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Chapter 42 Calculation

Chapter 42 Calculation
"If I'm not mistaken, it should be an extinct one-horned wolf pig, and it looks like it's grown up."

"That's an invulnerable monster that can kill a town after adulthood. Now it's so easy to be killed. How strong is my captain!"

Mo Dao didn't know that Philomena's heart was already in a state of turmoil because of the 'wild boar' he brought back, because after the pig rushed over, he killed it with a single knife, and he didn't think that this pig had any relationship with other wild boars. What a difference.

In his opinion, even if a wild boar has a little hair, it's nothing. In comparison, his knowledge of the food encyclopedia didn't even mention it, so he didn't care about it at all, and didn't think much about it.

Of course, this is also related to the recording method of the food encyclopedia given to him by the system.

The delicacies recorded in the gourmet encyclopedia rewarded by the successful check-in system are all the dishes that can be found, or alternative materials can be found, and there are still people who can make them, and those that have been lost because the main ingredients have been extinct or are on the verge of extinction are not recorded. entered.

This one-horned wolf pig has become extinct in the outside world, so there is no record in the Food Encyclopedia, so Mo Dao has no idea what it is.

He just thought it was a wild boar with a special hair, so naturally he didn't pay too much attention to it, so naturally he couldn't detect Philomena's abnormality.

Mo Dao, who didn't find anything, was still a little embarrassed facing Philomena because of what happened just now, so he said casually: "Have you washed it yet? We should go back. We will eat this wild boar tonight, so we have to go back early to deal with it." Just do it."

Hearing what Mo Dao said, Philomena cleaned the last herb and put it in the medicine basket and walked towards him. When she came to Mo Dao, she glanced at the wild boar's horn and hesitated a little. Still opened his mouth at once.

"Can this unicorn be dug up and given to me? Maybe it can be ground into powder and used as medicine."

Mo Dao didn't think much about it, so with a flick of his wrist, he raised the knife and plucked off the horn neatly.

Philomena glanced at it and handed it to her. Mo Dao had washed the unicorn clean with stream water. After taking a deep look at Mo Dao, she said "Let's go" lightly. Come and go.

The vegetation on the island is relatively lush, but they are going back along the way, so it is not difficult to walk.

However, they were only halfway back when Mo Dao heard the sound of cannons in the distance. The sound should be the naval guns of his ship.

"Something happened, we have to go back quickly, don't get lost."

After confirming that it was the sound of his own ship's cannon, Mo Dao spoke to Philomena behind him and then accelerated directly.

Because he was dragging a big wild boar, both the grass and the bushes were overwhelmed. The road behind Philomena was smooth, so there was no need to worry about getting lost.

Two or three minutes later, Mo Dao dragged the wild boar back to the place where the boat was parked, and when he saw the situation on the field through the bushes, he couldn't help frowning.

The current situation on the field is that his Noah's Ark has been surrounded by three pirate ships from a distance, and although these three pirate ships have varying degrees of damage, they are almost approaching.

What's worse, they are stuck here now, they have no place to run, so they can only confront each other.Although his Noah's Ark has not been hit yet, if he comes back later, it will only be a matter of time. After all, their main combat power is still on the island.

"Hide here and don't go out. You dare to attack my boat. I'm really impatient."

After explaining to Philomena, Mo Dao directly drew his knife and rushed to the boat, and swung the knife with his right hand. Several rounds came oncoming, and even some of the more biased shells were cut in half.

"The gunners fired in peace while the others covered the ships and sunk them all."

After the first move, Mo Dao casually began to arrange the remaining personnel on the ship, but when Mo Dao glanced at the pirates on the ship, he found a small problem.

Logically speaking, if they are really stuck here and unable to escape, they will be more or less nervous. After all, the main force of their ship is basically on the island, and there are only a few fighters guarding the ship. It's like a chef or something.

But Mo Dao found that although there was panic on their faces, Mo Dao could tell at a glance that they were all pretending, that is to say, they were not worried about their own safety at all.

Under what circumstances do you not have to worry about your own safety even if you are besieged, and when the enemy's strength is far stronger than your own?The answer is simple, that's when they can be sure that nothing will happen to them.

"Besides, there is something wrong with the consumption of shells. There were nearly a hundred shells before, but now there are only less than [-] shells left, and I have only heard a few gunshots from just now. The consumption Interesting."

Although he discovered this, Mo Dao didn't say anything, because he had already guessed a little bit, but he still didn't know the purpose of their doing so, so he had to continue to wait and see.

There are two naval guns and four gunners. Although manpower is now required to load and aim, these gunners are very powerful, so the loading speed is not slow at all. Basically, they can fire one shell in a second.

Although there were only two shells at such a high frequency, the shells were powerful and accurate, so after two or three more shells and their shells were stopped, the three ships withdrew .

Mo Dao would not miss this opportunity when your illness kills you, so when he saw the three pirate ships start to run away, Mo Dao ordered the pursuit without the slightest hesitation.

"Yang Fan, pursue! Sink them all!"

"Captain, wait, we can't chase."

However, Serena stopped Mo Dao just after he gave the order, which made Mo Dao more sure that his guess in his heart was correct.

Although he had already guessed, and he also expected to be stopped, so when he was stopped by Serena, he was not unhappy at all, but adjusted his emotions and looked at Serena with burning eyes. Na.

"Tell me why you can't chase after me. If you don't give me a reason that satisfies me, you won't have to sleep at night."

Hearing Mo Dao's words, Selina was stunned for a moment, then her pretty face instantly turned bright red, and she gave Mo Dao a look before she said coquettishly: "I hate it, I will tease others, although they like it very much, but we really can't Chase them."

Mo Dao scanned her up and down with 'fiery' eyes, then looked at the smoking pirate ship in the distance, and said lightly: "Tell me, if the reason doesn't satisfy me, you know the price."

Serena was a little surprised to see that Mo Dao returned to normal after just looking at her, but she quickly calmed down and said softly: "Captain, most of our crew members are still on the island and haven't come back. It's great, and the boat is great, but we have too few people."

"And we don't know yet if they have an ambush, and if our crew comes back and finds that the outside is gone, they will think too much."

Mo Dao is actually just looking for an excuse, he will not really chase after him at all, because he knows very well that even if he catches up, he can't really keep those people, unless he exposes Noah's Ark's true strength, because these people Definitely will be passive.

So, when Serena told the reason why she couldn't pursue, Mo Dao pretended to hesitate, and then agreed with a face of 'reluctantly'.

But when passing by Serena, he pinched her 'retaliatory', which made the hearts of the other pirates feel hot.

(End of this chapter)

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