Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 175 Visit from Soul Palace

Chapter 175 Visit from Soul Palace
Yang Yan was also surprised when Yan Lingji proposed to accept disciples.

That Feng Qing'er was kept by Yan Lingji's side because she had the blood of the Phoenix.But it's just giving advice at ordinary times, and it doesn't mean to accept disciples.And Tang Huo'er was the only girl Yan Lingji liked so much.

And Patriarch Huoyun and Tang Zhen were taken aback when they heard Yan Lingji's words, and then they were overjoyed.

You know, Yan Lingji is a genuine Seven Star Fighting Saint.How many fighting saints are there in this world?And the patriarchs of those ancient clans were only Seven Star Fighting Saints.

Fenyan Valley's background is naturally not weak, they can train Tang Huo'er, and they can beat Tang Huo'er, and they have made great achievements.But how could this be worth the personal teaching of a Seven Star Fighting Saint.

"Huo'er, why don't you come and meet your teacher soon?" Tang Zhen grabbed Tang Huo'er and said excitedly.

Tang Huo'er still had doubts in her heart, even though Patriarch Huoyun and Tang Zhen were urging her to become a teacher.But Tang Huo'er also had his pride in his heart, so he could only worship someone who didn't know the details as his teacher at will.

Seeing Yan Lingji's appearance, Tang Huo'er seemed to be only a year or two older than her.She herself is very talented, and she is already a Douzong.No matter how good the other party's talent is, his cultivation may not necessarily be much higher than his own.

How can such a person be his own teacher?

Yan Lingji observed Tang Huo'er's expression, and she could guess what Tang Huo'er was thinking.Qiao smiled and said: "Little girl, you must be thinking, how can I teach you at such a young age?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, just like your ancestor, I can kill ten with one slap."

Patriarch Huoyun: "???"

"Of course, I didn't say it to show off. It's just to tell you that I have the ability to teach you. Your physique is very unique, and it is very suitable for some of my inheritance." Yan Lingji said, suddenly a red streak appeared on her hand. Light, pointing forward.The red light entered Tang Huo'er's mind along Tang Huo'er's forehead.

After the information entered her body, Tang Huo'er immediately closed her eyes, digesting something that Yan Lingji had just passed to her.

It will take some time, but Yan Lingji is not in a hurry, she sits back in her seat and waits.

Tang Zhen and Patriarch Huoyun never stopped them, they knew that this was Tang Huoer's chance.

"Guzhu Tang, bring the prescription and ingredients of the Fire Bodhisattva Pill." Yang Yan said to Tang Zhen.

"Okay!" Tang Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly went to prepare.

A ninth-grade pharmacist made a move, and he didn't think there would be a possibility of refining failure.

During this period, Tang Huo'er also finished digesting the information that Yan Lingji sent her, and she immediately had some insights into the blind spots in her previous cultivation, and her cultivation was directly increased by one star.

"The disciple pays respects to the teacher."

After some not-so-ceremonious apprenticeship ceremonies, Tang Huo'er officially became Yan Lingji's apprentice.

Happy to everyone!

"Guzhu Tang, here are some ingredients for refining medicine. I hope you can find them for me. Don't worry, you will definitely be satisfied with the reward." Before leaving, Yang Yan handed Tang Zhen a list. With Fenyangu's ability, he should be able to Find some herbs.

"I will build a space wormhole between Tianshu City and Fenyan Valley. After you find the medicinal materials, just hand them over to Fufeng, or Xu Changqing from Sifang Pavilion." Yang Yan said.

Tang Zhen has no objection to building a space channel.Moreover, Yan Lingji brought Tang Huo'er to Tianshu City, and there was a space passage, which made it convenient for them to visit Tang Huo'er.

After returning to Tianshu City, Yang Yan handed the Fire Bodhisattva to Tang Huo'er. After Tang Huo'er's injury recovered, her cultivation became more convenient.

One day, Fu Feng found Yang Yan and said that someone from Soul Palace had come, hoping to get in touch with Yang Yan.

