deep sea evolution

Chapter 40 Dogfish Servant Army

Chapter 40 Dogfish Servant Army
A large amount of mucus began to act on the dogfish's body, and soon the dogfish's body began to deform.

The pain was unbearable, and the dogfish reacted with stress, tensing up.

When the slime started to work, the evolution points on Ye Su's body were also slowly being consumed.

"Since the bite force is to be enhanced, the masticatory muscles in the mouth must become stronger!"

After an idea came to Ye Su's mind, the structure diagram in his mind immediately enlarged the mouth of this dogfish.

Consume evolution points to strengthen chewing muscles!

The angle of the mandible of this dogfish immediately began to become larger, because the chewing muscles were strengthened, so the mouth also became larger accordingly.

Constantly consuming evolution points, when the shark's bite force should reach a terrifying level, Ye Su began to prepare to strengthen its teeth.

The process of strengthening teeth does not directly grow out.

Instead, replace all the original teeth of this dogfish.

Sharks have several rows of teeth. These teeth are generally behind the main teeth. After this row of teeth falls out, the back spare teeth will be replaced.

At this time, driven by Ye Su's pure evolutionary energy, the dogfish's original teeth began to fall off, and the rear row of teeth began to replace them.

During the replacement process, this row of teeth changes!

The roots have become very wide and the cusps are so sharp.

Unlike the teeth of the great white shark, these teeth are more like rows of equilateral triangles.

With its enhanced bite force, it is invincible!
"That's right, the bite force and teeth have been enhanced to this point. If these ten dogfish can all be evolved to this state, when they attack together, I'm afraid they can kill a whale with a body length of more than ten meters in an instant."

Ye Su was very satisfied, and the accumulation of ten dogfish like this would be huge!

If slavery, electric shock and other abilities were excluded, Ye Su would not be able to fight against these ten dogfish, all of which were about one meter long.

"The fish servant evolved from the transformation ability will play a vital role in the process of expanding my territory!"

Ye Su lamented that this shape-shifting ability was born for his better growth!

Create powerful fish servants, defeat stronger enemies, and get more food!

It's a pity that it can't be used on himself.

Although launching transformation evolution consumes more evolution points than ordinary evolution, it can better enhance a certain attribute...

"System, can I really not use my transformation ability on myself?"

Ye Su said unwillingly.

The system responded: "I'm sorry for the host, the reason why you are forbidden to use the transformation ability on yourself is because the transformation ability is an ability to encourage growth, and it is likely to cause a deviation in the direction of evolution and move in a bad direction."

"Moreover, even the ability to transform is actually based on the existing genes of these creatures for evolution."

"You are different as the host, and your potential is unlimited. In the later stage, the system will provide corresponding functions to allow you to choose the direction of evolution. The reason why you cannot control the direction of evolution at this stage is simply because the gene pool is not enough."

"Now the system will use your existing genes to intelligently screen out the corresponding abilities and traits you need most, please rest assured."

"Okay." Although Ye Su was still a little reluctant, he still accepted the system's argument.

I also don't know what kind of fish his rebirth prototype is...

In the process of evolution, he seems to be getting farther and farther away from his original species.

However, it still retains some characteristics of the deformed fish, such as strong mental power and terrifying devouring ability.

Also, these three eyes.

"Use it or lose it, in the process of continuous evolution, I will definitely discard some old organs or old abilities, and strengthen useful organs and abilities. This is the inevitability of adapting to the environment..."

Because of the evolution system, Ye Su itself is like a species that is constantly mutating.

Many theories of evolution theory can actually be applied to him as an individual.

At this time, after strengthening the shark's chewing muscles and tooth deformation, Ye Su consumed evolution points to make certain important parts of its body more streamlined.

It takes about half an hour.

This dogfish shark has transformed successfully!

The mouth became bigger, and the teeth in the shape of an equilateral triangle still shone slightly.

Because the chewing muscles have become more numerous and larger, the body surface is more streamlined, and the erection is flattened, so it does not look like a dogfish...

"It seems that the evolution point is not enough. If this is the case, let this dogfish servant catch some carnivorous fish for me and become my evolution point!"

Ye Su issued an order, and then the dogfish swims happily in one direction.


"System, what value can the bite force and speed of this dogfish servant achieve?"

Ye Su asked the system.

The system responded immediately: "The bite force of this dogfish transformed by you has reached an astonishing 1500 pounds! And the speed has also reached 5 meters per second!"

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ye Su was still taken aback, and continued to ask, "What about Da Ya?"

The system responded again: "The bite force of your fish servant's big teeth is about one ton, and the speed is about 8 meters per second."

Ye Su shook his head, his current bite force and speed are actually slightly inferior to this dogfish servant.

But yes, after all, his strength is not in these two points.

Soon, the dogfish servant brought back a dying carnivorous fish, Ye Su swallowed it, and some evolutionary points were recovered.

"Then...create a powerful fish servant army and use it for me!"

Ye Su stretched out his tentacles and pulled a dogfish over again.

Seeing the changes in that dogfish servant, these dogfish servants actually didn't resist Ye Su's movements very much, and looked very quiet at this moment.

Activate the shape-shifting ability!

A large amount of mucus seeped into the dogfish's body, and the cells and tissues that needed to be transformed seemed to become transparent.

Stronger chewing muscles, sharper and thicker teeth, more streamlined body surface...

What Ye Su needs to reform is these three points!
So after consuming a hundred or so evolution points again, this dogfish servant also transformed and evolved successfully.

After issuing the order, Ye Su also asked the dogfish servant to find food for him.

His current evolution point is not enough for these fish servants to evolve.

In the current territory, there is a lack of middle and low-level organisms in the food chain, and without food, some of the carnivorous fish will starve to death. If this is the case, it is better to use it as an evolutionary point.

Just in time, try the abilities of these dogfish servants too!
The evolution points of transforming ten dogfish servants were enough, and the number of carnivorous fishes was almost adjusted. Ye Su told those dogfish servants to stop catching.

Two dogfish servants.


Then there are four, five...

More and more handy, more and more dogfish servants have successfully evolved.

Finally, after spending several hours, the transformation and evolution of ten dogfish sharks are all over!

almost perfect.

Ye Su looked at the ten dogfish servants in front of him with satisfaction. Da Ya and these ten dogfish servants were his most powerful group of fish servants now!

Compared to those ordinary powerful fish, Big Tooth and these ten dogfish servants can be called elite.

"With such a group of terrifying fish servant army, then, let's start to expand outward!"

Ye Su couldn't wait.

The territory is equivalent to his hunting place, the bigger the territory, the more food...

This also means that the number of evolution points and various useful genes that can be obtained will also be more!

(End of this chapter)

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