Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 173 Burning Flame Valley

Chapter 173 Burning Flame Valley

Soul Palace.

When Hun Miansheng received some kind of order, he knew that the plan had failed.

Moreover, the dark hand sent to Danta was also targeted by some unknown force.Those masters of Dou Huang Dou Zong who were sent to Danta were inexplicably killed.

Hun Miesheng didn't care much about this.Those who are only selected from the soul bodies captured in the past, and resurrected a batch of cannon fodder, are not worthy of distress.

It's just that some people dare to target the Hall of Souls, but they need to pay attention.

Around Shengdan City, in a mountain forest.

Lingwei's eyes were red, and she was holding a spear in her hand, confronting more than a dozen strong men.

The ten people who fought against Lingwei were not weak, at least they were all strong men above the eight-star Douhuang, and their weapons were very strange.On the dark chain, the black gas is very evil.

However, even so, these ten people were still at a disadvantage in the process of besieging Lingwei.

"Minions of the Soul Clan, you all deserve to die!" Lingwei said angrily, but her hands were merciless.

Although the wound on his soul has not been completely healed, it is not a problem to deal with these people whose realm is not much different from his.

Suddenly, at the place where they fought, a space flickered, and then, from that space, a person walked out.

The man looked old, and when he saw Lingwei who was showing great power on the battlefield, he said: "My boy, you are quite good at killing so many people from my soul clan, how can I keep you today."

Those who besieged Lingwei were all overjoyed when they saw this person, and someone said: "Verun Mugu, this person is the one who hunted and killed us recently. I managed to lure him out today, and I ask the Venerable to help. "

"The power of the soul is pretty good. It happened to catch you, and it can create a powerful existence." Mu Gu old man noticed Lingwei's soul state, and said.Immediately, suppress it.

Seeing the visitor, Lingwei's heart sank.If his soul has not been damaged, he can fight Dou Zun with some special methods of the Spirit Race.

But now, the possibility of escaping is extremely slim.


Yang Yan sent a greeting card to Fen Yangu, and Fen Yangu was also very surprised by Yang Yan's visit.

They had nothing to do with Yang Yan, but when Yang Yan came to visit, they still welcomed him very much.

A total of three people came to Fenyan Valley, Yang Yan, Yan Lingji, and Huaying.

"Master Tang Zhen, the purpose of our coming here is the Nine Dragons Thunder Ganghuo in Guigu. I wonder if we can give up our love?" Yang Yan asked.

"Haha, Master Yang Yan is serious. If it is other items, the old man should hand it over to the master. But the Nine Thunders and Gang Yan are not unwilling, but can't." Tang Zhen laughed and said.

"Of course I won't take Guigu's strange fire in vain." Two jade bottles suddenly appeared in Yang Yan's hands, and continued: "The effects of Yanghun Pill and Colorful Spirit Pill must be clear to Tang Guzhu, so I will use this Two things, in exchange."

When Yang Yan mentioned this moment, Tang Zhen was also shocked, and looked at the jade bottle in Yang Yan's hand.

He is only a five-star Dou Zun now, if he is promoted two to three stars, it will be a great joy.

Tang Zhen was silent for a moment, and said solemnly: "Master Yang Yan, you don't know something. This Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame has been marked by the blood soul mark set by the past valley owners of my Fenyan Valley. If it is not for practicing my valley's skills, it is absolutely It is impossible to subdue it. Moreover, even if it is forcibly subdued, it cannot be used."

"Hee hee, but you don't have to worry about it." Yan Lingji said with a coquettish smile.

Afterwards, Yan Lingji stretched out her right hand forward, spread out her palm, and with a "shua", a crimson flame appeared in her palm.

Around the flame, twenty strange fire phantoms surrounded the crimson flame like stars holding the moon.

With Yan Lingji's mind moving, seven beams of brilliance split out from the crimson flame in the center, and flew towards the phantoms of the strange fire beside her.

Then, several phantoms of different fires around it lit up, exactly:
Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, Three Thousand Flame Flame, Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Sea Heart Flame, Falling Heart Flame, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Xuanhuang Yan.

"This, this, seven strange fires, how is it possible?" Tang Zhen stood up suddenly, looked at the strange fire in Yan Lingji's hand in shock, and said in disbelief.

