Chapter 159 Sifang Pavilion

In the main hall, Yang Yan sat at the bottom.

He didn't take the main seat, he didn't like that high seat.

Xiaotiangou just squatted next to Yang Yan's chair. Although he was in human form, he had never been in the habit of sitting on a chair.

"Master Lei, this junior has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Guige, and I really want to ask you for help." Yang Yan said kindly.

Venerable Lei stood in the center of the hall with some formality.He is just a little Dou Zun, facing a Dou Sheng who is very unfriendly to Fenglei Pavilion, he is really afraid in his heart.

As for the rest of the Dou Zong in Fenglei Pavilion, they also stood aside with bitter expressions.Their pavilion masters have gone to pretend to be grandsons, what else can they do?
"My lord, it's okay to say." Venerable Lei said.

Although Yang Yan spoke in a calm tone, Venerable Lei didn't think that Yang Yan really came to discuss matters with him.

"I heard that the headquarters of the Meteor Pavilion is an extraterrestrial meteorite. I am more interested in it. I wonder if Venerable Lei can retrieve it for me." Yang Yan said.

Venerable Lei was startled when he heard the words.He quickly thought about the meaning of Yang Yan's words, but he didn't give Yang Yan an answer immediately.

"Is this planning to attack the Falling Star Pavilion?" Venerable Lei thought to himself.

The two are both one of the Sifang Pavilions, and a Sifang Pavilion meeting will be held every once in a while.Therefore, Venerable Lei is very familiar with the Falling Star Pavilion.

"The Starfall Pavilion is not weaker than the Fenglei Pavilion, moreover, that Venerable Feng is still stronger than me..." Venerable Lei said.

If the Xingyun Pavilion can be destroyed, the Fenglei Pavilion will lose an opponent, and Venerable Lei is also very happy.

"Is Venerable Wind? That's not a problem." Yang Yan said softly.


Five days later, Venerable Lei summoned the strong men of Fenglei Pavilion and mobilized them all, destroying the Xingyun Pavilion with a force of destruction.

If Dou Zun is not counted, Xingyun Pavilion is comparable to Fenglei Pavilion in terms of strength.But Xingyun Pavilion now has one Dou Zun less than Fenglei Pavilion.

A Dou Zun, in a battle of this level, is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, and the Xingyun Pavilion is completely powerless to resist.

Since then, the Sifang Pavilion among the major forces on the mainland has become the Sanfang Pavilion.

Although Fenglei Pavilion suffered some losses during the battle, they all took over the sphere of influence of Xingyun Pavilion, and after a while, they will be able to recover their vitality.

The Fenglei Pavilion and the Mixing Xingyun Pavilion did not do anything to cover up, so this move.Most people in Zhongzhou know about it.

For a first-class force to be exterminated, it can be described as a sensation in Zhongzhou.

Thunder Mountain.

Wanjiange and Huangquange jointly mobilized to denounce Fengleige.

"Lei Ming, what do you mean? The Xingyun Pavilion will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed. Is your next target going to be my Wanjiang Pavilion or Huangquan Pavilion, huh?" Venerable Sword said angrily.

When Xingyun Pavilion was destroyed, Wanjiang Pavilion and Huangquan Pavilion reacted the most.

Both Venerable Sword and Venerable Huangquan have eliminated Chu, and the strength of Fenglei Pavilion is still a bit behind that of the hall, one tower, two sects and three valleys in front, and they can't deal with those few.

But the strength of Sifang Pavilion is not much different. Now that Xingyun Pavilion is destroyed, does it also mean that Fenglei Pavilion also has the strength to destroy Wanjian Pavilion and Huangquan Pavilion?

This point, they can't help but pay attention to it.

Venerable Sword didn't know why Fenglei Pavilion attacked Xingyun Pavilion.But if Fenglei Pavilion wants to develop, the next target must be the other two pavilions.

