Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 429 It’s Been So Long, It’s Time to Let It Go 8

Chapter 429 It’s Been So Long, It’s Time to Let It Go 8
"I don't care about the whole story, I only know that it is because of him that my sister and you are like this. In short, I will not take the initiative to save that woman. If my sister wants to save it, then go for it yourself! "

The woman frowned slightly, "I don't know medical skills, how can I save her?"

Han Luoyi took out a medicine bottle from her bosom and handed it to her, "This is the antidote that can cure the poison in that woman's body, you can take this to that bastard named Nan Feng, I know, he will Stationed in the barracks not far from here, of course, if you don't want to go, no one will force you!"

Then he got up and said: "It's getting late, I should go too, what should be done, you should decide for yourself!"

It's not that she wants to force her, it's just that Han Luoyi knows in her heart that if she doesn't do this, her sister will lock herself up in this place for the rest of her life, trapped in memories and unable to get out...

The meditation room quickly returned to silence. The woman held the medicine bottle in a quiet trance, and her thoughts unknowingly returned to many years ago!
five years ago

It was a hot summer, the sun was dazzling, she went to sit at the gate of the city as usual, thinking of her lover who was far away in the frontier!
The other party clearly promised her that he would write to her when he arrived at the frontier, but it has been more than a month, but there is no news at all!

So she will stand guard at the gate of the city every day, hoping to learn more about the news about the border!
Perhaps it was because she had been sitting under the sun for too long, when she got up and was about to go home, she found that she was very dizzy, and she managed to get back to the door of the house, but finally fell to the ground and passed out...

When I woke up, I found that my parents looked sad. After questioning, I found out that I was pregnant for more than two months!

Pregnant before marriage, no matter what kind of family it is, it is a big deal!

The parents repeatedly asked who the child's father was, but she gritted her teeth and didn't say anything, because the child's father was not in the capital at the moment, so even if she said it, it would not be able to solve any problems!

Moreover, the other party promised her that as long as he finished winning the battle, he would come back in three months at the latest, and when he came back, he would come to marry her as soon as possible!
She also believed that he would keep his promise and come back to marry her, because they grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and for so many years, he had never lied to her once...

(End of this chapter)

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