Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 191 Opening of the Heavenly Tomb

Chapter 191 Opening of the Heavenly Tomb

With a bang, the Nine Star Dou Zun of the Stone Clan was blown away, but the Soul Jade remained motionless.

"Elder Shi Li, are you alright?" The people of the Stone Clan hurriedly helped the man up.

The current Stone Clan has suffered the massacre of the Soul Clan, and there are not many masters in the clan.And the stone power of the Nine Star Dou Zun, ranked among the top ten cultivation bases of the Stone Clan, they can't afford to lose it.

"Hun Dan, we have already admitted defeat, you still dare to make a move?" the Stone Clan member said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I confiscated it on a whim. Of course, if you are not convinced, you can continue to be a master." Hunyu said nonchalantly.

"You" the people of the Stone Clan are angry, but there is nothing they can do.

Just now, when Soul Jade made a move, even their elders were blown away, and the others would still be the opponents of Soul Jade.

Seeing that no one was fighting, Hun Yu jumped off the ring and walked towards her own camp.

After that, some people fought a few more times.However, they didn't have any deep hatred, they just wanted to play casually when they saw hunting.

After that, Yang Yan left, and before he left, he asked Xiao Tiangou to pay special attention to some people.

After returning to the resting place of the Spirit Race.

"Young Master Yang, I found out, there are still three days before the spaces leading to the ancient world will be opened." Lingwei said to Yang Yan.

"Oh, let's wait." Yang Yan said,
Afterwards, people came one after another, and at this time, except for the Xiao Clan, representatives of the other clans had already arrived.

Three days later.

A voice spread throughout the ancient holy city.

"Everyone, the space gate leading to the ancient world has been opened. Please go to the space boat that our family has prepared for you. In the ancient world, someone will welcome you."

Following the sound, the people in the ancient holy city immediately moved.

The space boat prepared is very grand, and it is not a problem at all to accommodate a hundred people.

Although Yang Yan only had three people, in order to show respect for the Spirit Race, it was still a single spaceship.

Just as he was about to set off, a voice resounding through heaven and earth suddenly remembered.

"Haha, the Heavenly Tomb is open, how can I miss my Xiao Clan."

Xiao family?

Everyone heard it and stopped moving forward, expressing their curiosity about the sudden sound.

"Didn't the Xiao Clan be destroyed a thousand years ago? Where did the Xiao Clan come from?"

In the Soul Clan camp, an old man frowned, opened his consciousness, and searched around, but he still couldn't find the source of the voice.

"Is this a Dou Sheng? How could the Xiao Clan still have a Dou Sheng?" Hun Qianmo said in surprise.

Everyone also guessed and waited.

I saw that a space wormhole suddenly appeared in the sky, and then two people walked out of it.

A majestic man, a handsome young man.

When Hun Qianmo saw that majestic man, he felt that his cultivation was actually a four-star Dou Sheng.Hun Qianmo pondered for a while, then was suddenly shocked, and exclaimed: "This is Xiao Chen, blood ax Xiao Chen, how could he still be alive?"

"Ancestor, you mean he is really from the Xiao Clan?" Hunfeng asked in surprise.

The Xiao Clan has been destroyed for thousands of years, although there is a glorious history of the Xiao Clan's destruction in the Soul Clan.But there is no such clear record about the people of the Xiao clan back then.

Young people like Hunfenghunyu naturally don't know Xiao Chen.

The four ancient races of the Soul Clan are led by Hun Qianmo, an old six-star fighting saint, so their Soul Clan knows Xiao Chen's information.

As for the rest of you, the leaders are at most only half-holy-level elders.Thousands of years ago, they were young, or not born at all.They also couldn't guess Xiao Chen's identity.

However, in the sky, Xiao Chen's aura is extremely oppressive, and other people can also know that this is a real fighting saint.

"Since you are a friend of the Xiao Clan, please board the spaceship." An elder of the Gu Clan greeted.

Yang Yan looked at Xiao Chen, and then used the system to check the information of the young man beside Xiao Chen.

Name: Nezha

Sex: Male
Race: human

Source: Prelude to the Lotus Lantern
Cultivation level: Nine Star Fighting Saint

At this time, the young man beside Xiao Chen looked at Yang Yan, blinked at Yang Yan, and Yang Yan smiled knowingly.

Nezha subdued Jinglian Yaohuo, and at the same time inherited the blood slaves of Jinglian Yaohuo.Among them, the strongest one is naturally Xiao Chen.

Jinglian Yaohuo cannot completely control Xiao Chen, but Nezha can.

This time, Nezha got the information about the opening of the Heavenly Tomb from Xiao Chen, and he rushed over with Xiao Chen out of fun.

After all, Nezha stayed in Yang Yan's residence for a while, and there were many people who visited Yang Yan at that time.So there are many people who know Nezha.

Nezha used the transformation technique to change his image, and at the same time his aura was also restrained, showing only the six-star Dou Zun, neither high nor low.

Entered the ancient world through the space boat.

This is a self-contained space with ample aura, several times that of the outside world.

This can be regarded as an advantage of the ancient people.

"Hun Qianmo? I didn't expect you to lead the team yourself?" After entering the ancient world, someone from the ancient clan recognized Hun Qianmo and said in surprise.

To other tribes, the leaders are only half saints, only the soul tribe is led by a fighting saint.

"Hey, I've rested for a long time, come out to play with the children." Hun Qianmo said nonchalantly.

"This is, Blood Ax Xiao Chen?"

A fighting saint of the ancient clan recognized Xiao Chen and said in surprise.

They would not doubt Xiao Chen's identity at all.In ancient times, the Xiao Clan and the Gu Clan had a good relationship, so they were naturally very clear about the strong members of the Xiao Clan.

"The Heavenly Tomb is open, I wonder if the Gu Clan still welcome people from my Xiao Clan?" Xiao Chen's voice was very loud.

The battle sage from the ancient clan had a bitter expression upon hearing the words.For thousands of years, the Gu Clan has been fighting for the quota of the Xiao Clan and enjoyed all the benefits.But now that Xiao Chen appeared, they had no choice but to hand over this quota.

That Xiao Chen is not a reasonable person.

"Who is this little friend?" Dou Sheng of the ancient clan looked at the young man beside Xiao Chen and asked.

"This is the exiled blood of the Xiao clan, named Xiao Zha." Xiao Chen said. |
"Looking at his age, he shouldn't be more than 20 years old. He is also a six-star Dou Zun at such a young age, what a talent. Presumably, this little friend who entered the Heavenly Tomb this time?"

Regarding Xiao Chen's answer, the Gu Clan Dou Sheng would not doubt it.They naturally knew that there was indeed a Xiao family outside.It should be that after Xiao Chen found the Xiao family, he brought people with outstanding talents.

After entering the ancient world, the ancients went through another blood test.But, this time, without Xun'er, they didn't have any divine bloodlines.

After that, a few more days passed.

The cemetery is officially opened.

The ancient clan guards the tomb, so there are more quotas than other groups.Although Nezha used one quota from the Xiao Clan, the Gu Clan still had three quotas.

As for the other clans, there are two quotas.

Originally, others still had doubts about Yang Yan, but Lingwei showed the spirit clan pattern, confirming his identity.The quota of the spirit clan used by the Xiaotian dog enters it.

(End of this chapter)

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