At the same time, Tang Zhen felt that the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Yan in his body suddenly became uncontrollable, and he came out of his body and flew towards Yanling Ji.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen stretched out his hand to grab it in panic, but couldn't catch it.The strange fire flew towards Yan Lingji, igniting the phantom that belonged to Nine Dragons Lei Gangyan.

Then, Tang Zhen felt that he had lost control of the Nine Dragons Lei Gangyan, and that strange fire was no longer his property.

It's so simple, the strange fire with the blood soul mark set by several of their valley masters has changed hands.

"Ding! Yan Lingji obtained the Nine Dragons Thunder Gangyan, congratulations to the host for meeting the conditions for collecting different fires and getting 31 points."

The different fire had long been integrated with Tang Zhen, and when the Nine Dragons Lei Gangyan left Tang Zhen's body, Tang Zhen's cultivation level dropped by one star.

"I'm really sorry, this strange fire is definitely too important to me." Yang Yan said apologetically.

Yang Yan sent the two jade bottles to Tang Zhen, and said: "Here are the seven-color elixir and the soul-nourishing pill, and they will be given to the owner of the valley. By the way, I heard that there is an ancestor of Huoyun in Guigu." There are some hidden diseases on the body, and we are willing to help fix them."

Tang Zhen had a bitter expression on his face. He really wanted to go back to Nine Dragons Lei Gangyan, but people at his level still understood that the weak did not have the right to assert fairness.

"What else can I say?" Tang Zhen said in a low tone.

Tang Zhen took the jade bottle, seemingly unwilling, but he didn't show it.

Afterwards, Tang Zhen asked Patriarch Huoyun for instructions, and Patriarch Huoyun rushed out when he heard the news that his house was robbed.

"Boy, it's you who came to Fenyan Valley to talk nonsense and trick me into stealing my strange fire?" Huoyun Patriarch asked angrily.

Patriarch Huoyun has Huoyun's hair, and his body is filled with rich fire energy, and his cultivation base is also a one-star Dou Sheng.

Tang Zhen, who followed closely behind, also looked at Patriarch Huoyun very worriedly, he was well aware of his patriarch's violent temper.I'm afraid that the ancestor will fight with others when he hears that he has lost the strange fire.

The influence of the number one pharmacist in the mainland is too great, even with Fen Yangu's strength, he dare not easily offend him.

"This is senior Huoyun, junior Yang Yan, I have met senior." Yang Yan stood up and gave a slight salute.And the same is true of the jacaranda beside him.

"Don't give this old man such nonsense." Patriarch Huoyun waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Boy, you guys want to snatch the strange fire, but the old man didn't agree." Huoyun Patriarch's voice was like thunder, and after his words fell, it seemed that the whole space was shaking.

He was really angry.

The Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame, which has been passed down by Fenyan Valley for hundreds of years, how could it just be handed over to others like this.

"Old Ancestor, it's an exchange. Master Yang Yan gave me a colorful piece..." Tang Zhen reminded carefully behind Huoyun Ancestor.

"Shut up for me!"

Patriarch Huoyun yelled angrily, startling Tang Zhen, and even swallowed back the last half of his sentence. Afterwards, Tang Zhen stood aside with an innocent face.

I can't keep the strange fire and blame me, if two other people come to the door at the same time, do I dare to refuse?
Tang Zhen thought so in his heart.

Patriarch Huoyun looked at Yan Lingji again, Yan Lingji felt very dangerous to him.It seems that with Yan Lingji here, the fire fighting energy in his body has become a little suppressed.

"You are the one who possesses seven and eight different fires at the same time." Patriarch Huoyun was a little apprehensive, but not out of fear. After a pause, she said, "Such a high affinity with different fires means that you have different Fire is destined. It stands to reason that the strange fire should be yours, but the Nine Dragons Thunder Gang Flame has been passed down in my Fenyan Valley for hundreds of years, and I am not reconciled."

"Huoyun, in the mid-stage of the One Star Fighting Saint, please advise." The ancestor of Huoyun's complexion became extremely serious, and he suddenly challenged Yan Lingji.

Yan Lingji smiled lightly, and asked in a gentle tone, "Are you sure?"

Patriarch Huoyun didn't answer, it seemed that silence was the answer.

Yan Lingji nodded and said:
"Alright then, Yan Lingji, Seven Star Fighting Saint Early Stage."

(End of this chapter)

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