Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 203 Idiot!How can I leave you at ease 1

Chapter 203 Idiot!How can I leave you at ease 1
However, such a small wish of hers may not be heard by the heavens!
The gears of fate go round and round, and one day, they will return to the original point...

After hastily leaving, Zhen Yiyi washed up briefly, and then climbed into bed, but she couldn't sleep with her eyes open, and it's been two days in a row, all for the same person!

Helpless, I had to sit up straight!

Put your hands on your knees, curled up, put your head on your knees, and carefully recalled the bits and pieces after the crossing!

Apart from that guy, there is always a figure that pops into my mind from time to time!
It was so quiet, I don't know how long...

But seeing a figure suddenly barged in through the window, Zhen Yi was shocked, subconsciously reached out to touch the dagger hidden under the pillow, and forced himself to be calm: "Who is it?"

The figure slowly approached, but did not make any special movements or speak, just walked towards the soft couch on the side!

With the help of the moonlight, Zhen Yiyi could barely see an outline, which was a little familiar, and Zhen Yiyi couldn't help but probed: "Yu Linfeng, is that you?"

The other party did not answer!

Instead, he fell asleep on the soft couch...

Zhen Yiyi was worried, so she couldn't help getting up from the bed, and cautiously moved two steps towards that guy: "If it's you, just say something, it's late at night, don't scare me!"

In the end, the other party still didn't make a sound!

Zhen Yiyi was in a hurry, and couldn't help but strode towards the other party!
The distance between the bed and the soft couch was not far, but the light in the room was too dark, Zhen Yiyi focused all his attention on the direction of the soft couch, because he didn't care about his feet, when he was about to walk in front of that guy, his feet Unexpectedly, he tripped over something and fell heavily, and the dagger in his hand was also thrown out, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound!
Seeing the figure on the soft couch jumping up quickly and running straight towards Zhen Yiyi, while feeling sorry for helping the person on the ground, he sighed helplessly: "You idiot, you are always clumsy, what do you want me to do?" I can safely leave you alone!"

Hearing the familiar voice in his ear, Zhen Yiyi's nervous heart was relieved, and then complained, "Oh, it hurts me to death! It's not all your fault, it's late at night, you said Who are you scaring?"

(End of this chapter)

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