Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 148 Evil Sword Immortal

Chapter 148 Evil Sword Immortal

1. Nezha, from the prequel of Baolian Lantern, cultivated as Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

2. Wine Sword Immortal, from Immortal Sword One, cultivated as a six-star Dou Sheng.

3. Ying Huanhuan, from Wudong Qiankun, cultivated as a two-star Dou Sheng.

4. Shaqianmo, from Hua Qiangu, cultivated as an eight-star fighting saint.

5. Yan, from the Xiongbing Company, cultivated as a nine-star fighting saint.

"Eliminate Jiu Jianxian and Sha Qianmo." According to Yang Yan's usual style, there are naturally three more interested ones left.

These are two chances to draw prizes after completing the task after killing Xun'er, one is a random draw, and the other is a draw for a designated Dou Sheng.

The random lottery chance has been used up before.Probably because Xun'er is the number one beauty in Doupa, the random prizes are very attractive.

Wu Dongling Qingzhu, Qin Shishao Siming, Immortal Sword Sanlong Kui, Sansheng Sanshi Fengjiu, and Great Ruler Jiuyou.

This prize pool made it impossible for anyone to rule out any item.After struggling for a long time, Yang Yan finally decided to keep humans.

And the result of the extraction is Solanum nigrum.

To enter the magic sword in the form of a sword spirit, it needs to be awakened in a special way.

"Ding, Nezha has been drawn this time and implanted into the sworn brother who is the host."

"Huh?" Yang Yan smiled. Although he wasn't the one he liked the most, this result was not bad.

"Ding! Nezha has obtained the Jinglian demon fire, congratulations to the host for meeting the conditions for collecting different fires and earning 440 million points."

"Eh?" One minute after Nezha was drawn, another notification sound came from the system, and Yang Yan was shocked.

"It's a bit too much to get a strange fire right after birth, and it's the only kind of strange fire. I originally planned to go to Xiao Yan's corpse to find the half-picture, but it seems unnecessary." Yang Yan thought of it.

Regarding whether Nezha can absorb the strange fire, I believe that absolutely no one will have such doubts.

Yang Yan collected the remnants of the demon fire, of course, so that when the Jinglian demon fire was born, it would be less troublesome for Yan Lingji to absorb the demon fire.

"Sedum doesn't need different fires, and the Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan will eventually fall into the hands of Yan Lingji. However, the top three different fires will help Yan Lingji even more. Jinglian Yaohuo has already After being acquired by Nezha, I can only find a way to obtain the Void Swallowing Flame. However, the soul clan..."

In the forest, Yang Yan did not leave, sitting on a piece of dead wood and thinking.Beside him, there is a cloud of purple-black gas, which is undergoing certain changes.It was precisely because of this cloud of gas that Yang Yan was forced to stay here to protect the law.

The Xiejian Immortal had absorbed Xun'er's anger before, and his Xiejian had reached a critical point. What he is doing now is transforming into form or condensing his body.

It will take some time, and Yang Yan is willing to wait.Once Xie Jianxian has a body, he will be able to play a greater role.At that time, all his attacks will become real damage, instead of just disturbing the soul.

At this time, after Nezha obtained the different fire, Yang Yan already had 1464 million points.It only takes 500 million points to upgrade to the eighth level. Even Yang Yan couldn't help but wanted to upgrade directly. At that time, his cultivation base would also be pushed to Dou Zun.

"Wait a little longer, I feel that the effect of the Yin-Yang Xuanlong Pill has not been fully absorbed, this energy can definitely push me to the Dou Zun."

"One month, at most two months, I have the confidence to cultivate to Dou Zun by myself." Yang Yan suppressed a certain thought in his heart and made a decision.

Yang Yan spent less than 20 points, exchanged some materials, plus some medicinal materials collected before, and he had enough medicinal materials needed for the honor of the seventh-rank elixir king. It is better to brush up the refining proficiency first Besides.

With a low proficiency in the medicine refining function, the quality of the refined medicinal materials is not perfect, but this kind of elixir, Yang Yan does not intend to use it himself, just brush up the proficiency.

"Yan Lingji!" After studying for a while, Yang Yan turned on the communication function.

"Eh? Master?" There was a response in her mind, it was Yan Lingji's voice, and her tone was a little disbelieving. Obviously, she was surprised by this remote communication ability.

