Chapter 1172

Seeing the excitement in her eyes, Qing Wan smiled and said: "This Ruyixiang has to be taken continuously to be effective. I see that you are all young and your skin is in good condition. It is not necessary for the time being. But I can teach you A simple and convenient way to maintain the skin. You can mix egg whites with flour, honey and a proper amount of pearl powder and apply it on your face. Those face powders that are used for face powder are much more effective."

"Really? Miss knows a lot. No wonder our prince likes you." Bai Hua's eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at her with admiration.

Qing Wan just forced a smile without explaining.

Does Ji Lanjin like her?I'm afraid not!Although I don't know why that guy married her, it definitely has nothing to do with liking the word.

She still remembered clearly what the other party said in front of her that day.He said, let her not have any inappropriate thoughts about them.They were probably not only targeting Mu Liuting and Ji Chenxue, but also himself.

The other party said it so clearly, how could she not even have this bit of self-knowledge?

"Miss, the maidservant has picked the roses you asked for. You have such a good nose that you can smell it from such a long distance. The maidservant searched a lot of yards to find it." Outside the door, Zisu walked away with a basket of flowers Come in and look at it from a distance, red, pink, orange, white... so bright.


Seeing Bai Hua next to her, her face changed slightly, and she couldn't help letting out a low cry.

"What's the matter?" Her voice was so abrupt that all the people in the room looked at her immediately.

"No, it's all right." Bai Hua had a strange expression on her face, her eyes were obviously flickering, but she pulled her lips reluctantly, and shook her head bravely.

Judging by her appearance, it's clearly not what she said.Qing Wan's eyes fell on the basket of flowers in Zisu's hand, and she couldn't help guessing: "Is there something wrong with these flowers?"

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————— "Feng Hua of the Concubine: First Class Concubine"
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In the red luan brocade tent, she raised her head and drank the poisoned wine he personally delivered.They are in harmony with each other, but unexpectedly it is a glass of life-killing wine.

Infatuated with the wrong payment, and died with hatred.

When the phoenix eyes opened again, she was a phoenix reborn from nirvana.Stunningly talented and sharp-edged, there is nothing in this world that she can put in front of her eyes.
"Why did you do this to me?" In the last life, he had no time to explain, she was dead.After being reborn, she no longer believed in feelings. Facing his affectionate, tender love, she sneered indifferently, "My lord, don't talk about feelings with me, talking about feelings will hurt money and body!"

In her previous life, she lived a life of shamelessness, hiding her talents in order to seek peace.In this life, she vowed to trample everyone under her feet, and compose a song of prosperity with ten miles of red makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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