Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 188 Visit by Soul Emperor

Chapter 188 Visit by Soul Emperor

After leaving the stone room, he received some benefits from other places.

For example, in a certain place called Dandian, Yang Yan obtained a lot of prescriptions, as well as an eighth-grade pill that turned into a pill beast.

It was the elixir that had undergone nine-color pill lightning, and it swallowed all the other elixir in the alchemy hall, and its energy became more intense.

However, this is only an eighth-grade elixir, so Yang Yan didn't care much about it.

After a while, the three of them came to the main hall, where the skeleton of the fighting saint was located.Here, there are ten puppet guardians.

"These puppets are able to display the fighting power of the Dou Zun, and they seem to have a sense of autonomy. It's good to be able to use fighting skills." Yang Yan praised.

"Wait for me to subdue it, and take it back to the guardian courtyard." Yang Yan said.

Among the ten puppets, all have the soul imprint set by the fighting saint. Although it has been weakened after many years, it is still a trouble for others.

Not only is Yang Yan's cultivation level higher than that of that Dou Sheng, but his soul realm is also the Great Perfection. It is too easy to erase the imprint of that Dou Sheng's soul.

In less than a minute, Yang Yan erased the soul imprint of that Dou Sheng and reset his soul imprint.

Yang Yan waved and put it into the storage space.

Afterwards, the Dou Sheng skeleton rioted and attacked Yang Yan and the others.But his strength was limited, and his bones were torn apart by the three golden crows, and he got a heaven-level fighting skill in it.

Great Fortune Palm.

At this time, the tour of the ruins was finished for this reason, and Yang Yan and the others left the ruins.

Yang Yan got the materials that the Yaozu people were looking for from Da Jinwu, and Yang Yan sorted them out.

"What the hell, I'm really poor. I only got enough materials for a false pill." Yang Yan scolded with a smile.

This time, the harvest in the cause ruins.

Ninth Grade Treasure Pill, False Void Pill, one copy.

Seven-color pill, eight-grade pill, seven-color panacea, two copies.

Two-color pill, eight-grade pill, Rongtian pill, one serving.

There are some pill ingredients below the eighth grade, and some other odds and ends.

At this time, Yan Lingji hadn't left the customs, so Yang Yan couldn't find Huangtian, and couldn't ask how to absorb the original fruit of Dragon and Phoenix.

Yang Yan stayed in the Yaozu base camp for a while.

During this time, the top ten Golden Crows continued to fight, and countless races surrendered.

So far, the Beast Domain has been unified and all belong to the Monster Race.

Yang Yan also learned some information from the mouths of the top ten Golden Crows. They are already planning to go to that void space to find the strongest race in the World of Warcraft, the Taixu Ancient Dragon.

"Xiongba, come here." Yang Yan opened the communication.

Not long after, a middle-aged man teleported back.

"Young Master, you are looking for me." Xiong Ba respectfully kneeled in front of Yang Yan, kowtowed and saluted.

"Well, here are Rongtian Pill, Void Pill, Void Pill, and Colorful Spiritual Pill. They can respectively allow you to be promoted from Douwang to Douhuang, Douhuang to Douzong, and Douzong to Douzun. The functions of Colorful Spiritual Pills, It is for Dou Zun to upgrade to three-star cultivation level, you will refine it soon, I have something to order." Yang Yan took out a few jade bottles and handed them to Xiongba.

Xiongba was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly took the elixir.He said in his mouth, "Thank you, Young Master, for the reward."

"Okay, get up." Yang Yan said calmly.

Xiongba was drawn in the last lottery for the Dou Wang, and his cultivation was three-star Dou Wang at that time.Because Yang Yan didn't have the ingredients for Rongtian Pill, he didn't improve his cultivation.

This time, it's just right to make up a portion of Rongtian Pill.As for the Void Pill, Yang Yan still has it in stock.

After giving Xiongba the elixir, he asked him to find a place to absorb the elixir.It would take several hours for the four pills to be completely absorbed.

"I sorted out the inventory. There are materials collected by the top ten Golden Crows in the Beast Realm, collected by Lin Langtian and Bai Suzhen in the Northwest Continent, collected by Xu Changqing in the Zhongsifang Pavilion, and purchased by myself in Zhongzhou. Dan's materials have also been collected more than half, and after a while, they should be able to gather together.

As for the Nourishing Pill, there are two copies, so you can directly exchange it for a few points.

