Chapter 1184

Qing Wan couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, "This kid looks domineering and unreasonable, but he is thoughtful, and he actually thought of this."

Cardamom said anxiously: "Then what should I do?" She was all to blame for this matter, she was too speechless.If it was Zisu instead, maybe he could just make up one or two reasons to fool the other party.The other party will not insist on seeing the lady.

"What should I do? Naturally, I'm not going anywhere." Qing Wan replied calmly.

"Where is Prince Heng's son?" Cardamom couldn't help worrying.

Qing Wan twitched the corners of her lips indifferently: "Don't worry, are you really worried that he will eat me up?" If it were someone else, she might still have scruples, but knowing that Ji Chen Xue is a master of thunder and rain, so she won't really do anything to her, so she is really not afraid.

Besides, didn't someone say that he would protect her?

Hearing what she said, Cardamom stopped talking and helped stuff the firewood into the temporary stove pit.

The master and servants worked all afternoon. First, they put the rose petals and the dew collected earlier into the earthen pot, then put the earthen pot into the pot, covered it and steamed it slowly for half an hour.Then, take out the crock and let it cool down, squeeze the rose petals with both hands to squeeze out the juice.Strain out the used petals, then add new petals to the crock and repeat the previous steps.After cooling again, filter the rose water into a small porcelain bottle that has been boiled and drained.Distributed to several maidservants, and reserved three copies for Bai Hua to pass on to Bai Tan, Bai Tong, Bai Zhi, and the other three, and the remaining less than half of the bottle was given to Zi Su to keep.

Afterwards, after having some dinner, he excused himself to be tired and dismissed the group of people. He then entered the space incense making room and began to concentrate on the development of incense products.

Recently, too many things have happened, and she has a faint sense of crisis in her heart.In particular, Ji Lanjin's sudden marriage proposal forced her to hurry up and develop new fragrances.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————— "Feng Hua of the Concubine: First Class Concubine"
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In the red luan brocade tent, she raised her head and drank the poisoned wine he personally delivered.They are in harmony with each other, but unexpectedly it is a glass of life-killing wine.

Infatuated with the wrong payment, and died with hatred.

When the phoenix eyes opened again, she was a phoenix reborn from nirvana.Stunningly talented and sharp-edged, there is nothing in this world that she can put in front of her eyes.
"Why did you do this to me?" In the last life, he had no time to explain, she was dead.After being reborn, she no longer believed in feelings. Facing his affectionate, tender love, she sneered indifferently, "My lord, don't talk about feelings with me, talking about feelings will hurt money and body!"

In her previous life, she lived a life of shamelessness, hiding her talents in order to seek peace.In this life, she vowed to trample everyone under her feet, and compose a song of prosperity with ten miles of red makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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