Chapter 1177

"Bold!" Ji Lanjin's expression turned cold for a moment, her brows furrowed higher and higher, "It seems that I doted on you so much that you even forgot the most basic rules. Hitomi took her down and asked her to reflect on herself. She is not allowed to leave the house for a few days, and when she realizes that she has done something wrong, she will be let out again."

This was probably the worst punishment Ji Lanjin had ever given to them in history. For a while, not only Bai Zhi, but also Bai Tong and Bai Hua were stunned by the other party's punishment.

"My lord..." Bai Tong subconsciously said, wanting to intercede for Bai Zhi.

But was interrupted by Ji Lanjin: "Okay, you don't need to say anything, if you don't teach this girl a lesson, she will never know where she is wrong."

Bai Tong pursed his lips, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

It's not that she didn't expect this day, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.With Bai Zhi's temperament, she had to suffer some hardships.No matter how much the prince spoils her, she is still just a girl after all.She really shouldn't forget her identity.What's more, that person over there is still their future concubine, who the prince himself decides to marry.If there is no three-point affection, how can the prince make such a decision?

This time, she was indeed wrong too outrageously!

Seeing that the other party has made up his mind, nothing is more sad and surprised than Bai Zhi.The prince seldom even said a serious word to them on weekdays, but today he treated her like this because of that woman.Immediately stomped his feet, covered his mouth, and ran away whimpering.

Bai Tong followed behind worriedly, while Bai Hua looked at Ji Lanjin timidly and said, "My lord, I really don't blame you for this matter."

"I know." Ji Lanjin nodded, with a hint of complexity in her warm eyes, looking thoughtfully at the flowers in the yard.It seems that some rules have to be established.

Only then did Bai Hua breathe a sigh of relief, and then turned to look at the direction where Bai Zhi disappeared with worry, "But sister Bai Zhi seems very sad?"

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————— "Feng Hua of the Concubine: First Class Concubine"
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In the red luan brocade tent, she raised her head and drank the poisoned wine he personally delivered.They are in harmony with each other, but unexpectedly it is a glass of life-killing wine.

Infatuated with the wrong payment, and died with hatred.

When the phoenix eyes opened again, she was a phoenix reborn from nirvana.Stunningly talented and sharp-edged, there is nothing in this world that she can put in front of her eyes.
"Why did you do this to me?" In the last life, he had no time to explain, she was dead.After being reborn, she no longer believed in feelings. Facing his affectionate, tender love, she sneered indifferently, "My lord, don't talk about feelings with me, talking about feelings will hurt money and body!"

In her previous life, she lived a life of shamelessness, hiding her talents in order to seek peace.In this life, she vowed to trample everyone under her feet, and compose a song of prosperity with ten miles of red makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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