Ask Dan, there is almost one copy. "

"System, make up two nourishing pills and one asking pill." Yang Yan gave the order.

"Ding! The exchange was successful."


After the refining was successful, Yang Yan gave the Wendao Pill to Bai Suzhen, raising her cultivation level to Fighting Saint.He gave her another Nourishing Pill.

Afterwards, Yang Yan gave Lin Langtian another Nourishing Pill.He is the chief person in charge of the Northwest Continent, with higher strength and able to control the situation.

One day later, after Xiong Ba had absorbed four pills, he found Yang Yan.

At this time, Xiongba's cultivation was already an eight-star Dou Zun.Putting it on the entire continent, it can be regarded as one of the strongest.

"Xiongba, I have a task for you. You go to the Eastern Continent. I have never been there. It is not developed and has abundant resources. I want you to form a sect and integrate the various sects in the Eastern Continent."

"Yes." Hearing this, Xiong Ba hurriedly clasped his fists and said.His heart was also very throbbing.

He was already ambitious, and he was very good at this kind of ruling party.

"By the way, since I became the number one pharmacist in Zhongzhou, many casual cultivators want to join me. Among these people, there are many who have Dou Zun and Dou Zong, so you should also take them with you.

Ask Fu Feng to go with you as well, to take care of you. "Yang Yan ordered.

"Yes." Xiongba replied loudly.

"Master, someone from the Soul Clan is here, looking for you to refine elixir." One day, Yang Yan received a message from Huaying.

When Yang Yan said that the people of the soul clan asked him to make a deal, he was also happy.As one of the Eight Great Ancient Clans, the Soul Clan has an extremely rich collection, and they were able to find Yang Yan, which meant that the pills they needed must be the top ones.After all, among the soul clan, there are also ninth-rank pharmacists who can refine ninth-rank treasure pills and low-level pills, so they can refine them themselves.

After returning to Tianshu City, it was Emperor Huntian himself who made the deal with Yang Yan.Although the soul clan was stared at by the ancient clan, but the soul emperor still did not hide his heart.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Mr. Yang Yan is still handsome." Hun Tiandi said leisurely while holding a teacup.

When Emperor Hun Tian sensed Yang Yan's vigorous fighting spirit, he was calm on the surface, but there was an uproar in his heart.

When I met Yang Yan some time ago, Yang Yan only set you up for one star, and it didn't take long for Yang Yan's aura to make Emperor Hun feel threatened.

Yang Yan didn't hide his cultivation level, that is, the eight-star Dou Sheng, in the entire Dou Qi Continent, except for those few people of his own, he could count on one hand the people with a higher cultivation base than him.

"I came here this time just to buy a few elixir, is Mr. Yang Yan willing to complete this deal with my soul clan?" Hun Tiandi asked.

"Why not?" Yang Yan asked back.

Emperor Hun Tian knew that Nezha belonged to Yang Yan, and Nezha destroyed the plan of the Soul Clan against the Stone Clan last time, which meant that Yang Yan was aware of the activities of the Soul Clan.

Emperor Hun Tian didn't know what Yang Yan was like, and the reputation of the Hun Clan was really bad.He was still worried, and Yang Yanwei had a grudge because of this.

"Haha, Mr. Yang Yan is really straightforward." Hun Tiandi laughed loudly.

"I need a ninth-grade golden pill, four nourishing pills, and ten soul-nourishing pills for my visit." After the Emperor Huntian finished speaking, he kept watching Yang Yan.

Yang Yan was silent for a moment when he heard this.But in his heart he was moved by the generosity of the Soul Clan.

"You should know the rules of my refining medicine." Yang Yan looked at Emperor Huntian and said calmly.

"Naturally, there is a lot of medicinal materials needed." Hun Tiandi said.

"The background of the soul clan is really the envy of the juniors. Then, keep the medicinal materials, and come to get the medicine in three days."

Yang Yan said.

Emperor Huntian kept watching Yang Yan, and his expression was always calm when he saw Yang Yan.

In three days, one ninth-rank golden pill and four ninth-rank precious pills did not hesitate at all.

Of course, Hun Tian Di Bi did not doubt that Yang Yan did not have the ability to refine this level of elixir.

After all, Hun Mie Sheng's cultivation had indeed been promoted to Nine Star Fighting Saint.

Even the Ninth Grade Profound Pill can be refined, so why not boldly speculate that Yang Yan can indeed refine the Ninth Grade Golden Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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