Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 435 But For One Man Who Hurt Her Deeply 1 [Jia Geng]

Chapter 435 But For A Man Who Hurt Her Deeply 6 [Jia Geng]

"Enough, Luo Yi, I tell you to stop talking!"

Qiu Luo took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, to prevent the uncontrollable tears from falling suddenly...

"What did you say?"

"Qiu Luo is pregnant with my child, why don't I know?"

The one who was most shocked was Nan Fengjinlin. Although he also knew that there must be some reason why she chose to leave him without saying a word, but he never thought that the truth would be like this!

"You were not in the capital at all at the time, how could you know?"

Han Luoyi couldn't help but uttered angrily. In fact, with his ability, if he wanted to find someone, and wanted to know what happened back then, it wouldn't be difficult at all!
However, he did nothing but get drunk day and night, allowing that misunderstanding to continue for so many years!
Nan Fengjin looked to the side for verification, the woman who turned her back to herself and looked up at the sky said, "Qiu Luo, is what she said true? You are really pregnant with my child, where is that child? Where is it now? "

"You still have the face to ask the child?"

It was still the aggressive Han Luoyi who answered him, "Back then, my sister came to the border to look for you with a big belly. She was exhausted all the way, and there was no one around to take care of her. She couldn't eat well and sleep well. The child was just born She was declared dead when she was young, and my sister locked herself in the temple because of this, chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha all day long, and refused to step into the temple gate. Today, if I hadn’t forced her, she would still be in that ruined temple today Closed!"

"Nan Fengjinlin, if you are still a man, you should touch your conscience and ask yourself, how much do you owe my sister? You have caused her so much misery, how dare you ask her how she is doing without knowing the so-called Are you happy?"

"A woman who became pregnant before marriage was complained by her parents, rejected by her neighbors, betrayed by a man who once swore to each other, and lost her child who was pregnant for ten months. If it were you, would you be happy?"

Nan Fengjinlin felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. Apart from shock, self-blame, and heartache, he couldn't find any other adjectives to describe his feelings after hearing the truth!
How could this be?
Why is this happening?

(End of this chapter)

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