Chapter 156 Retreat
Han Yue clenched her fists tightly and stared at the jade bottle.

The price was simply too high, and she simply couldn't compete.This is not Tianbei City, nor her family's territory. With her little pocket money, what can she fight for?
Zi Yan didn't feel anything, she was heartless and didn't know much about money, she just thought it was fun for others to ask the price like this.

2442 million!
Luo Yi listened to the elder's opinion and quoted a price again.

The person who made the quotation in front of Luo Yi let out a breath, and then he slumped on the chair.

In this way, he saved more than 2000 million yuan, otherwise, if the money was spent, it would hurt his family.

2442 million is not the limit of the Luo family.

They just want to try to see if they can get this elixir at this price.

More than 2000 million is just for a fighting spirit to become a fighting king. This price is too high.

"2442 million, the third..." Lin Xuewei raised the hammer and shouted in her mouth. After the third sound, she will also drop the hammer, and this pill will also belong to the Luo family.


Before Lin Xuewei could say the last word, someone interrupted her.

It was a person sitting on the ordinary seats on the first floor. His whole body was covered by a blue robe, and his face was covered by a cloak, so his face could not be seen.But listening to the voice, it can be guessed that this is a woman in her 40s and [-]s.

"I offer 2443 million." The man said.

Some people noticed her. Although these people were sitting in ordinary seats, they had bought a lot of things before and spent more than 1000 million.

No one could detect her cultivation, and everyone knew that she came from another place.

At the VIP seats, no one made an offer.As for the Luo family, Luo Yi did not intend to discuss with the elders of the Luo family, and those elders also had a tacit understanding, keeping silent without saying a word.

The price just now was already their last test, even if others were only [-] more than them, they didn't plan to fight anymore.

No matter how high the price is, it is not worth it!
They could vaguely guess the identity of that person.

Elder Qing Mo of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, the strongest of the Seven Star Douzong.

Elder Qing Mo only added 2 more, she expected that no one would increase the price at this time.Only [-] more than the last No.[-] bidder, and became the final winner.

For something with a base price of 1000 million, the minimum price increase is only [-].

Compared with 2442 and [-] million, the difference is really too big.But as long as someone is willing to use this [-] to test, the auction house can earn [-] more gold coins.

Today's auction ended here, and people began to leave the venue one after another.

Those who auction things and those who sell things have to go to the auction house to go through some procedures.

Collect money for auction items, and some things bought.

Yang Yan handed over the matter to Fu Feng, and he and the little doctor Xian Nimantian left early.

"This friend, please wait!"

Before leaving the gate of the auction house, a voice stopped Yang Yan.Yang Yan stopped, looked back, and saw two people.

One male and one female.

Yang Yan had a little impression of that woman.It was the Miss Luo family who was beaten and cried by Zi Yan last time on the street.

What is it called Luo?

Name: Luo Xiaoyao
Gender: Female
Race: human

Origin: Native

Cultivation: One Star Fighter

Yes, come to think of it, her name is Luo Xiaoyao.

"My friend, I'm Luo Yi. I think you have an extraordinary bearing. If you want to make friends with me, can you give me a favor?" Luo Yi said very politely with a smile on his face.

Yang Yan observed Luo Yi for a while.

He looks about 50 or [-] years old, and his strength is a two-star Douhuang.

Yang Yan looked at Luo Xiaoyao again, but his eyes just moved to Luo Xiaoyao.A blush immediately appeared on her pretty face, she looked shy and very cute.

When Luo Xiaoyao arrived, Ni Mantian was already looking at her very vigilantly.This kind of person who just met Yang Yan for the first time and wanted to invite Yang Yan to her house made Ni Mantian very disgusted.

"My husband has something important to do, so I don't want to accompany you." Ni Mantian glared at Luo Yi, and said arrogantly.

At the same time, Luo Yi was the first to bear the brunt of her one-star Douzong aura, and took several steps back before she could stand firm.

