Chapter 125 Combat
The energy above the Mu family has become very intense. Unlike the Yunlan sect, the Mu family has the means to hide their aura.

Therefore, the scene here naturally alarmed those supernatural people in Jiamadi Capital.

Jiaxingtian, Haibodong, Yunyun and others all felt this momentum.

In the depths of the palace, Jiaxingtian is also retreating.Jia Xingtian has already taken Po Zong Pill, but Po Zong Pill is not 100% able to make people break through to Dou Zong, it just increases the probability of breaking through.Jia Xingtian couldn't break through to Douzong in a short time, and he was still enlightened at this time.

Suddenly, Jia Xingtian felt a huge momentum coming.He stopped practicing, and looked into the distance, as if he could see the scene happening in the distance through the palace walls.

"Is this Mu Chen's aura? It's hidden so deep. The current empire can no longer withstand turmoil, and I have to break through as soon as possible." Jia Xingtian was shocked for a short time, but soon returned to calm.

The empire does not allow the existence of detachment from control, but at this time, the matter of the snake people is not over yet, and the royal family has no way to deal with the turmoil within the empire.

Wooden house.

The points for fighting the Douhuang are much higher than those for fighting the Douhuang.Therefore, Yang Yan did not interfere with Mu Chen's breakthrough.He could sense that the energy of the heaven and earth changed drastically, and this also showed that Mu Chen would be able to break through soon.

For points, Yang Yan didn't mind waiting a little longer.

The Mu family was still transferring those juniors, while several elders at the Dou Ling level were staring at Yang Yan very cautiously.Yang Yan didn't move, and these elders would not take the initiative to act. Anyway, delaying time is just in line with their wishes.As long as the juniors are transferred, the Mu family will not become extinct.

Time passed and it was late at night.

Yang Yan just waited so patiently, his Dou Qi wings vibrated slightly, keeping his body able to stay in the sky, and looking down condescendingly.

Although fighting energy into wings will consume some fighting energy, but with the support of fake heaven-level exercises, the consumption of fighting energy is a bit insignificant to Yang Yan.Just maintaining the suspended state, this kind of consumption is not even as fast as the pseudo-celestial order absorbs energy.

At this time, suddenly a huge momentum rushed straight into the sky, and then a figure rushed into the sky.

The cyan dou qi covered the man's body, and behind him, a pair of cyan dou qi wings spread out.

Name: Mu Chen

Sex: Male
Race: human

Origin: Native

Cultivation: One Star Douhuang

Among the three major families, the Mu family is the most hidden one.

The Nalan family is attached to the Yunlan sect, and the Miter family also owns Haibodong.Only the Mu family, which is not attached to any other family, can still stand in the Jia Ma Empire.It is more famous than the Hao family, which also has a fighting king, because they thought that in the family, such a big boss as Mu Chen was hidden.

"Patriarch!" The members of the Mu family shouted excitedly when they saw the figure in the sky.

Mu Chen has just broken through, and he doesn't have a good grasp of the aura, so those elders at the fighting spirit level can feel Mu Chen exuding a terrifying aura that surpasses the fighting king.They knew that their Patriarch broke through to Dou Huang and truly became the pinnacle of Jia Ma Empire.

"Congratulations to Patriarch Mu Chen for breaking through." Yang Yan laughed softly.

When Mu Chen heard Yang Yan's voice, he was startled.When he appeared, he spotted the two men in black in the sky.Yang Yan only has the cultivation base of a four-star fighting king, so it's nothing to worry about, but the other one who can fly in the air makes Mu Chen afraid.Mu Chen was still guessing why there would be an unknown Dou Zong expert in the Jia Ma Empire.After hearing Yang Yan's voice, he understood.

When he was in the palace that day, Yang Yan had spoken. At that time, Mu Chen also paid attention to the people who could appear beside Queen Medusa, so he could still remember Yang Yan's voice at this time.

Yang Yan's voice didn't change when he spoke, anyway, once they fought, others could judge Yang Yan from Yang Yan's breath.As for the black robe on Yang Yan's body, it was just a way of deception.

The Snake Race had just reached an agreement with the Jia Ma Empire, and now this "peace" is in a good state, and Yang Yan doesn't want to destroy it.As for the Jia Ma Empire, since they had already chosen to compromise, they would not start a war with the snake-human race.

Yang Yan's "provocation" against the Mu family, although those in power can guess the truth.But on the surface, they still only said to the outside world that it was only two mysterious men in black robes who attacked the Mu family.

In this way, the face of the Jia Ma Empire will also look better.

"Why did you come to the Mu family?" Mu Chen looked at Yang Yan and said solemnly.

Yang Yan has the support of the snake-human race behind him, and Mu Chen doesn't want to have any grudges with them.

"Just for one battle, I hope Patriarch Mu will make it happen." Yang Yan was still talking with a smile at one moment, but at the next moment, his body suddenly sprang out.The Duan Nian Sword appeared in his hand and attacked Mu Chen.

Although Mu Chen is already the Dou Huang, he has just broken through, his realm is unstable, and his strength can't be displayed much.Therefore, Yang Yan didn't have much taboo against Mu Chen.

