Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 140 Just Your Maid, That's Your Maid 5

Chapter 140 Just Your Maid, That's Your Maid 5
But in fact, Nan Feng Jinlin is definitely not a womanizer. Every time he goes to the brothel, he just drinks and listens to music. He never stays overnight. The time he met Zhen Yiyi was the only time. The exception, though, was that he stayed overnight several times after that, but that was all for the purpose of teasing Yiyi and deliberately making the girls make noise. In fact, nothing happened...

Thinking about it now, I also feel that my original behavior was naive!

What he did just made that woman look down on him even more and reject him. Apart from that, it didn't have any effect at all. Seeing her husband doing that kind of thing with other women, she didn't even feel angry at all!
For this reason, Nan Feng Jinlin could only express that she was frustrated!
The woman's reaction never regarded him as her husband-in-law from the beginning to the end. From the beginning to the end, he was singing a one-man show alone!
It is also because of this that she attracts his attention more and more, and arouses his desire to conquer more and more!
If he can't even handle a woman, how can he handle those thousands of troops?
Huahua and Caocao were tidying up the house. Seeing Zhen Yiyi walking into the room quickly, they couldn't help but stop what they were doing, and asked suspiciously: "Miss, didn't you go to eat with the prince? Why did you come back so soon? "

Zhen Yiyi pursed his lips and replied angrily: "Don't mention it, as soon as I entered the door, I saw a woman who lost her appetite. I was afraid that it would affect my appetite, so I ran back. Oh, I'm so hungry. Who of you is going to the kitchen?" Help me see if there is anything to eat, anything is fine, as long as it fills my stomach!"

"Oh, let me go then!"

Huahua hurriedly put down the things in her hands, and was about to go out. When she reached the door, someone was walking towards her, and the two of them almost bumped into each other...

Seeing a gentle smile on his face, the housekeeper walked in respectfully, "Madam, my lord wants this old slave to bring you some side dishes, you should eat them while they are hot!"

Zhen Yiyi followed the trend and saw a few maids following the housekeeper, each holding a plate in their hands, feeling a little more at ease, and hurriedly nodded and said, "I'm sorry for the housekeeper, let them put down their things!"

Even if that guy is a bit human, he also knows how to give her food...

(End of this chapter)

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