Chapter 113 Movement
Fighting at the level of the Douwang didn't have the aura that shocked the whole country like the Douhuang, but it was not a problem if it only affected the holy city of Jiama not far from Yunlan Mountain.

The royal family, the Miter family, the alchemist union, the Nalan family and the Mu family are the top powers in the imperial capital, all of which have powerhouses above the king of fighting, so they can naturally sense the astonishing battle on Yunlan Mountain .One after another figures rushed out from the big families and rushed towards Yunlan Mountain.

In the depths of the palace, a certain old man in hemp robe suddenly opened his eyes.Although the image is not good, there is a majesty that is not angry and majestic between the eyebrows.

He is the guardian of the empire, the punishment of the peak Douhuang.It is also one of the few superpowers who can draw with Queen Medusa during the Douhuang period.

Jia Xingtian looked at the direction of the shocking momentum with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "This is Yun Yun's momentum? Why is it so weak? Who dares to find Yun Yun at the location of Yunlan Sect's sect?" Trouble?" A series of doubts filled Jia Xingtian's mind.

The relationship between the Misty Cloud Sect and the royal family is delicate, like the relationship between an enemy and a friend.Sometimes there would be some friction between the Misty Cloud Sect and the royal family, but if a powerful enemy invaded the Jia Ma Empire, the two would definitely fight against the powerful enemy together.

If it was in the past, Jia Xingtian would have gone later, and then satirized Yun Lanzong a few words.But now, the army of the Snake-Humans is pressing down on the country, and the situation of the empire is critical. The royal family must unite all forces to defend against foreign enemies.The Misty Cloud Sect is a sect with the Emperor Dou, such a powerful support is what the Jia Ma Empire must unite with.

After feeling the aura coming from the Misty Cloud Sect, Jia Xingtian paused for a while, then immediately flew into the sky and rushed towards the Misty Yun Sect.

In the Misty Cloud Sect, Ni Mantian and the others also joined Yan Lingji.When they came, although they saw Yang Yan fighting Yun Yun, they also saw Yan Lingji and Queen Medusa who looked very leisurely below, and they didn't make a move rashly.After asking the reason, he stood in the same place with Yan Lingji and the others, watching the battle.

However, when Nimantian Jingtian Yujian came and Bai Suzhen flew over in the air, Yunshan was almost scared to pee.The strength of each of them is not weak, especially in Bai Suzhen's body, Yunshan can only sense the very vague fluctuations of fighting spirit.Even when he first met Guardian Wu, he didn't feel this way. He concluded that Bai Suzhen must be a high-level fighting sect.

Such a lineup made Yun Shan feel intimidated.Fortunately, he appeared in time at that time, and did not let Yun Lanzong go completely against Yang Yan.Otherwise, those who appeared now, including Queen Medusa, would already be three Douzong powerhouses.I don't know how many powerful people are still hidden in the dark.

Not long after, Xiao Tiangou appeared, and seeing Yang Yan being beaten, he was not as sensible as Bai Suzhen and the others, so he immediately held up a big bone and beat Yun Yun.

"No, it's Xiaotiangou." Sensing the breath of Xiaotiangou, Bai Suzhen was shocked, and hurriedly flew into the sky to stop Xiaotiangou's actions.

A delicate long sword appeared in Bai Suzhen's hand, and with a sway of her body, she appeared in front of Xiaotiangou in an instant.Bai Suzhen didn't use any splendid fighting skills, but just swung a sword casually, as if the energy of the whole world obeyed her order and gathered on the sword.

Xiaotiangou left aggressively, Bai Suzhen's appearance was too sudden, he was too late to stop.Then he waved the big bone and smashed it over.

Between the two, the space was extremely distorted, and two strong energies collided, the sky and the earth changed color, the space collapsed, and space cracks appeared one after another. Everyone who saw it felt extremely afraid.

"Shoutian dog, stop!"

With one blow, Bai Suzhen stayed in the air, stopped in front of Xiao Tiangou, and said in a deep voice.

"Bai Suzhen, get out of the way, she is hitting my master, I can't let others hit my master." Xiao Tiangou glared at Bai Suzhen, pointed at Yun Yun who was fighting, and said anxiously.

"She didn't hit your master, they were just discussing each other. If someone makes things difficult for you, Suzhen will never stand by." Bai Suzhen said. "Xiao Tiangou, come down with me, Xiaoqing and the others are also below."

"Is she really not beating my master, but just discussing?" Xiaotiangou asked suspiciously.

Xiaotiangou, who was relieved, also found Yanlingji and the others standing below.He knew that these people were all closely related to his master, especially Yan Lingji who was robbing him of his master, so he would never let Yang Yan be bullied.

Xiaotiangou learned the truth, felt a little embarrassed, and flew down with Bai Suzhen.

Yun Shan also saw the confrontation between the two just now, and he deeply felt the power of that energy. Under that momentum, Yun Shan felt like a flat boat under the storm that might capsize at any time.

Although there is only a thin line between Dou Zong and Dou Huang, there is a gap like a natural moat.And what he saw today made Yunshan yearn for that powerful power even more.

"Hey, Xiaotiangou, the boss is so lucky to have a loyal dog like you." Sedum put his arms around Xiaotiangou's neck and said with a smile.

"That's right, I am the master's dog, and I will follow the master in this life." Xiao Tianquan said in a low voice.

In the distance, there are also a few figures still coming.They are just Douhuang Douwang, and their flying speed is naturally not as fast as that of Ni Mantian and others like Yujian Flying or Dou Zong.

The aura of the two fighting sects came and went quickly, but they really felt it.They knew that the battle on the Yunlanzong was fierce, but they didn't expect that there would be a Douzong.The aura that seemed to overthrow the whole world scared them to the ground immediately.

Some people were scared back, while others flew towards the Misty Cloud Sect unswervingly.

Above the sky, an old man who was flying extremely fast frowned, and he said, "A strong man from the Dou Zong, could it be that a strong man from the Snake Human Race attacked the Misty Cloud Sect?"

Jia Xingtian accelerated his flight speed, Yunlan and Jia Ma watched and helped each other, if Yunlan was destroyed, the destruction of the empire would not be far away.If it was really the snake-human attacking, he had to rush there first. With his cultivation of the peak Douhuang and the Yunlan sect, there might be some hope.

And Hai Bodong also had the same thought as Jia Xingtian, speeding up the flight.He did not agree to Yang Yan's deal with him that day, precisely because he missed the Jia Ma Empire.Now that the strong men from the Jia Ma Empire are fighting, Hai Bodong has already guessed that Yang Yan is on him.

Hai Bodong didn't dare to agree to Yang Yan's conditions casually.That way, he would be charged with betraying the country.

Hai Bodong didn't dare to refuse, he was also afraid that the entire empire would be dead, and it would be impossible to stop the snake-human race from invading.At that time, dealing with Yang Yan was still a way out.

He doesn't want to be a subjugated slave or a traitor, but now he can only choose one.

(End of this chapter)

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