Dou Huang's combat power is not the same.It can be divided into ordinary fighting emperors and geniuses.Those like Xiao Yan Ziyan, who can rely on the Dou Huang to become a Qiandou sect, are naturally geniuses.And those who can only fight with people of the same realm can only be called ordinary fighting emperors.

Although Mu Chen hides it very deeply, he can still only be called an ordinary Douhuang.He has not yet mastered the power of the Dou Huang, and the combat power he can display at this time will not be stronger than Yun Yun, who has suppressed his cultivation to the Nine Star Dou Wang.

In the sky, seeing the sudden attack, Mu Chen didn't panic at all.He waved his hands suddenly, and the majestic fighting spirit gathered around him.After suppressing it, the blue dou qi turned into a big hand, grabbing towards Yang Yan.

Although Mu Chen already knew Yang Yan's identity, he wouldn't be too afraid.It just so happened that he had just broken through and wanted to try the power of the Dou Huang.

In the sky, the two energies collided, violent vibrations were heard frequently, the earth trembled, and those who were already asleep in the middle of the night were awakened by this vibration.Terrified, thinking it was an earthquake, they quickly escaped.Only then did I realize that in the sky, there were two dazzling rays of light that made the starry night lose its brilliance.

People in the imperial capital are naturally not people with shallow knowledge.They know that those who can fly into the sky are at least Dou Wang.People of this level are the most high-end group of people in the Jia Ma Empire, and it is rare to see them usually.

"Fuck, beat, die." Someone cursed, and then returned to the room, lying on the comfortable bed.But the vibrations outside made people upset, how could they still sleep?

The battle continues, and tonight is destined to make everyone in the empire lose sleep.

The power of Dou Huang is no small matter, and half of the sky is dyed blue.And the sword in Yang Yan's hand should not be underestimated, astonishing sword intents shot straight into the sky, drawing cracks in the sky.

Above the sky, the cyan brilliance gathered, forming a huge cylindrical torrent, which rushed down suddenly.As the head of one of the three great families, Mu Chen does not lack powerful fighting skills.The high-level fighting skills of the Xuan class are even more powerful when performed with the Dou Huang's cultivation base.

In the distant sky, Yang Yan felt a strong threat coming from him, and he became more dignified.After all, he was only the Dou Wang, and he did not dare to be careless in fighting the Dou Huang.

Behind him, the purple fighting spirit wings are the fusion of fighting spirit transforming wings and flying fighting skill Ziyun wings.Yang Yan flew across the sky with his wings quickly, maximizing his speed.

The Duannian sword in his hand was waved very rhythmically, the invisible imprint quickly condensed on the Duannian sword, and the Penglai swordsmanship with the power of the earth level was displayed.With the increase of the Severing Mind Sword, the power of this attack is even stronger.


The half-moon-shaped sword energy collided with the cyan battle energy with a diameter of more than one meter.There was a brief silence between heaven and earth, and then, there was a thunderous explosion.

The strong shock force made Yang Yan's blood tumbling.And in the sky, the cyan fighting energy exploded, turning into countless rains of fighting energy, scattered at an extremely fast speed.

The bursting energy seemed to turn into sharp air blades.Yang Yan, who was at the center of the explosion, was affected even though he dodged.On Yang Yan's body, the spiritual shield became very weak from the collision just now.These sharp blades violently impacted Yang Yan's body, cutting through Yang Yan's body, leaving scars one after another.

"Hiss, it really hurts." Yang Yan took a deep breath, his face became ferocious.

He could feel that there was some residual energy, how about entering his body along the wound, rapidly eroding his body.Yang Yan hurriedly mobilized his battle qi to suppress the energy in his body.

On the other side, Mu Chen's condition is also not good.

Yang Yan's fighting skill level is much higher than his, which can completely make up for the gap in cultivation.The astonishing sword energy just now shattered his fighting skills, but still charged towards Mu Chen.Although the energy has been weakened, the protective energy on the body alone is not enough to completely block this level of attack.

Although Mu Chen resisted the violent impact, his internal organs still felt the strong impact.

Compared with Yun Yun, Mu Chen has a big gap after all, and his background is much weaker.The combat power he can display at this time will not be stronger than Yun Yun in the state of Nine Star Fighting King.

Combat awareness, although invisible and intangible, occupies an extremely important position in combat.

It can be said like this.

Yun Yun has the fighting consciousness of the Douhuang level, even if she suppresses her cultivation to the Nine-Star Douwang, the combat power she can display will still be much stronger than the ordinary Nine-Star Douwang.

And Mu Chen has never experienced a battle at the level of a Douhuang. Even if his cultivation base is raised to a Douhuang, his fighting consciousness is still only at the level of a Douwang, and his strength will be very limited.Without experiencing a big battle, it is difficult to greatly improve Mu Chen's fighting awareness.

As for Yang Yan, having Bai Suzhen, Nimantian and the others as his training partners was enough for him to learn about higher-level battles.

In battle, injuries are inevitable, Yang Yan doesn't pay too much attention to his own injuries.After taking a healing elixir, he continued to fight.

In the hearty battle, Yang Yan used his own strength to the extreme.He likes the feeling of being promoted in battle, and at this moment, fighting for system points is no longer in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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