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Chapter 62 Confronting Crocodile

Chapter 62 Confronting Crocodile

In the early morning of the next day, Mo Dao slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling, breathing in the air with the faint fragrance of Robin.It took a full five seconds before he regained his composure and grinned foolishly, hugging Mei Jiaoniang tightly in his arms.

And when Mo Dao hugged the person in his arms, Robin who was held in his arms also woke up. At this moment, she was staring at Mo Dao's side face in a daze.

She never thought that what Mo Dao said last night was actually true, and after the explosion, it was as violent and hot as fire, and she couldn't resist it at all.

But can this little man who is several years younger than her really protect her and let her fulfill her long-cherished wish?
She didn't know, but the situation last night didn't give her a chance to refuse.

At the moment when Mo Dao hugged her, she could feel the blazing heat that broke out from Mo Dao's body at that moment, which was enough to melt her, so she knew very well that she could not run away at that moment, because Mo Dao was much stronger than her. too much.

Now that the ending is doomed and cannot be resisted, then try to accept it, just as she is also tired of living incognito like a mouse now.

Of course, the most important thing was that Mo Dao's previous proposal really touched her heart.

The text of history, that is her lifelong pursuit, if Mo Dao can really lead her to find the text of history, then what is this little effort?
Now she has really seen too much darkness, and she has no hope for this world.

Although Robin seems to be alive now, she is actually just a walking corpse that has long been numb. She has completely frozen her heart.

The reason why she is unwilling to give up and live is only to pursue the historical text, otherwise she would not cooperate with Crocodile to plan to seize a country, just to take a look at the stone tablet that records the location of Hades up.

Now Mo Dao gave her hope and a clear goal, and she really couldn't resist at that time, so she didn't resist at all.

" can try, but if he can't even pass the level of Crocodile, then it's because I misjudged the person."

Thinking of this, Robin closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

Mo Dao actually found that Robin was awake, but Robin didn't speak, and he was embarrassed to speak first, but when he found that Robin fell asleep again, a look of pity appeared on his face.

Ten minutes later, Mo Dao came back to Robin's room with the hot meat porridge. After eating the meat porridge brought back by Mo Dao, Robin looked at Mo Dao with a complicated expression for a while, but in the end he still didn't say anything. what.

Robin continued to rest after breakfast, and Mo Dao moved a chair to the bedside by the window, holding the book Robin had read before and read it with relish.

The sun shines in from the window, and the scene in the room is so harmonious, and there is a sense of tranquility in the harmony.

But this harmonious and quiet atmosphere was broken by noisy voices at noon.

Mo Dao glanced at the noisy street outside the window, and then he saw several familiar figures.

"I originally wanted to live a peaceful life for two more days, but now it seems that it can only be a luxury."

Mo Dao was attracted by the sound, and Robin was also awakened by the sound. When she woke up, she happened to hear Mo Dao's words, so she asked, "Why do you say that?"

Mo Dao sighed, resisting the strong urge to look back, and said with regret, "Because trouble is coming, but from another perspective, it may be a good thing, because you will be able to see the main text of history soon."

Hearing Mo Dao's words, Robin paused for a moment, then put on the last shoe and walked to Mo Dao's side to stand side by side with him, looking at the chaotic street.

"A member of the Straw Hat Pirates? I didn't expect them to have arrived, let's go, come with me to meet our distinguished guests."

While talking, Robin turned around and left regardless of whether Mo Dao answered or not.

Mo Dao took such a big advantage, naturally Robin said what he said, and he actually wanted to see what kind of expression Luffy and the others had when they saw him, so he followed .

When crossing the big bed, Mo Dao glanced at the bed, and then he found that the sheet on the bed was missing a piece, and there was a faint red mark in the gap.

"It's the first time, no one loses."

With a low mutter, Mo Dao walked out of the room and locked the door.

After leaving the room, Mo Dao followed Robin to Crocodile's exclusive room, or the office, the conference room.

"Yo Yo Yo, are you finally willing to give up? But you little brat is really annoying, and you snatched away my most powerful assistant as soon as you came."

As soon as Mo Dao and the others entered the door, Criquedal's voice rang out, and Mo Dao finally saw this sand crocodile Criquedal who belonged to the same Qiwuhai as Hawkeye.

Just like in the anime, there is a scar on his face that spans his entire face and divides his face into two parts, upper and lower, and it is even more hideous than in the anime.

In the anime, the scar looks like a fence line, but in reality, the scar is not only more obvious, but also the color is obviously darker than the skin color next to it, making the scar more obvious.

If there is only one line in the anime, the scar on Crocodile's face that Mo Dao sees now is an ugly centipede, which makes him look even more ferocious and ugly.

After looking at Crocodile for a while, Mo Dao looked away, and then said unceremoniously: "Robin, you have been working with this person for so long? It's really hard for you."

As soon as Mo Dao said this, not only Crocodile over there froze, but even Robin next to him froze.

It is common sense not to slap someone in the face when beating someone, and not to reveal faults when swearing, otherwise it is easy to form an enemy, and if you are not careful, it may be a deadly enemy.

But now Mo Dao is equivalent to pointing at Crocodile's face and calling him ugly, not to mention that Mo Dao also abducted Robin, the tool he used to obtain Hades, so how could Crocodile hold back?

Therefore, as soon as Mo Dao said this, Clikdal stood up immediately, let out his signature laugh, and said with a smile: "It seems that I, Crocodile, am too low-key, and the world has already forgotten my existence." what."

While speaking, Crocodile walked straight towards Mo Dao, and when he was walking this way, a stream of fine yellow sand appeared around his body and continuously danced around him.

However, Mo Dao, who saw this scene, was not afraid at all. Instead, he said calmly, "Crocodile, the sand man who ate the natural type of sand fruit can control the sand, am I right?"

Hearing Mo Dao's words, Crocodile stopped and looked at Mo Dao with cold eyes.

"Since you know this, you still dare to provoke me? The newcomer kid is really arrogant. He just entered the great route and wanted to step on the dead body of the senior. It's a pity that you are still too tender."

After saying this, Clikdal continued to move forward.

Seeing this, Mo Dao didn't continue to say anything and drew his knife directly.

With the flash of the saber, a saber air cut Crocodile in half, but Crocodile showed no pain on his face when he was split into two halves, instead he looked at Mo Dao with a joking expression.

"I admit that you have some strength, but it's a pity that my ability is of the natural type, and your slashes can't hurt me."

While speaking, Crocodile's severed body turned into sand and merged together again, as if he hadn't been cut just now.

Seeing this, Mo Dao also smiled.

"Of course I know that you are a devil fruit user of the nature department, and I also know that I can't hurt you, who is a nature department and already elementalized, without arrogance, so I didn't cut you with this knife, you look back Let's see."

Klickdal was startled when he heard what Mo Dao said, because he suddenly realized what Mo Dao meant, so he suddenly turned around.

The moment he turned around and saw behind him, Klickdal's expression changed, because he knew that this time he had made a bad move, and he shouldn't choose to turn against Mo Dao here. He didn't expect Mo Dao to know his weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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