374 Everything That Collapsed Suddenly

Chapter 374 Everything That Collapsed Suddenly

A pair of madly persistent eyes stared at the cruise ship at sea from a height.

From [-] o'clock in the morning, Wen Maixue stood on the high-rise building of the "Gold Coast", looking at the wedding cruise ship on the sea from a distance, which can be seen in a festive color.

Wen Maixue stood taller than Su Zizeng, and she could see farther, just like now, she can overlook the entire Mo city.This city that gave birth to her and raised her for more than [-] years was nothing more than that when viewed from a height.

"Su Zizeng, don't be complacent," Wen Maixue said as she walked towards the rooftop. The oppression brought by a [-]-story building is self-evident.But Wen Maixue was not in the mood to be afraid at this time, when she couldn't help others to be proud, she was as embarrassed as a lost dog.

Wen Maixue took off her high heels and walked towards Tiantian step by step. Every step she took was so elegant and coordinated.All the way to the edge of the [-]-storey building, the transparent sunlight dissipated all the floating clouds beside the high-rise building.

Wen Maixue threw down the shiny black high heels, and she laughed hysterically: "Do you think I'm going to commit suicide? No."

She turned around and went downstairs, called Wen's confidential secretary to come over, and still ordered in her effective tone of Wen's helmsman: "I want you to present a big gift to the wedding banquet of the Suzhou and Hangzhou families. "

The Wen family was also invited to participate in the wedding of the Suzhou and Hangzhou families, but the old lady was not feeling well, and the eldest lady and today's bride, Miss Su Zizeng, did not get along very well. In the end, the secretary followed the old lady's wishes and Wen Zimu represented the Wen family. attended.

"Miss," the secretary said carefully. Now everyone in the Wen family knows that the relationship between Wen Zimu, the original eldest lady, and the old man has greatly eased, so inside and outside the Wen family, the employees have quietly changed their names. .

How could Wen Maixue not know the tricks in it, she snorted, and scolded these people in their minds, but right now, she couldn't get angry, at least until the secretary helped her finish the matter.

"That's Wen Zimu's own initiative to represent the Wen family," Wen Maixue said bitterly. As long as she still sits as the operating chairman of the Wen family for a day, everyone in the Wen family must respectfully address her. She said "Miss."

"This..." the secretary didn't dare to go against Wen Maixue's intentions, so he could only say: "But the Wen family has already given a gift, and the old man personally selected it. It is a very rare piece of Hainan agarwood."

"Who asked you to really give gifts? I want you to burn down Su Zizeng's factory, burn it down completely, and don't leave anything behind." Wen Maixue threw all the documents on the table, He cursed all over his face.

When the secretary heard that he was being asked to set fire to the murder, he also cringed. It was true that he was an employee of Wen's, but he didn't have to risk going to jail just because of Wen Maixue's words.Moreover, looking at Miss's demeanor and behavior today, she was a little out of order. The secretary was puzzled, wondering if he should tell the old man about it.

His hesitation made Wen Maixue even more angry. She stepped forward and said sharply: "Do you want this job anymore? I order you to burn down that factory. I want Su Zizeng to have nothing." .”

Regardless of whether Mrs. Wen agreed to Perot's request to terminate the engagement, Wen Maixue had no intention of compromising.

When she walked into the "Gold Coast" in the morning, the security guards looked at her with the same respect as before.In the eyes of most people, she was still that high-ranking young lady, but Wen Maixue knew that her heart and body were riddled with holes.

The scene of killing Orleans that day would pop up in her heart from time to time.She couldn't even hold the steering wheel firmly with her hands. Under the influence of fear and guilt, she began to lose sleep. Coupled with Perot's unfeeling, Wen Maixue knew that she was not far from the brink of collapse.

The moment she stood on the roof alone, she had the urge to jump off.She wanted to use her blood and hatred to plunge Su Zizeng and Pei Luo into an endless abyss and curse them.

But she didn't even have the courage to die.It turns out that suicide is the most labor-intensive and most courageous.After giving up the idea of ​​committing suicide, her hatred has nowhere to vent.She couldn't and couldn't take revenge on Perot, so she could only go towards what she thought was the "root of evil", and Su Zi was angry.

"Miss," the secretary wanted to persuade Wen Maixue, "We need to discuss this matter with the old man, or we can contact Mr. Perot."

Wen Maixue picked up the phone, "Get out, I don't believe I can do nothing without you."

The secretary had just walked out of the office and was about to tell old Mrs. Wen the news when he suddenly felt a shaking under his feet, and the sound of cracking and breaking came from the floors.

