Dou Po Zhi Zhan Summoning System

Chapter 193 The disaster of extinction

Chapter 193 The disaster of extinction
ancient world.

Not long after the celestial tomb was opened and representatives of various ethnic groups entered the celestial tomb.

Hun Qianmo suddenly appeared and said to a fighting saint of the ancient clan.

"Friends of the ancient clan, I really want to ask for something when I come here this time."

The fighting saint of the ancient clan was named Tongxuan, and everyone who became a fighting saint had a high status in the ancient clan.

"I don't think we have anything to say with the Soul Clan." Tongxuan said in a bad tone.

For the Soul Clan, the Gu Clan would not have the slightest liking for them.

"That's wrong. Except for the ancient clan, no one else can help us with this favor." Hun Qianmo said kindly.

"What's the matter?" Although Elder Tongxuan didn't like the people of the Soul Clan, he still wanted to see the plans of the Soul Clan, so he asked.

"Borrow jade." Hun Qianmo said.

At this time, Elder Guyang from the Gu Clan suddenly rushed out and came to Hun Qianmo's side, he said: "The ancient jade has been obtained, we can do it now."

I saw that Gu Yang was holding a piece of ancient and simple jade in his hand, Elder Tongxuan was shocked when he saw that piece of jade.

That is Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

Elder Tongxuan's thoughts were flying wildly, and he figured it out after a while.

He didn't expect that the Soul Clan's ambitions would be so great, and they would pay attention to the Dao Gu Clan.

"The Soul Clan snatched the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, the situation is urgent, please notify the Clan Head immediately." Elder Tongxuan saw it loudly, and asked the rest of the ancient Clan to send a letter for help.

The people of the Gu clan moved, but Elder Tongxuan immediately attacked Gu Yang, wanting to snatch Tuoshe Gudiyu back.

Seeing that the ancient jade had already been obtained, Hun Qianmo no longer held back, and immediately went to meet Elder Tongxuan.And with Hun Qianmo's six-star Dou Sheng cultivation base, he will soon defeat Tong Xuan.

Fighting Saint made a move with great force, and the people of the ancient clan and people from other forces who remained in the ancient clan felt it.

At this time, a pitch-black gas suddenly appeared above the ancient world, covering the entire ancient world.

At the same time, space passages appeared out of thin air, and a steady stream of strong soul clan raced through the space passages, and then hunted and killed those who stayed in the ancient clan.

The battle started instantly, and fierce collisions were happening everywhere.There were endless screams, and countless people were lost.

"Senior of the Soul Clan, I am not from the Ancient Clan, please let us go."

Some people couldn't bear the pressure and begged for mercy from the soul clan.

They believed that the Soul Clan's action against the Gu Clan must be to understand the grievances.After all, the people who can come here are all people with high status in Zhongzhou.

People without identity will not be invited by the ancients.

"Okay, let's go." A fighting saint of the soul clan said.

"Thank you very much." The man was overjoyed and flew into the air, trying to find an exit from the ancient world.

However, as soon as their bodies came into contact with the black gas in the air, their bodies instantly turned into nothingness.

Anyone who comes into contact with the black gas will be swallowed by their bodies.Only the strong fighters can barely resist the devouring power.

"Hun Jing, Hun Yan, do you dare to take action against people from my ancient clan and deceive me that there is no one in my ancient clan?"

Suddenly, a shout of anger came from the sky, and immediately after that, three figures came from the sky.

These three people are the three immortals of the ancient clan.

Gu Dao made a bold move, attacking the soul mirror in the sky that was absorbing the blood of Emperor Dou of an ancient clan Dou Sheng.

Soul Mirror didn't look at Gu Dao, and continued to absorb the power of blood.Attack at random, attacking the ancient road.

Seeing the attack, Gu Dao's expression changed drastically, and he quickly withdrew his hands to defend.


With an explosion, Gu Dao was knocked into the air.

"Nine Star Fighting Saint, how is it possible?"

