Chapter 171 Void
When Fu Feng invited Xuan Kongzi into the guest room, Yang Yan was already waiting here.

"Master Yang Yan." Xuan Kongzi saluted Yang Yan respectfully.

This was Xuan Kongzi's respect for Yang Yan, the number one alchemist, as a pharmacist.

"Master Xuankongzi doesn't need to be polite, please sit down." Yang Yan signaled Xuankongzi to take a seat.

Fu Feng served tea to the two of them, and when Fu Feng came to Xuan Kongzi, Xuan Kongzi was already very shocked.

"This person's aura is restrained, but he can still detect that the power of this person's soul is not inferior to mine. There seems to be some kind of extremely powerful flame in this person's body. It is not like a beast fire, but it may be a strange fire. These conditions , if this person is a pharmacist, he is probably an eighth-rank pharmacist.

In the entire continent, there are only a few eighth-rank pharmacists, and I have heard of them.But this person, I have no impression.

An unfamiliar eighth-rank pharmacist.He was willing to be driven by Yang Yan, and Yang Yan's person was really puzzling. "

Xuan Kongzi was thinking in his heart, but when Fu Feng walked in front of him, Xuan Kongzi also saluted Fu Feng, which was a respect for the eighth-rank alchemist.

"Master Xuankongzi is here to give me an answer, right?" Yang Yan asked.

"We discussed it and agreed to give you a chance to absorb the strange fire." Xuankongzi said solemnly.

"At the same time, we also hope that Mr. Yang Yan can help us refine a seven-color panacea and a soul-nourishing pill." Xuan Kongzi continued.

While Xuankongzi was talking, he was also looking at Yang Yan, but he didn't notice any change in Yang Yan's expression, so he couldn't guess what Yang Yan was thinking.

"Of course, we don't dare to break Mr. Yang Yan's rules. We've already gathered the materials for two copies of Soul Cultivation Pill and Colorful Spirit Pill. As for the third copy, we only got half of it.

We can use some other precious medicinal materials to make up for it. I just hope that you can relax the conditions a little bit and help us refine the elixir. "

When Xuan Kongzi finished speaking, he found that Yang Yan was looking at him with a slightly playful smile.

Yang Yan didn't speak, but Xuan Kongzi waited anxiously.

Asking Yang Yan to refine the elixir is not an exchange for Three Thousand Yanhuo.The value of the remnants of the Jinglian Yaohuo that Yang Yan promised earlier was enough to exchange for three thousand Yan Yanyan.

As a pharmacist, Xuan Kongzi understood the value of the painting of the remnants of the Jinglian Yaohuo even more.

And those two and a half parts of the refining materials are the exchange products of the colorful panacea and the nourishing pill.

Although, they are willing to use other precious medicinal materials to compensate.But it did violate the rules that Yang Yan had set earlier.If Yang Yan refused to refine the pill, Danta would have nothing to say.

Yang Yan didn't give an answer immediately, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

"The Pill Tower is worthy of being a holy place for alchemists. I bought a lot of pills last time, and I didn't expect them to get two more ingredients.

Those materials are not just the materials of Seven Colors Elixir and Mental Cultivation Pill.I added a hundred more medicinal materials, and these one hundred medicinal materials are just enough to refine a seventh-rank Void Pill.

They gathered enough materials for two and a half copies, which means that I can refine at least four eighth-rank pills and two seventh-rank pills, with about 100 million reward points.

Why do I feel a little sorry for defrauding them of their Three Thousand Flame Flame with a useless picture of the remnant of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire?Forget it, I promise to help them refine the elixir. "

Yang Yan looked at Xuan Kongzi, who also looked very anxious.After a long time, Yang Yan said: "Hehe, the foundation of Pill Pagoda is really amazing, and I have made up two pills so quickly. As the first ones to find me, I will give you a preferential price." .I agree to your conditions."

Xuankong Zizi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "This is really great. We have already prepared the medicinal materials, and I will send them over later. It's just that when are you going to enter the star realm and subdue the three thousand Yans?" Flame?"

"Then, three days later!" Yang Yan thought for a while and gave the time.

"So, wait for the good news."

Xuan Kongzi got up, saluted again, and then took his leave.


In that endless turbulent space, four islands are suspended.

In this void, there will be living beings.

One day, on an island in the ear, a certain majestic man used some unpredictable means to pull the four islands scattered around the void into one place.

On the four dragon islands, the powerful Taixu ancient dragons felt extremely shocked.

Who the hell is this?Is it big enough?
The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan was divided into four and replaced by the Four Dragon Islands. They were usually scattered around in the empty space, and they belonged to the kind of people who do not communicate with each other until old age or death.

But just now, a strange energy appeared, and the island they were on gathered together uncontrollably.

Donglong Island's means, or Beilong Island's actions?
Everyone is guessing, they have also tried to seize control of the island.But those old dragon kings at the fighting saint level couldn't shake him at all.

Therefore, they can only forget it, and when Sili Island is merged into one, the truth will naturally come to light.

Under the traction of that strange force, after an unknown period of time, the four islands finally merged together.

Under the violent impact, the splits of the four islands came together to form a huge island.

From then on, in this empty space, there is no distinction between the four Dragon Islands in the south, east, west, and north, and there is only one brand new Dragon Island.

"Senior He Fang is joking with us, please show up."

The North Dragon King's voice was loud and spread throughout the entire Dragon Island, and the rest of the Taixu ancient dragons also looked wary.

Such methods really amazed them, even the most powerful Northern Dragon King in Silong Island did not have this ability.

Although I don't know why the four islands got together, but at this time the enemy is at hand.The four dragon islands belong to the Taixu ancient dragon clan, and they don't mind fighting against each other.

"You guys are very nice, I haven't seen you in ten thousand years. The dignified ancient dragon clan of Taixu was made into such a appearance by you, what a talent?"

In the void, a majestic voice came.The souls of all Taixu ancient dragons were shaken, and the eyes of all the clansmen turned to one place at the same time.I saw a person walking in the empty space.

"Dragon Emperor?"

Unanimous, heavy voices came from the mouths of every clan.

The young Taixu Gulong had never seen Zhu Kun.But the information passed down in the soul tells others that this is their emperor.

"Your Majesty, are you back?"

An ancient Taixu ancient dragon, with a hoarse voice, the excitement in his heart lasted for a long time, and tears had unconsciously stained his face.


The ancient Taixu dragons bowed down neatly, regardless of East Dragon Island, West Dragon Island, South Dragon Island, or North Dragon Island, at this moment there is no difference between them, they are the same clan.

The strongest race in the World of Warcraft, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

The clansmen of Silong Island all knelt down to welcome the return of their Dragon King.

There was only one exception, he was still standing, looking at Zhu Kun.

Northern Dragon King!
(End of this chapter)

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