Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 149 No matter how poor you are, you have to pay back his "selling money" 2

Chapter 149 No matter how poor you are, you have to pay back his "selling money" 2
And at the moment when he turned to leave, Zhen Yiyi suddenly made a decision in his heart!
Here, it is no longer suitable for her, as she said just now, she has no feelings for him at all, if she continues to stay, this feeling will only become stronger and stronger, in case one day it develops to the point of being out of control In the end, it will only be herself who will be hurt and sad!

Back in the room, Zhen Yiyi told Hua Huacao to pack her luggage. With the experience of the previous two times, the first reaction of the two girls was, "Miss, are you planning to return to the small courtyard you rented?"

"No, this time we are going to completely leave the palace and the capital!"

Only in this way can he completely leave his life, and make him completely disappear from his own life...


The two girls said in unison, "Are you arguing with the prince again?"

Other than that, they couldn't think of any other possibility...


Zhen Yiyi interrupted the two in a disturbed mood, "Don't ask, you two, just pack up your things. If you don't want to leave, you can stay. I'll go alone!"

When the two heard the words, they rushed to explain: "We don't mean that, we just care about you, miss. We are your maids. Of course, wherever you go, we will follow you!"

"Since this is the case, then go and pack your things obediently. From now on, don't ask too many questions. I have something to do. I have to go out. You two remember that we are going to leave secretly this time, so you two must Keep it secret, don't let others know, if any of you leak it, I won't take you and go alone!"

As she said, she walked to the side, picked up the pen and ink, "Shua Shua Shua—" she quickly wrote a letter. It is true that she is leaving, but her career is still here, and there must be an explanation. OK!
"Fashion" has just started, and it is not easy to achieve today's results. It cannot be suspended because of my departure. Therefore, we must find a way to keep it going!

In fact, it’s not completely useless for her to leave this time. She can collect information all the way and stay in the same place all the time. Due to geographical limitations, it will affect the development of the magazine. After reading it for a long time, everyone will feel that There is nothing new about it. If you can introduce different things that are popular in various places to everyone, it will be more interesting and attract readers to keep buying!
(End of this chapter)

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