Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 111 Fighting with a Sword

Chapter 111 Fighting with a Sword
Yun Yun stood up and stretched out her hand, while Yun Shan looked at Yun Yun nervously.Although he really wanted to stuff the jade bottle into Yun Yun's hands, but when this time came, he would still leave the final choice to Yun Yun.

Yang Yan also stopped talking with Yan Lingji, looking at Yun Yun from the corner of his eye, waiting for Yun Yun's choice.Queen Medusa drank tea very leisurely, and her eyes occasionally glanced at Yun Yun, indicating that she was also paying attention to Yun Yun's choice.

The jade bottle that Yun Yun was staring at was fake.Being able to directly improve one or two star cultivation base, no Dou Huang could bear this kind of temptation.

Yun Yun's heart was tangled, and she stretched out her hand, but she couldn't move forward no matter what.After hesitating for a long time, Yun Yun withdrew her hand, and suddenly turned her gaze to Yang Yan.The delicate face became as cold as frost.There was a little sullenness in her eyes, and she said, "Yang Yan, do you dare to fight me? If you win, I will agree to your terms; if you lose, then please ask the snake people to withdraw from the Jia Ma Empire, never Let’s think about Jia Ma again.”

"You, dare to accept it?" Yun Yun's cold eyes were full of determination, she waved her hand a little, and the sword appeared in her hand.

Yun Yun's sudden challenge caught Yang Yan by surprise.Looking at Yun Yun suspiciously, he saw Yun Yun's cold face.

"Sister Yun Yun, that's not acceptable. You are the Dou Huang, but my master is only the Dou Wang. How could he be your opponent? Why don't I fight with you!" Yan Lingji said with a light smile.

A hairpin was slowly spinning at her fingertips, and at both ends of the hairpin, two flames, one green and one white, were jumping, which was particularly eye-catching.Feeling the energy of those two flames, Yun Shan's eyelids twitched, fearing that the sudden explosion of those two flames would blow up the entire Misty Cloud Sect.

Yun Yun glanced at Yan Lingji, ignored her, and said to Yang Yan with an unchanged expression: "I can suppress my cultivation to the level of a Douwang. If I use strength that exceeds that of a Douwang, I will lose."

Of course Yun Yun didn't want to fight Yan Lingji anymore. Back then, Yan Lingji had only one kind of strange fire or Dou Huang, she couldn't even fight.Now that Yan Lingji has two different fires and is a strong Dou Zong, Yun Yun is even more no match.

"That's okay." Yan Lingji sat lazily on the chair, continued to play with her hairpin, and said very casually.

"Yun'er, what do you mean?" Yun Shan seemed a little anxious. He knew how good his disciple was, and he didn't want Yun Yun to beat Yang Yan. This would not only offend the Snake Human Race, but even the Huangji Pill. I can't get it anymore.

"Teacher, please forgive my capriciousness. As long as he can defeat me, I will go to the imperial capital to negotiate with him. Otherwise, our Misty Cloud Sect can only fight against the snake-human race." Yun Yun looked back at Yunshan, firmly Said.

Yun Yun knew that the Misty Cloud Sect and the Jia Ma Empire at this time would definitely not be opponents of the Snake Human Race.What she did today was just to fight for another ray of life for the empire.Even if she loses, one day in the future, when she feels guilty, she can use this to comfort herself, at least she has tried hard.

"Yang Yan, do you dare to accept it?" Yun Yun's horizontal sword pointed directly at Yang Yan, and fighting spirit gathered on the sword.

"This king promises you on his behalf." Yang Yan did not speak, but Queen Medusa said suddenly.

"Xiao Qing, you?" Yang Yan looked at Queen Medusa suspiciously. You must know that once she agreed to Yun Yun's challenge, but unfortunately she lost, her snake race would never have the chance to attack the Jia Ma Empire.Both the snake man and Yang Yan are people who keep their promises. Once the bet is made, they will act according to the bet.

"Yang Yan, my sister believes in you, and I am willing to believe in you too. You will not disappoint my sister and me, will you?" Queen Medusa smiled softly, and she made this bet on the future of the snake-human race. .

"Okay, I will do my best!" Yang Yan said firmly as he stood up and looked at Queen Medusa.

Queen Medusa trusted her so much, how dare she let people down.Bai Suzhen was able to trust Yang Yan because of the system, but Queen Medusa did not interfere systematically. She could trust Yang Yan because of her heart.

This is Yang Yan's state of mind at this time, she dared not live up to Queen Medusa's expectations.

Yang Yan was afraid of snakes since childhood, but he never thought that one day he would fight for snakes.

"Sect Master Yun Yun, I am willing to accept your challenge." Yang Yan waved his hand, and the Sword of Duan Nian appeared in his hand, meeting Yun Yun's gaze, he said.

"Okay, then come out and fight with me." Yun Yun said, afterward, the wings of Dou Qi appeared behind him, turned into a gust of wind, and flew towards the outside of the attic, followed by Yang Yan who also turned into wings of Dou Qi.

"Whoosh, whoosh" two voices sounded, and two figures appeared above the sky.

The ground is too narrow, and the sky is the battlefield above the king of fighting.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, looking down at the earth, the endless Yunlan Mountain is unobstructed and even more spectacular.Yun Yun was standing with her sword in her hand, but she didn't plan to strike first. If she wanted to fight a fighting king first, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her.

"Sect Master Yun Yun, I've offended you." Yang Yan shook his wings, looked at Yun Yun from a distance, said polite words, but took the lead.He knew that the proud Yun Yun would never make the first move.

Yun Yun was wearing a blue tight-fitting dress, showing her exquisite figure.There was a bit of coldness on her pretty face, and her long, soft hair was tied into a noble phoenix hair ornament.There was a layer of cyan illusory dou qi attached to her body, which added a bit of color to her.

Standing on the clouds, Yun Yun seemed like a fairy in the nine heavens, her aura was different from anyone Yang Yan knew, it was her unique noble aura.

Yang Yan flew quickly, straight to Yun Yun, and a transparent sword energy emerged from the Duan Nian sword.Yang Yan is not from the Douqi Continent, his body was directly repaired by the person who gave him the system and then pulled over, so he does not have attributes like the people on the Douqi Continent.

If you have to say what kind of attribute Yang Yan is, you can define his attribute as sword.Just like the Shushan Sword Immortal, Yujian rides the wind to slay demons from heaven and earth!

A violent collision, that strong vibration, scattered the clouds.And this time's temptation also let Yang Yan clearly understand how terrifying Yun Yun's strength is.Worthy of being a Douhuang powerhouse, even if her cultivation is suppressed to the level of Douwang, her fighting awareness must not be underestimated.

Yun Yun is not the kind of pampered young lady. As the head of the Yunlan Sect, she has joined forces with the Jia Ma Empire to conquer the Snake People many times. Her fighting consciousness is obtained through tough battles.

Yun Yun looked at Yang Yan, and she was also amazed by Yang Yan's fighting power. He was obviously only a three-star fighting king, but the fighting power he could display far exceeded that of this realm.

Yun Yun became serious, she knew that she must not be careless when dealing with Yang Yan.If he was lucky enough to win, the crisis of the Jia Ma Empire would naturally be resolved.But if it fails, then...
The grudge behind Yun Yun vibrated rapidly, and her body flew in the sky very flexibly.Dou Qi surged out of the sword in his hand, and shocking energy came out one after another, suddenly attacking Yang Yan.

Now that the battle has begun, let's fight with the sword!

(End of this chapter)

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