Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 121 The Passion Lost to Reality

Chapter 121 The Passion Lost to Reality
"Queen Medusa, I admit that the current snake-human race is not what it used to be, but the Jia Ma Empire is by no means a country that everyone can bully. If the queen wants to fight, I will devote all my strength to fight the snake-human race to the death. Yao Ye looked directly at Queen Medusa and said firmly.

"Your decision doesn't seem very rational." Queen Medusa said very casually.

All the ministers in the hall looked at Queen Medusa in horror when they heard their queen's decision.And those generals, although they are also afraid of Queen Medusa, but if Yao Ye really ordered to join with the snake-human race, they would definitely be willing to rush to the front.

Jia Xingtian clenched his fists tightly and carefully watched the three people on Queen Medusa's side.He is Jia Ma's guardian, so he should protect Jia Ma with all his strength, even if it takes his old life.

Now that Yaoye has been appointed as the emperor of the empire, Yaoye's decision is also his decision, and Jia Xingtian will naturally not object.

"Your Majesty, no!" An old minister, whose hair was all white, still persuaded.

"With Jia Ma's current national strength, it is impossible to be an enemy of the Snake People. The Jia Ma Empire has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it must not be destroyed overnight. Queen Medusa is willing to negotiate, and we can try to talk to her." The minister said.

There were ministers who seconded the proposal, and they rationally believed that war should not be started.Those generals who reacted fiercely before did not dare to act too much in front of Queen Medusa.Yang Yan looked at the dispute between the two parties. He just had the mentality of watching a drama and didn't intend to interfere.

Yao Ye didn't say a word, she was just meditating, and she didn't stop the ministers from arguing.

Yao Ye glanced at the location where Yunyun Haibo Dong Fama was.

Yun Yun closed her eyes and rested her mind, while Hai Bodong and Fama were talking and laughing, while drinking tea leisurely.

From the news brought by Jia Xingtian, Yaoye already knew that the two most powerful supporters of the Misty Cloud Sect and the Mittel family had reached some kind of agreement with the Snake Clan, so it was hopeless.Although the alchemists guild has a lot of influence, the alchemists themselves are not that powerful, so don't expect too much.

Yaoye looked at Nalansu and Mu Chen among the generals.The two didn't join in the quarrel, they looked pensive, thinking about something.

Mu Chen is the head of the Mu family, and Nalan Jie is seriously ill, so Nalan Su is already the head of the Nalan family.These two have a deep influence in the military, enough to represent the military.

As a strong man, Mu Chen seemed to sense a gaze focused on her, and when she looked up, she saw the sad face of Yao Ye on the throne.

Mu Chen is an old man, and he already guessed that Yao Ye seems to be making some kind of difficult decision.

"Your Majesty, this old minister is incompetent and cannot protect Jia Ma. If His Majesty already has the idea of ​​protecting Jia Ma, this old minister is willing to bear the eternal infamy." Mu Chen cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"Sir, it's the same!" Nalansu came out and said.

Yaoye is still very young, just their junior.But both of them were soldiers, and they valued the difference between monarch and minister very much, so in front of the young Yao Ye, they would show great respect.

"Two lovers..." The two people in the middle of the Yaoye Hall twitched their lips, but they didn't know how to speak.

From the words of the two, Yaoye already understood the decision of the Mu family and the Nalan family.In times of crisis, the most reliable are still the soldiers of these empires.

Yaoye looked at Queen Medusa, she felt a great humiliation in her heart, as the emperor of the empire, she couldn't keep the land of the empire, but in the end she could only protect the empire by ceding the land and suing for peace.

"Queen Medusa, I can negotiate with the snake-human race." Yao Ye's voice was very low.

"Oh, let's talk!" Queen Medusa didn't seem particularly excited by Yao Ye's words, she just leaned lazily on the chair and said casually.