All Wen's employees at work raised their heads, and the ceiling and desks shook together.

earthquake?Meaux is not located in an earthquake zone, and it is rare to experience an earthquake.However, in terms of the shaking of the floor, it doesn't look like an earthquake.

"The ceiling is coming down," screams and chants of help echoed through the "Gold Coast."Everyone rushed to the escape exit, scrambling to be the first, the desks and chairs in the office moved, and the water glasses on the table kept falling down.

The power supply of the elevator was cut off in an emergency. At the stairs, everyone was scrambling to squeeze down. People were stepped on, kicked and screamed in pain, and they thought about it repeatedly in the aisle.

The shaking of the building continued, and this skyscraper, which was forced to be heightened, chose to collapse on this day.In the crumbling high-rise, the escaped people didn't notice that in the office, there was a fallen soul still racking his brains, thinking about how to put another woman to death.

"I can spend money to find someone, or I can kill Su Zizeng with my car, anyway, I have already killed someone," Wen Maixue continued, her office is on the No.70 floor of the "Gold Coast".

This building was originally supposed to be built up to seventy floors, but after being raised to one hundred floors all of a sudden, the foundation couldn't bear the weight of a hundred-story building for a long time. The floors above the 71st floor collapsed, squeezing the floors below.While Wen Maixue was still planning, the glass behind him was squeezed open by the pressure, and it burst onto Wen Maixue's body like snow crystals.

Wen Maixue screamed as if suddenly being splashed by scalding hot water. She came back to her senses and felt the excessive silence between the buildings and the deformed roofs.

There was a bit of pain on her face, Wen Maixue touched it with her hand, the blood and glass shards made her dizzy for a while.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss..." Locked in the office, Wen MaiXue didn't even have the strength to walk, the shaking building, and her face.
A quarter of an hour earlier, Su Zi had pressed the elevator leading down.In the poorly ventilated corridor, there was a smell of newly renovated paint.

She took a few steps and saw not far away, a room with lights on.

Hang Yishao's voice: "I've been waiting for you to come."

Su Zi was taken aback. Could it be that Yi Shao knew that she was coming back to find her? She quickened her pace, and when she reached the door, the figure standing in front of her made her breathing difficult.

Why is Perot here? The person with his back turned to him and whose face he can't see clearly must be Perot.Su Zi once wanted to turn around and leave, but now she didn't have the courage to face Pero and Hang Yishao all at once.It's not easy to tell the truth to someone.

"Hang Yishao, I really underestimated you," Perot's deep voice carried an unidentified anger.Su Zi could imagine Perot's expression at this time. She remembered the very positive tone of the waiter before, and the "groom's lounge" which was located on the bottom of the ship and was hard to be found.

Perot really came to her?And Yi Shao had already expected that he would come to her, so he deliberately asked someone to change the room.

Between the two men, there was something wrong with the tone of voice, and Su Zizeng stopped turning around.They shouldn't be fighting over her, a woman with only one more year to live.

"Listen, both of you." Su Zizeng walked quickly into the room, and in order to attract the attention of the two of them, she deliberately raised her voice, "I won't marry anyone."

The appearance of Su Zizeng, who had changed her wedding dress, immediately changed the expressions of Hang Yishao and Perot.

Hang Yishao's joyful expression immediately turned gloomy. He looked at Su Zizeng, but he didn't put down the gun in his hand. Why did Zizeng appear here, and why didn't she wear a wedding dress? She should be staying on the top floor now , Waiting for him to personally hold her hand and accept everyone's blessings.

Like anyone who is pointed at the head with a gun, when Hang Yishao took out the gun, Perot became alert.Small cabin, it is difficult to avoid bullets.Considering that there will be a security check on the cruise ship today, he came out without a pistol.

But when Su Zizeng's melodious voice appeared behind him, the haze in his heart dissipated immediately as if he had seen the sun.He called out very emotionally: "Zi Zeng."

This time it was Su Dahe's turn to be in a difficult situation. She had seen what happened.Hang Yishao was annoyed, the one in his hand was a gun.The gun was now pointed at Perot.

These two men are not negotiating in the general sense, but are fighting with their lives.Both TV dramas and novels have repeatedly verified a truth. At this time, the appearance of women often cannot play a role in alleviating the atmosphere.She really shouldn't have turned around and walked back just now.

"Zizen, go back to the top floor, the wedding is about to begin," Hang Yishao looked at the alarm clock on the wall, it was only a quarter of an hour before nine o'clock.On the sofa and coffee table beside him, there was a dress that was exactly the same as that worn by Hang Yishao. He had already prepared everything, as long as Perot came, he would have to pay the price in blood.

What would happen if the white dress was stained with blood.

All three people present understood that this dress was not just for viewing.

(End of this chapter)

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