Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 163 Holy Pill City

Chapter 163 Holy Pill City

In the distance, after the scolding sound came, a figure was seen flying from afar.

It was Xiong Zhan who was shot by Yang Yan earlier.

Yang Yan's shot was not clear. Although Xiong Zhan had a rough skin and thick flesh, he was still a little confused.

Xiong Zhan was in a daze for a while in the big hole he smashed out, before jumping out.

As soon as he came out, he yelled angrily, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.He was flying in the sky, the khaki douqi on his body emitting a dim light, like a huge old light bulb.

The breath came whistling like a gun, and the overlord of the Wanyao Mountain Range was so angry that the other monsters in the mountain range were all trembling and prostrate on the ground.

At this time, Yan Lingji looked coldly at the Xiong Zhan who was flying over quickly.

Treasures are isolated and blood is suppressed.

Xiong Zhan, who was still in the air, suddenly felt a panic attack, and a heavy sense of oppression hit his heart.

At the same time, he also felt that he had lost control over his fighting spirit.There was a sound of "Hey, hey" in his mouth, and then his body of several hundred kilograms fell from the air again.

After getting up, Xiong Zhan didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.With a bitter face, he walked quickly towards Yang Yan.

"Big Stupid Xiong, if you attack brother Yang Yan again, I won't take you out." Ziyan glared at him, and his vicious look really shocked Xiong Zhan.

"You two aunts, I don't dare." Xiong Zhan glanced at Yang Yan, and there was a little more fear in his eyes.

Yang Yan's own strength is already above him, and Yang Yan is also related to those two aunts, Xiong Zhan really dare not provoke Yang Yan.

Ziyan is an ancient dragon of Taixu. In terms of bloodline, he has absolute suppression to Xiong Zhan, a monster with a meager dragon bloodline.

And Yan Lingji not only restrained the bear war in terms of blood, but also was able to complete the bear war in terms of strength.

"Well, it's called Xiong Da, right?" Yang Yan looked at Xiong Zhan and said.

"My name is Xiong Zhan." Xiong Zhan said with a smile.

"Uh... it's all the same." Yang Yan said indifferently.

"I can take you out, and you can follow me from now on. Help me with things, and I can help you improve your strength." Yang Yan said, but his tone was not one of discussion.There is something unquestionable in the calmness.

Yang Yan looked at Xiong Zhan's iron and simple appearance, and was quite satisfied.With such a loyal image, his strength is also acceptable.You might as well stay by your side, just in time, Yang Yan also lacks a thug by his side.

When Xiong Zhan heard this, he was extremely unwilling in his heart.He is a noble beast, how could he submit to humble human beings.

Even if Yang Yan is stronger than him, what a shame that monsters do not submit to humans. This is the bottom line and must not be violated.

For thousands of years, Xiong Zhan has been imprisoned by Danta in this elixir, and countless masters have recruited him.Some of those people are much stronger than Xiong Zhan, and sometimes they fight Xiong Zhan with bruises all over their bodies, but Xiong Zhan has never surrendered to humans.

Xiong Zhan glanced at Yan Lingji suddenly, and Yan Lingji smiled.But Xiong Zhan was startled suddenly, why did he think Yan Lingji's smile was so weird?
If he disagrees with Yang Yan, will this aunt chop him to pieces.

"Forget it, there are many benefits to being with this little aunt." Xiong Zhan comforted himself in this way.

Ziyan's bloodline is excellent, and people with weak dragon bloodlines like Xiong Zhan will speed up a lot if they practice with Ziyan.

"Okay, I agree." Xiong Zhan lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"You know the coordinates of Shengdan City, you can start the teleportation." Yang Yan said to Yan Lingji.

"En." Yan Lingji nodded and began to operate.

For this method of random teleportation, the little doctor is very surprised every time.This is not the space teleportation that only Dou Zun can use, even Dou Sheng can't do such a random teleportation.

The figures of several people changed, and then appeared in Shengdan City.

This is a street full of people coming and going, but the sudden appearance of Yang Yan and others did not alarm anyone.Even the person who just passed by didn't notice when Yang Yan appeared.

The person behind him, seeing a few more people suddenly in front of him, rubbed his eyes in disbelief.When he looked again, Yang Yan and the others had already walked away.The man just said "Damn it" and continued walking.Probably, I didn't pay attention for a while, I didn't see these people before.

Xiong Zhan still couldn't believe it walking on the street, he didn't expect that he really came out.The enchantment of the alchemy world was crossed so easily.

After resting at the restaurant in Shengdan city for one night, Yang Yan and others set off for the Danta.

Although the Danta is a holy place for pharmacists, it is not difficult for pharmacists to enter.But they really didn't have the guts to stop a few Dou Zun.

Danta's fairs are always open.There's a lot of good stuff at a fair like this.

"How do I exchange this Xingyue agarwood orchid?" The little doctor is a master of medicine, she has a unique vision, and found many treasures in this kind of place.

At this time, she found a purple medicinal herb, and on this stem, there were silver spots dotted with it.It seems that there is some kind of star power in it.

The stall owner was a man in a black robe, although Danta's management was very good.There is an extremely perfect order, and generally there will be no murder and robbery.But it is better to be more cautious when holding treasures.

That person's strength is the Nine Star Douhuang, although he has some kind of treasure that isolates perception, which can prevent others from checking his cultivation.But this kind of thing has limited ability, not everyone can stop it.

Yan Lingji is the most powerful, and Yang Yan has a system, so he can't isolate it.

The stall owner looked up when he heard someone asking for a price.Just saw Xiao Yixian, and was surprised by his appearance.

After a slight pause, he said: "Xingyue Chen Xianglan, the user can generate the power of stars in the body and improve the quality of combat energy. I want to exchange for a elixir with a grade [-] or higher, preferably a elixir that restores soul power. "

The man's voice was very old, but it was all just a deliberate disguise.

Yang Yan can roughly see his appearance, he is very young, only about 20 years old, no more than 25 years old.

At this age, he actually has the cultivation base of the Nine Star Douhuang. If this is all his own cultivation, his talent is really very high.Even Yun Yun couldn't match this kind of talent.

"Repair your soul power? It seems that your soul is injured? I can give you a pill, but I am more interested in you." Yang Yan said with a smile as he looked at the stall owner who was covered in a black robe.

Hearing the words, the man obviously felt his body tremble, he was silent for a while, and said hastily: "I... I won't sell you, go away."

At the first word "I", he seemed to be unable to control his tone because of some kind of emotional outburst in his heart. The voice was very young. Afterwards, he hastily and deliberately suppressed his voice into a vicissitudes of life.

He hurriedly packed the things on the booth, as if he was afraid of something, and hurried to leave.

Name: Lingwei
Sex: Male

Race: human
Origin: Native
Xiuwei, Nine Star Douhuang

(End of this chapter)

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