Awakens a martial spirit every ten levels

Chapter 111 Let Me Steal My Way

Chapter 111 Let Me Steal My Way (Please Subscribe)
"Boss, another victory, shall we go to the old place to celebrate?"

In addition to the competition venue, Chang Baicao proposed.

"Suck, the hot pot is super delicious." Lin Wanwan wiped her mouth indiscriminately.

Today is the third day.

Sky-Sweeping Wings had won ten games.

Except for matching the Tiandou Royal Team on the first day.The rest of the players are player teams.

Moreover, there are even several teams with an average level of less than 25, so it is not easy to win.

According to the practice of the past few days, after each game.

I will definitely find a place in Tiandou City to have a hot pot to celebrate.

Although this is a game, the taste is definitely not bad.

It can be regarded as setting off the atmosphere of the game.

But this time Han Ming didn't make such a choice.

"You guys go, I have something to do, I may go back later. You guys should rest early after celebrating, don't delay tomorrow's game."

Han Ming rejected everyone this time.

Lin Wanwan frowned slightly: "Then what are you going to do?"

She asked the voices of many people.

"That. Do you believe me when I say go to robbery?"

"Xin, then you go. Don't come back until you rob a soul bone."

No one believed Han Ming's reasons.

But it doesn't matter that much.

I didn't feel too disappointed.

Especially Chang Baicao, who killed two people with one sword.

Accompanied by sister Qingqing, sister Qianxue, and two other girls, she had already forgotten about it.

What else do you want, boss?


In a small forest outside the city.

Han Ming hid in the thick canopy and waited.

What he said was true, he really came to rob the Tao.


A familiar figure appeared.

Not to mention the previous life.

Even now, he is still in the limelight.

It was Tang San, the core figure of the Shrek team.

His identity is a well-deserved world protagonist.

Twin martial souls, and two extremely powerful martial souls.

The first time I went out in my teens, I met a 10-year-old soul beast who took the initiative to embrace him.

Afterwards, the friend she met was Xing Luo's prince, the Duke's daughter.Ning Fengzhi's daughter.

Even those with no identity background are rare geniuses.

Bai's teacher is a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family, and he is theoretically invincible.

Father is the youngest Titled Douluo, the background of the number one sect in the world, the direct descendant of Haotianzong.

Kill monsters, kill people and explode soul bones.

The only known 10-year-old soul beasts were sacrificed one after another.

All the bigwigs are very fancy.

Even the gods rushed to make him his successor.

Although it is a bit bumpy.

But whose growth is not bumpy.And there are not a few people who are more miserable than him, haven't they become the protagonists of the world?
"This Tang San without plastic surgery is nothing special."

Han Ming pouted.

Very dissatisfied.

Let's put it this way, with Tang San's ordinary face now, he can beat ten by himself.

It's just that Tang San's current state is not very good.

It's spinning around in circles.

It looks like a ghost hit a wall.

But Han Ming knew it was not like that.Instead, a powerful soul sage took action against him.

The age of the strong man of Canghui Academy.

have to say.

It is really not easy for a level 72 spirit to control a soul saint.

A shrewd person like Tang San was caught off guard.

of course.

Han Ming didn't come here today to be a good person and save Tang San.

After all, being a good person won't get a soul bone.

He is here today for the future.

He came to collect Shi Nian's body.

After all, this guy has a soul bone on his body.

As for killing Tang San.
He does.

But think about it.

If there is no accident, there should be a Title Douluo lurking here.

Tang Hao is very protective.


Tang San also finally discovered the problem.

He sensed that the environment might be false.

Although I don't know why this happens, I am immediately alert.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow fell into his grasp immediately, and at the same time summoned his Blue Silver Grass Wuhun.

There was a gloomy and cold breath rippling in the air, and a faint murderous intent filled the air.

It was a killing intent that was life-threatening.

The next moment, the scene in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle.

Everything becomes unclear at this moment.

A faint figure gradually became clear ten meters away in front of Tang San.

"As expected of the most outstanding disciple of Shrek Academy, he is indeed very vigilant. It's a pity that you discovered it too late."

The Lord finally came. Han Ming couldn't help yawning.

Follow the sound.

It was an old man in white, um. He looked quite sanctimonious.

It was the 72nd level Soul Sage, that year.

see this man.Tang San's heart couldn't help getting heavier and heavier, he watched Shi Nian quietly, and said: "So it's the teacher of Canghui Academy, I don't know what advice you have to stop me here?"

Shi Nian smiled lightly, and said: "It's nothing to advise, I just need you to disappear."

next.It was a fruitless conversation.

Hearing this, Han Ming felt sleepy.

To tell the truth.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a soul sage, it would have been a little troublesome to deal with, he would have killed Shi Nian long ago.

"Hey, sure enough, the villain died of talking too much."

Han Ming shook his head and sighed, early death and early death, right?


Don't know what happened, Tang San was lying on the ground convulsing violently, and the blue silver grass hovered around his body.

Even though he was far away, Han Ming could clearly feel that Tang San was on the verge of collapse.

Look at the time again.Smiling triumphantly at the side, he was too crazy, obviously Tang San entered his environment.

And suffered inhuman abuse.


Tang San's body convulsions in the blue silver grass seemed to gradually weaken.The whole person just twitched slightly.

The coiled blue silver grass gradually slid down to the ground.

Han Ming could clearly see a trace of blood dripping from the corner of Tang San's mouth which was flushed all over his face.

"I said, don't act in your TN." Han Ming shook his head helplessly. "Hey, it's better to solve this farce as soon as possible."

Did he know that Tang San was holding back his anger.

If Shi Nian is really killed by him in seconds, he may not get any benefit at all.

So, with a thought, the King Kong Zhen quietly activated.

"wake up!"

This loud shout sounded like thunder in the silent woods.

Both of them trembled in the arena.

Han Ming's intention seemed to be to remind Tang San, but in fact it was to wake him up.

"Not good! Someone!" Shi Nian was shocked.Subconsciously choose to retreat.

It's just that he wanted to leave, but Tang San didn't agree.

I saw him slapping the ground with his left hand, and his body bounced up.

Tang San made a half-turn in the air, and swung his entire right arm violently in this half-turn.

With his purple-gold eyes, he saw that Shi Nian had turned around and ran away, and he was already tens of meters away.


A soundless black glow silently sank into Shi Nian's heart.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Shi Nian was aware of the crisis, but the black light was too fast, and as a soul sage, he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

Even the burst of soul power that he didn't hesitate to hurt himself in an instant couldn't stop it.

Frightened, he could only run farther at a faster speed

After one blow, Tang San's whole body was like a deflated ball, his body turned over in the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Panting heavily.The light in his eyes had returned to normal, he barely supported his upper body with one hand, and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with the other hand.

He stared coldly at the direction where Shi Nian was escaping, revealing a sly smile: "Yan Wang told you to die in the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch? See you again..."

It's just that he has some regrets. If it wasn't for someone secretly 'helping' him, he believed that the time would not be able to escape.

He set his sights on a canopy again.

It was the place where Han Ming hid before.

Only now there is not even a ghost.

 Ask for everything, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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