Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 114 The unreasonable look looks like jealousy 3

Chapter 114 The unreasonable look looks like jealousy 3
"Master Gu thinks highly of Qing Wu!"

Zhen Yiyi said with a pun: "Qing Wu was also forced to make a living, so she thought of making money in this way to make a living, and the three young masters laughed at her!"

She said this on purpose to Nan Fengjinlin. If he hadn't kicked her out, she wouldn't have had such an idea. If he hadn't had the cheek to ask her for money, she wouldn't have forced It made her work harder to run a good magazine!
"Then again, the girl's idea is really special, beyond the imagination of ordinary people, I am very impressed. I am very interested in the girl's idea. I wonder if the girl is willing to cooperate with me?"

These three people seem to be idle and not engaged in business, but in fact they all have their own businesses in private!

Zhen Yiyi asked with interest: "I don't know how Young Master Gu plans to cooperate with Qingwu?"

If you want to make your magazine bigger, it will be a matter of time to find someone to cooperate with!
After all, a person's abilities are limited!
In addition, she doesn't know the overall situation of the country very well. If someone with strong financial resources and knowledge of the market helps her, the situation will be very different!
"I can provide Qingwu girl with all the cost of making this booklet, and I can also help you sell this booklet to all over the country, what do you think?"

He lingers in the flowers all day, he understands women better than women, and there is nothing more important to women than beauty!

Therefore, he has every reason to believe that the few thin pieces of paper in his hand can bring him a lot of profit!
After hearing his conditions, Zhen Yiyi was moved!
Needless to say, this is a great idea!
With my current ability, the number of printed magazines is limited every month, which is only enough to sell around the capital. If I want to pay off Nan Fengjinlin's 10 taels, I don't know if it will be the year of the monkey...

But if you cooperate with others, you can have enough funds to print a sufficient number of magazines, and then, as he said, you can set up sales points in various cities!

As sales increase, profits naturally increase!

(End of this chapter)

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