"You two don't need to get angry. It's because the Falling Star Pavilion doesn't know what's good or bad. If it's destroyed, it will be destroyed. But you two, it's time to think about your own future." Venerable Lei said calmly with a smile on his face.

"I don't understand what you said." Venerable Huang Quan said with a frown.

"Hey, come with me, both of you, I will introduce two great figures for you." After Venerable Lei finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the back hall.

Venerable Jian and Venerable Huangquan looked at each other, and out of trust in their own strength, they also got up and followed Venerable Lei.

"Hmph, I want to see what kind of tricks this old guy is playing." Venerable Sword snorted coldly and said.

Leishan, somewhere in a quiet place.

Venerable Lei came with Venerable Sword and Venerable Huang Quan.

In the gazebo, a handsome young man in white sat quietly with his eyes closed, and the aura of heaven and earth returned to his body while breathing.

Shushan's kung fu is really the authentic product of the immortal family.Breathing out and taking in, it fits perfectly with the heaven and the earth.

Beside the young man in white, there was also an old man with white hair.

"I also introduce to you two, this is Xu Changqing and Xu Daxia, and this is Venerable Tianhuo." Venerable Lei smiled and introduced Venerable Sword and Venerable Huangquan.

"Two strong fighters?"

After Venerable Huang Quan saw Xu Changqing and Venerable Tianhuo, he was also very shocked.He didn't expect that in the Fenglei Pavilion, there would be two Dou Zuns, and looking at Xu Changqing's aura, he was even a high-ranking Dou Zun.


"Hallmaster, I got the news that there seems to be an unknown force behind the Fenglei Pavilion's destruction of the Xingyu Pavilion. I am worried that it will affect our plans." The headquarters of the Soul Palace, the Great Heavenly Venerable, spoke to the Soul Palace Master Hun Mie said the student.

"Can you find out which ancient family's method it is. At this time, there is no room for mistakes." Hun Miesheng said with a serious expression.

In the past, Hun Miesheng would not have paid attention to incidents like Fenglei Pavilion and Xingyun Pavilion.But now, the plan of the patriarch of the soul clan, Emperor Hun Tiandi, has reached a critical moment, and nothing must affect the plan of the soul clan.

As the name means of the Soul Clan, the Soul Palace must be restrained.The destruction of the Star Falling Pavilion this time was the method of which ancient family, and he didn't consider whether the other party had plans against the Soul Clan.

"The third child has already dealt with this matter in person, and it won't be long before the truth will come to light." Da Tianzun said.

"Well, that's good." Hun Miesheng nodded in satisfaction.

The Three Heavenly Venerable is a semi-saint powerhouse, and he is also the top person on the entire continent.The Three Heavenly Venerable acted in person, how could Hun Mie Sheng not be at ease.

"In addition, the plan for Danta can also be implemented." Hun Miesheng said again.

The Soul Palace captures a large number of alchemist souls, and it has long been incompatible with the Danta.Their strategic plan for Danta was laid out very early, but they were afraid to implement it because they were worried that it would affect the plan of the Soul Race.

And now, the millennium plan of the Soul Clan begins.The Hall of Souls should do something.


Yang Yan didn't really go to live in Xingyun Pavilion, he wasn't interested in that kind of place.The destruction of the Xingyu Pavilion was nothing but revenge for Yaochen and Venerable Feng's attack on him.

The reason why Fenglei Pavilion took action was because Yang Yan didn't know the specific location of Fenglei Pavilion, the second was that the influence of Xingyun Pavilion was too wide for him to operate, and the third was that he was lazy.

Tianshu City.

This can only be regarded as a very ordinary city in Zhongzhou. There are not many big families in the city.The two largest families, the Li family and the Wang family, only have one Dou Huang in each family.

But Yang Yan came here.

The "Tianshudi Yangyan" he said to Futian earlier was not just nonsense, but that there really was such a family.

The five-star fighting saint Yang Chan, the system implanted her identity as Yang Yan's sister.

(End of this chapter)

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