Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 169 No matter where you are going, we all have different paths 2

Chapter 169 No matter where you are going, we all have different paths 2
"The doctor from yesterday came to see her in the morning, and he said that the fever has subsided, and there is nothing serious!"

"That's good, pack up, we'll be on our way in a while!"

Now that that guy is fine, everyone can part ways here!

Zhen Yiyi felt that he didn't know that guy very well, so he didn't even say goodbye. After breakfast, the three master and servant left the inn, planning to continue on their way!
Unexpectedly, Yu Linfeng went out one step earlier than them, and saw him holding a weed in his mouth, which he didn't know where he pulled out, it was messy and shapeless, leaning beside the carriage, waiting for them to come out...

After a night of rest, this guy's complexion has obviously recovered by half, and he is no longer as weak as when he met him yesterday!
Seeing Zhen Yiyi, he immediately took the grass out of his mouth, shook his head, and complained: "I said, you are too mean, aren't you? You actually planned to leave without saying a word!"

Zhen Yiyi didn't intend to talk to him, just gave him a sideways glance, and got into the carriage directly!

This kind of person, the more they talk to each other, the more energetic they are...

Anyway, we probably won't see each other again in the future, even if we meet, it's better to treat him as if we don't know each other, so there's no need to be too polite to him!
Ordinary people have already touched their noses and left in embarrassment after being treated like this!

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give up, and actually opened the curtain and got in after him...

Before he could say anything, Zhen Yiyi took the lead and said, "We have different paths!"

It was as if he had predicted what he would say!
The corner of Yu Linfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said resentfully: "I haven't said where I'm going yet? How do you know we're going on different paths?"

Even if this woman hates him, she doesn't have to be so obvious, right?
He didn't understand, for a man as handsome and elegant as him, it would be difficult to find a second one after searching all over the country of water. Why does this woman not want to see him so much?

Zhen Yiyi said coldly: "No matter where you are going, we will not go the same way!"

Just based on his injuries yesterday, he knew that he was not a peaceful master. If he was brought along, there would be a lot of trouble along the way, so she didn't want to do such a stupid thing!

(End of this chapter)

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