Luo Yi's face turned bitter, he was only a two-star Douhuang, how could he resist this kind of momentum.And Luo Xiaoyao beside him looked pale and looked at Ni Mantian in extreme horror.

The people around them also sensed it. Looking at this side, they can naturally recognize Luo Yi. They are full of curiosity about the person who dares to trouble the Luo family.

"Dou Zong strong?"

"Such a young Dou Zong?"

They were all shocked by Ni Mantian's age, and at the same time, the aura of the Douzong level also oppressed them a little uncomfortable.

"This... madam?" Luo Yi said with difficulty, it was still somewhat difficult for him to face a Dou Zong directly.

As for Ni Mantian's title, she finally felt that "madam" was more appropriate.It's really not good news that the person my daughter likes is actually called "husband" by another woman.

Luo Yi glanced again, and found that Ni Mantian was already pregnant, and he was even more unwilling to let his daughter befriend Yang Yan.

This is the first time Xiaoyao likes someone, and she is afraid that it will end there.Miss Luo, how could she fall in love with a man with a family.

"All over the sky."

Yang Yan held Ni Mantian's hand, and her mood eased a little.Withdrawing his momentum, he looked at Yang Yan affectionately.

The people around immediately felt a lot more relaxed. It's not a taste to be under the pressure of a fighting sect.

"Sorry, I'm afraid it won't be possible today. "Yang Yan said apologetically.

"Husband, the things over there seem to be good, let's go over there and have a look." Ni Mantian pointed to a booth and said, she didn't want Yang Yan to stay here.

"Well, good." Yang Yan nodded.

After Yang Yan left, Luo Xiaoyao stood where she was, looking very disappointed.

"Xiaoyao, he doesn't like you, it's his loss, don't worry about it. Canaan College is about to enroll again, please help you sign up for my father." Luo Yi persuaded.

Using the abilities of the Luo family to teach future generations will naturally be no worse than Canaan Academy, and the resources will be more concentrated, and future achievements will not be lower than those of Canaan Academy students.

But sending Luo Xiaoyao to Jia Nan Academy was just to divert Luo Xiaoyao's attention.There are many equally outstanding young people there.After a long time, Luo Xiaoyao will also forget Yang Yan.

After all, Luo Xiaoyao and Yang Yan didn't have much overlap.

"En." Luo Xiaoyao nodded, her gaze still stayed on Yang Yan who was choosing something for Ni Mantian in the distance.

Ni Mantian and Little Doctor Fairy beside Yang Yan are both excellent, beautiful people and high in cultivation.But Luo Xiaoyao firmly believed that he would not be worse than the two of them.

She is still young and has a lot of room for improvement.

After Fufeng finished all the formalities and Han Yue took out all her things, everyone played casually for a while and then returned to the restaurant.

Yan Lingji has not yet left the customs, so Yang Yan will naturally not leave Tianya City.He also needs to cultivate himself to refine the Yin-Yang Profound Dragon Pill in his body.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to draw a lottery."


1: Worshiping the moon, from Immortal Sword One, cultivated as the Seven Star Dou Sheng.

2. Hexi, from Xiongbing Company, cultivated as Doudi.

3. Xiongba, from Fengyun, cultivated as an eight-star fighting king.

4. Hongjun, from the prehistoric era, cultivated above the Doudi.

5. Yang Chan, from the prequel of Baolian Lantern, cultivated as a five-star fighting saint.

"Get rid of Baiyue and Hexiong..., uh, no, what the hell, get rid of Hongjun, Hongjun!" Halfway through Yang Yan's speech, he seemed to sense something was wrong, and hurriedly changed his words. He yelled out, afraid that the system would make a mistake.

"Ding! The host eliminated Baiyue and Hongjun. It will be drawn from Hexi, Xiongba and Yangchan."

"Ding! This time I won the draw..."

(End of this chapter)

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