Queen Medusa didn't think that Yaoye had a choice.Although Yaoye was born in the royal family, he has a strong affiliation with the empire.However, if Yaoye wanted to preserve the empire, he could only negotiate with the snake-human race and endure the humiliation for a while.

Queen Medusa waved her hand forward, and a one-meter-long scroll slowly unfolded, floating in the hall.When everyone looked up, they found that it was a map of the Jia Ma Empire.

But when they saw the content on the map, they were all angry, but they dared not show it because of Queen Medusa's power.

It turned out that on the map in the northeast of the Jia Ma Empire, a piece of land was circled in deep red, marking the snake-human race.

"This king can give you one Po Zong Pill, two Huangji Pills, and ten Spiritual Realm Pills as compensation. From now on, this territory will be the territory of our snake-human race. Emperor Jia Ma, do you accept it?" Queen Medusa said in her mouth, but her eyes slightly glanced at Bai Suzhen beside her, and a touch of tenderness flashed across her cheeks.

Ever since Queen Medusa was promoted to Dou Zong, the Jia Ma Empire was something she could grab. If she hadn't promised her sister not to kill people at will, how could she use such gentle means to obtain a piece of land? land.

On the map, the marked places are not small, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a province, which is why all the ministers were angry when they saw it.

That place is all bordered by the Warcraft Mountains, and you can enter the mountains at any time.The land is fertile and rich in resources, making it very suitable for living.In that place, there are families like the Yancheng Mohist family with fighting power, which is enough to illustrate the potential here.

The Snake Race is full of people, and there are only a few 10 people. The land in this province is more than enough.However, if this place is really handed over to the Snake People, the people who originally lived there must be transferred.It is impossible for the snake people to live with humans. Humans are afraid of snake people, and snake people don't like humans.

But in this way, human migration will become very troublesome.

But the conditions given by Queen Medusa were very attractive, and everyone even began to think about the pros and cons.Queen Medusa sat beside Bai Suzhen, she felt very funny in her heart, these people who were noisy just a moment ago, when they had some benefits, they were so real.

For these civil servants and military generals, they may not be able to use the Pozong Pill and Huangji Pill, but the Spirit Realm Pill is a pill that can improve Dou Ling's cultivation.The generals of these empires are mostly Dou Ling, and they are still very keen on Dou Ling Pill.

When Jia Xingtian heard about Po Zongdan, his cloudy eyes instantly became refreshed.He is already the peak fighting emperor, but the time limit is approaching, and the fuel is exhausted. If there is no external force, he will not be able to break through until he dies.And that Po Zong Pill suddenly raised some hope in Jia Xingtian's heart.

Jia Xingtian suddenly felt that it seemed good to lose some of the interests of the empire in exchange for a Po Zong Pill!

"Po Zong Dan is a elixir that is close to the seventh rank. After staying in Dou Huang for so long, the old man has also gained a lot of insights. With the help of Po Zong Pill, the old man is [-]% sure that he can advance. If the old man can After being promoted to the Douzong, the Jia Ma Empire will be able to have some say in the entire Northwest Continent in the future, and a small loss will be insignificant." Jia Xingtian thought in his heart.

"Queen Medusa is willing to trade such a high-level elixir. The four elders of the snake-human race can break through to the Douzong. Could it be because of the Pozongdan? There should be a high-level alchemist."

"The influence of a high-level alchemist is not small. It is better not to easily make enemies with the snake-human race. Moreover, the young man next to Queen Medusa does not know what his identity is. There are so many people around him." It seems that the high-ranking pharmacist has something to do with him."

"The last time he fought Yun Yun, he relied on his three-star Douwang cultivation to support him for such a long time. Not everyone can do this kind of talent. It's just that the Jia Ma Empire's structure is too small, old man Although I have traveled to the mainland when I was young, I don’t know anything about the situation in other places except the Northwest Continent. This guy named Yang Yan is from a certain big family in Zhongzhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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