Of course, in the Dou Qi Continent, some people with high strength have the ability to transmit sound into secrets, but in that way, the distance between the two cannot be too far.

You know, after Yan Lingji opened the wings of the phoenix, her flying speed was millions of miles in an instant. At this time, the distance from Yang Yan was unknown.

"Yes, it's me. I have obtained a special ability to communicate with you remotely. Don't be surprised. You just need to concentrate and think about what you want to say to me, and I can hear it." Yang Yan said.

"By the way, where are you now? Are you not injured? Before I passed out, I saw you fighting against Gu Yuan's clone." Yang Yan asked.

A million miles away, in a high-end restaurant in a city, three women were sitting together.

When Yan Lingji called out her master, Xiao Yixian and Ni Mantian both looked at Yan Lingji at the same time.

"Master? Do you have news about Yang Yan?" The little doctor asked eagerly.

"Well," Yan Lingji nodded, looked at the second daughter, and said, "I don't know why, he can speak in my mind, as if the soul transmits sound, but our current location is so far away from the Black Horn Region. how is this possible……"

"This ability is really unbelievable." The little fairy doctor said in surprise.

"Hurry up and ask where he is, let's go find him, and Man Tian..." The little doctor took Yan Lingji's hand and said eagerly. She was anxious when Yang Yan was injured before, but now she heard Yang Yan's news seemed to be somewhat relieved.

"Don't tell him about me yet, I want to give him a surprise." The little doctor was interrupted by Ni Mantian before he finished speaking.She touched her abdomen, and there was a bit of sweetness on her face.

After Ni Mantian said these words, Yan Lingji and Xiao Yixian saw Ni Mantian at the same time, and their expressions revealed a bit weird.And after Ni Mantian felt the gazes of the two, her haughty face was unexpectedly tinged with a rare blush.

"Yan Lingji, are you there?" After a long time without a response from Yan Lingji, Yang Yan called out again.

Yan Lingji: "Ah? Yes."

Yang Yan: "Where are you now? I'll look for you."

Yang Yan: "I don't know what happened to Little Doctor Immortal and the others. It seems that Sedum should have come later. He captured Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan, and he seemed to have defeated Gu Yuan's clone."

Yang Yan was in a coma before, so he didn't know what happened later, and he didn't know that Ni Mantian and Xiaotiangou rushed over.After waking up, Yang Yan was in the small forest. Beside him, there was only an evil sword fairy who was about to transform.

Yang Yan was not surprised that Sedum was able to defeat the Four Star Dou Sheng.He is the reincarnation of Fei Peng, plus the best teacher Yuding Daoist, after several months of training, it would be strange if he can't defeat Dou Sheng.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyixian and Mantian are with me, as well as Lin Langtian and Xiaotiangou." Yan Lingji responded.

"We are now in a place called Tianya City, which is far away from the Black Horn Territory. Master brother, where are you? Do you need me to pick you up? I just activated a new ability, and the flying speed is as fast as yours. It is more than ten thousand times faster than the sword flying."

Yan Lingji's slightly pleased voice came to Yang Yan's mind, Yang Yan smiled slightly, but didn't tell her.I also just got a new ability, the movement speed is more than [-] times her flying speed.

"Tianya City, right? Then you go there first, and I'll look for you later." Yang Yan said via voice transmission.

Yang Yan looked at the Xie Jianxian beside him. It would take some time for him to gather together, so Yang Yan was waiting by the side.

After opening the Que De area and groping for the location of Tianya City, he also knew the location of Yan Lingji.

Although he has never been to Tianya City, but Yan Lingji is there, Yang Yan can still locate the approximate coordinates of Yan Lingji, so he can start the teleportation.

"System, is there any way to let them know that they also have communication and teleportation capabilities?" Yang Yan asked the system.

Earlier, during the conversation with Yan Lingji, he realized that Yan Lingji didn't know that she also had this ability.

"Ding! The host can spend 1 points to re-implant the memory. Do you want to execute it?"

"Execute." Yang Yan said without hesitation.

"Ding! The implantation is successful, and all characters will know the communication function and teleportation function on the second day."

After waiting for about half a day, Xie Jianxian successfully condensed his body. It was a tall, bald man, a combination of coquettish and strong, and he didn't seem to have any sense of disobedience.

Xie Jianxian's cultivation at this time is already a two-star Dou Sheng.Of course, he is just taking shape, and this is naturally not his apex.

(End of this chapter)

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