Yang Yan didn't like Soul Palace, the villain in the original book.But in the two years since Yang Yan arrived in the Douqi Continent, the Soul Palace has never troubled Yang Yan.Therefore, Yang Yan can't say that he hates Yang Yan.

"Uh, the people from Soul Hall want to see me? Where did they make an appointment?" Yang Yan asked.

"It's already outside the door." Fu Feng replied.

"Already here? Then please come in, I'll wait for them in the guest room." Yang Yan said.

"Yes." After Fu Feng finished speaking, he withdrew.

Not long after, Fu Feng brought someone into the guest room.

"Haha, I've heard of Master Yang's name for a long time, and seeing him today, it's really extraordinary." After entering the guest room, the man laughed and said.

"I am the master of the soul hall, the soul is destroyed." The man introduced.

Yang Yan was slightly surprised when he heard his name.I still feel very surprised that the famous Hall Master of the Soul Palace personally found him.

"It turns out to be the master of the Soul Palace. I have admired him for a long time." Yang Yan cupped his hands and said very politely.

"Mr. Yang, some time ago, we caught a young man named Lingwei. Later we also found out that he is from the Spirit Race, and he seems to have some relationship with Mr. Yang." Hun Miesheng said with a smile.

With the ability of the Soul Palace, it is not difficult for them to get some news they want from other people's souls.

"My subordinates are ignorant, and those who arrested you, I apologize to you on their behalf." Hun Miesheng apologized, but he kept answering, not taking it seriously at all.

"What do you mean?" Yang Yan asked, frowning upon hearing this.

No wonder I haven't heard from Lingwei these days, it turned out that she was arrested by the Soul Palace.

"Mr. Yang, we naturally dare not abuse your people. I have already asked my subordinates to release him." Hun Miesheng said.

Soul Palace will not threaten Yang Yan with this.They also knew that Lingwei was not very important to Yang Yan.That's just a person with cultivation that Yang Yan likes. He can spend some resources on cultivating him, but he won't take it too seriously.

"Mr. Yang, I am here on behalf of the Soul Palace, and I hope to make a deal with you." Hun Miesheng said.

"Trading? You mean pills?" Yang Yan asked.

"Naturally." Hun Miesheng nodded.

"Yes, you should also know my rules. Eighth-rank and ninth-rank pills require three ingredients, and below eighth-rank, ten ingredients. If it is not the prescriptions I announced, you have to prepare your own prescriptions." Yang Yang Yan said that he did not refuse to trade with the other party just because the other party was the Soul Palace.

"So, what kind of elixir do you need?" Yang Yan asked calmly.

"It's been rumored outside that Mr. Yang Yan has the ability to refine ninth-grade mysterious pills. But as we all know, the top alchemists in the mainland can only refine ninth-grade treasure pills.

I have heard that there is a kind of elixir called Nourishing Pill, which can make Dou Sheng raise three stars, and I am very interested in it.I don't know if Mr. can refine it? "Hun Miesheng's tone was calm, but what he said was astonishing.

Ninth Grade Profound Pill!

Among the three realms of Ninth Grade Medicinal Pills, it is in the second stage.

No one in this world can refine the Ninth Grade Profound Alchemy anymore, and the only existing Ninth Grade Profound Alchemy is the ancestor of the Pill Tower who survived in an alternative way.

It's been a long time since Yang Yan announced the elixir, but others haven't even got the materials for the eighth-grade elixir.But the Soul Palace came running, saying that they wanted to refine the Ninth Grade Profound Pill.

Yang Yan did not mix the ingredients of the ninth-grade elixir together like the eighth-grade elixir.Otherwise, it would be too difficult to gather the ingredients for four different ninth-grade pills.

Yang Yan was divided into four parts, so it would be easier to collect one material in his ears.

Yang Yan was also taken aback when he heard Hun Miesheng's words, holding the hand of the teacup, he paused for a moment.

Afterwards, Yang Yan looked at Hun Miesheng, and said, "The power of the Soul Palace is really surprising. Give me the medicinal materials, and come to get the elixir in three days."

(End of this chapter)

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