After Gu Dao stabilized his body, he looked at Soul Mirror in horror.

The Four Demon Sages of the Soul Clan and the Three Immortals of the Ancient Clan were people of equal strength, but this time.Gu Dao was wounded by the casual blow of Soul Mirror.

The other two of the three immortals of the ancient clan also looked at the soul mirror in shock.

"Let's start together."

The three looked at each other and shot without hesitation.

Nine Star Dou Sheng, this realm is already the top level in the world.The Patriarch of the Gu Clan, Gu Yuan, was only of this power.

The three immortals of the ancient clan are not thinking about how the soul mirror broke through to the Nine Star Fighting Saint, this is no longer important.

The most urgent task at the moment is to stop Soul Mirror and prevent him from killing more.

At the same time, facing the three immortals of the ancient clan, Soul Mirror did not dare to be careless, and gave up the previous Dou Sheng to deal with it with all his strength.

However, even with one against three, Soul Mirror still has the upper hand, but it may take some time to completely kill the three ancient immortals.

On the other side, under the leadership of King Heiyu, the Heiyu army also fought hard against the soul mirror.

It's just that, although there are a lot of people in the Black Annihilation Army, and they have the blessing of the formation, it is really too reluctant to deal with a Nine-Star Fighting Saint.

In another place, a fierce battle also took place.

When Hun Qianmo killed Elder Tongxuan, Gu Yuan already felt something was wrong. He wanted to show up to check the situation.But was stopped by two people.

Hun Sha Hun Tu is another two nine-star peak fighting saints.

There were so many Nine Star Fighting Saints in the Soul Clan, Gu Yuan soon realized that something was wrong.

However, it may be difficult for two nine-star peak fighters to completely kill Gu Yuan, but it is still possible to hold him back, otherwise he will interfere with other places.

The ancient world is a world of its own. Although it is much smaller than a big world like the Dou Qi Continent, it still has an extremely wide area.

Emperor Huntian himself took action, using the power of devouring, to devour the entire ancient world.

Although there is no Void Swallowing Flame, he himself has comprehended the Law of Swallowing.With the power of devouring, he can not only isolate the ancient world from the outside world, but also completely swallow the entire ancient world.

The four Nine-Star Fighting Saints of the Soul Clan are enough to wipe out those few people in the ancient world who can prevent him from devouring the ancient world.

Gather all eight pieces of ancient jade and lead out to Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion.

The purpose of Emperor Huntian has not changed.

This time, his target was set on the ancient clan.

The four Nourishing Pills he got from Yang Yan made the Soul Clan have four more Nine-Star Fighting Saints, so he had the confidence to directly attack the Gu Clan.

The Soul Clan can only attack the Gu Clan first.

Otherwise, once the Gu clan is aware of Yang Yan's existence, with the background of the Gu clan, they can also increase several high-level combat forces in a short time.

That would be too detrimental to Emperor Huntian's plan.

As for the other clans, it would be good if they didn't find out about the destruction of the ancient clan.He can continue to think in this way.

It doesn't matter if you find out.

Absorbed the resources of the ancient race.

Even if there are a few remaining clans united, Emperor Huntian can fight against the whole world with the power of one clan.

Among the ancient clan, it was appalling.The soul clan massacred wantonly, and the Doudi blood of those ancient clansmen was also swallowed by the soul emperor.

Hun Yan and Soul Mirror solved their respective opponents, and found people from the Stone Clan. After robbing the ancient jade of the Stone Clan, they handed over all the ancient jade to Emperor Huntian.

Afterwards, the Four Demon Saints joined forces to deal with Gu Yuan.

Four nine-star peak battle saints shot at the same time, with such a formation, even if Xiao Xuan was resurrected, he could only drink hatred.How could Gu Yuan hold on.

At this point, the ancient clan was destroyed.

The Soul Clan obtained the resources of the Ancient Clan.

Some powerful people who came to the soul clan to observe the ceremony were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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