Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 166 Dou Zong Gift Package

Chapter 166 Dou Zong Gift Package

The high price of 1000 million.

Coupled with the deterrence of the only open VIP seat, no one dared to make an offer anymore.

Dou Sheng is already the top person in this world, and his number is extremely small.No one wants to have a bad relationship with a Dou Sheng easily.

When Feng Qing'er heard this voice, she looked towards the VIP seats.Just seeing Yan Lingji's figure, there is no need for Yan Lingji to do anything.

Feng Qing'er felt her soul tremble, it was oppression from the oldest god.

Feng Qing'er stared at Yan Lingji, unable to calm down for a long time.

Others don't have the blood of the Sky Demon Phoenix, and they don't have the feelings she has.

Yan Lingji smiled slightly at Feng Qing'er, and then, Yan Lingji stretched out her hand and grabbed Xu Xu.Using some kind of spatial ability, he directly pulled Feng Qing'er to her side.

Feng Qing'er got along with Yan Lingji at such a close distance, and immediately felt close.At the same time, there was some fear of Yan Lingji.

"Hee hee, little girl, you have that thin Phoenix blood in your body, so you can be considered to be of the same origin as me, so stay with me in the future." Yan Lingji said.

"The ancestor god loves so much, Qing'er dare not postpone it. It's just that Qing'er has a family, and still needs to report." Feng Qing'er knelt on the ground, saluted as a junior, and said sincerely.

"She, is this the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan?" When Lingwei saw Feng Qing'er, with his soul power, he also saw Feng Qing'er's real body.

The Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan is one of the three major clans of Warcraft, and they are quite famous.As a member of the Spirit Clan, Lingwei is naturally not a bumpkin. He still knows about the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

"Oh, Sky Demon Phoenix? Then I have some bad news to tell you. Your group is in great trouble." Yang Yan glanced at Feng Qing'er when he heard Lingwei's words, with an intriguing smile on his face , said softly.

Feng Qing'er looked at Yang Yan, there were only three seats in this VIP seat.They are Yang Yanyan Lingji and Xiaoyixian respectively.

And the other Xiong Zhan Lingwei, as well as the purple-haired little girl who disgusted her, just stood there.

Yan Lingji has the noble phoenix bloodline, and also has the cultivation of fighting saints, so she naturally does not doubt that Yan Lingji is qualified to sit.

But Yang Yan and Little Doctor Fairy were able to sit at the same table with Yan Lingji.

Dou Sheng?Or have a special status?

When Zi Yan saw Feng Qing'er, Zi Yan was also very disgusted.The Taixu Gulong and the Sky Demon Phoenix were originally hostile, and the Taixu Gulong even used to feed on the Sky Demon Phoenix.

However, Feng Qing'er was favored by Yan Lingji, and Zi Yan couldn't say anything.She was extremely afraid of Yan Lingji.

Everyone in the venue, seeing Feng Qing'er being pulled up by Yan Lingji, was actually very envious.

Being able to be favored by a Dou Sheng powerhouse is really a step up to the sky.

Feng Qing'er was very puzzled by what Yang Yan said about the imminent disaster of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.And Yan Lingji seemed to have some interest in the Yaohuang clan that day, so she asked Yang Yan:
"Master, what do you mean?"

When Yan Lingji asked, Feng Qing'er also looked at Yang Yan eagerly.

Yang Yan said: "Those cousins ​​of mine are planning to attack the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan. If the Sky Monster and Phoenix Clan don't know what's good, they can only exterminate the clan."

Yang Yan's tone was very casual, he didn't take the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan seriously.


When Lingwei heard this word, his heart was trembling, his hands were clenched tightly, his nails pierced into the flesh.

"Impossible, my Heavenly Monster and Phoenix Clan has countless strong people, and there are also several Dou Sheng Patriarchs. How can there be any power in this world with such abilities." Feng Qing'er said hastily when she heard Yang Yan's words.

She is also very concerned about her own race, and she will not be indifferent when she hears that her race is in trouble.

At this time, she also forgot that Yang Yan had the cultivation level of a Dou Sheng, so she just looked directly at Yang Yan and contradicted him so boldly.

"Hehe, Dou Sheng? My ten cousins ​​are also Dou Sheng. By the way, some time ago, there was a snake tribe who had already expressed his surrender to my cousins." Yang Yan continued softly. .

Dou Sheng?



This level of strength does have the ability to sweep away most of the top forces.

Lingwei's heart shook, and she looked at Yang Yan even more in awe.He has completely lost the influence of Dou Sheng.

On Yang Yan's side, apart from himself and Yan Lingji, there were actually ten cousins, all of whom were Dou Sheng.That is the twelve fighting saints. The number of such fighting saints is already equivalent to that of the eight ancient ancient families.

Lingwei had never heard of such a family in this world, but he did not doubt Yang Yan's words.

At the same time, the confidence in revenge grew stronger.If what Yang Yan said is true, with such help, why worry about revenge?
The little fairy doctor also looked at it in surprise, the person in front of him was really getting more and more mysterious.More and more power is displayed around him.

Whenever she thought she saw the true face of Mount Lu, it was still the tip of the iceberg.

Later, she stopped looking for the truth, whenever strange phenomena appeared around Yang Yan, she just took it as normal.


Feng Qing'er had panic and disbelief on her face.

A race as powerful as the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, how could anyone else be able to destroy it.

Seeing Feng Qing'er like this, Yang Yan didn't explain anything, and continued to look at the auction items at the auction.

Sometimes, call a price.

"The next lot is called Dou Zong Gift Pack, which consists of seven kinds of pills. They are Foundation Establishment Pill, Spiritual Pill, Crystallization Pill, Jinling Pill, King's Honor, Melting Heaven Pill, Void Pill..."

"Among them, Jiji Pill is a fourth-grade elixir, and its function..."

When the auctioneer finished introducing the effects of these pills, everyone was shocked.

This combination can directly turn an ordinary person into a fighting sect.The impact on this world is too great.

Dou Zong is already considered to be very powerful, and there are not many Dou Zong of those big forces. If there is one more Dou Zong in the sect, the impact on the sect will not be small.

Everyone's emotions were shocked by this pill combination, and they were all thinking about whether they wanted to fight for this combination.

However, this combination has four to eighth grade pills, and if the price is measured in gold coins, it will definitely exceed tens of billions.

If you want to barter, you need to take out something of equivalent value, which is definitely a headache.

"First of all, let us thank the provider of this Dou Zong gift package, who is also the guest of the only VIP seat opened in today's venue, Yang Yansheng."

When the auctioneer said these words, all eyes turned to the VIP seats.At the same time, everyone in the venue stood up and saluted Yang Yan.

Not only is he a fighting saint powerhouse, but he can also take out the Void Pill, the eighth-grade pill of five-color pill and thunder.Such a status deserves everyone's respect.

Yang Yan didn't stand up, but accepted the gift calmly with a smile.

When everyone sat down, the auctioneer continued: "Sage Yang Yan said that this combination is not for making money, and you don't need to exchange things, so the upper limit of this combination is only set at 1 million gold coins."

"You can bid now." The auctioneer introduced with a smile.

In fact, the auctioneer is also very shocked. He has auctioned items for so long, and there is no one auction that can compare with this one.

"One Billion"

After the auctioneer said to start bidding, someone made a direct bid.

"What the hell, who is this? Just report the upper limit at the beginning, can it be fun?"

After hearing this price, everyone else was overwhelmed.In fact, many people also intend to directly quote the highest price.[-] million gold coins, buying this combination is really a big profit.

However, they shouted slowly and missed this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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