Myriad Realms Sign-in Tour

Chapter 92 The General Appears

Chapter 92 The General Appears
Luffy and the others came to save people, and now that everyone has been saved, they will naturally have to leave, otherwise they won't be able to escape when more marines rush up.

But it's not that simple to leave. After all, although these navy can't do anything to them, it's still possible to entangle them, so they must have someone to break the rear, and the person who has broken the rear must have the strength to leave the battle at any time, otherwise To stay is to court death.

"Luffy, what should we do?"

Although Luffy's mind has always been abnormal, but at the critical moment, Luffy, the captain, needs to make a decision. Although Robin and the others have also come down, Mo Dao and the three lieutenant generals are fighting hard. Try to find a way.

Of course, Mo Dao actually has a way to kill these three lieutenant generals, even if these three lieutenant generals are quite strong, it's the same if they all have mastered the weapons.

Yes, these three lieutenant generals have mastered the armed colors, and they are not weak. The cooperation of the three is quite good, and they are not weak among the lieutenant generals.

But if Mo Dao is willing to pay a small price, he can still kill them, such as being hit by one of them, and resisting the opponent's attack to kill him, such as bursting some hole cards and the like.

In this way, although he will be injured a little bit because of this, although some hole cards may be exposed, once the balance is broken and one of them is killed or even only needs to be severely injured, then he can easily solve the remaining two.

But how should I put it, he has no enmity with these three lieutenant generals, and the other party is the navy. According to the eyes of normal people, he should be the villain, and the other party is the one who represents justice and protects the other party. He is a hero, so Mo Dao will try not to kill him if he can.

Of course, this is on the premise that the safety of yourself and your own people can be guaranteed. If you can't even guarantee the safety of your own people and yourself, then even if the other party is really good, you can only feel sorry.

Of course, Mo Dao hasn't really used his full strength yet, and it would not be difficult to defeat the three of them if the firepower is fully fired and no hole cards are left.

But Luffy and the others are fighting fiercely with the people of cp9. Even Robin and Serena have participated in the battle. This is an excellent opportunity to test their strength, so Mo Dao is not in a hurry to resolve the battle.

About half an hour later, the buildings on Judiciary Island were almost destroyed by Mo Dao and the others, and all the members of CP9 were defeated by Luffy and the others.

In the anime, Luffy and the others already have the strength to defeat cp9 and others. Now that Lu Qi is seriously injured, Serena is added in terms of combat power, and the people of cp9 have not eaten the devil fruit like in the anime, so they are Defeating is also a reasonable thing.

Seeing that Luffy and the others had already defeated all the others, Mo Dao jumped out of the battle ring after knocking the three back with one blow.

"It's time to end the battle, and it won't be easy if we drag it on."

As the words fell, the aura on Mo Dao's body suddenly changed, a fierce aura soared into the sky, and at the moment when the aura soared into the sky, Sauron's eyes widened instantly, because he felt an extremely sharp aura momentum.

"Go forward indomitably, I am invincible!"


Although there was only a simple kill word, a lingering murderous intent exploded, and at the same time, an unintentional aura pressed on the three lieutenant generals, making their expressions dazed for a moment.

"How is it possible! Such an aura, great swordsman!"

At the moment when the three lieutenant generals were in a trance, Mo Dao moved and appeared behind one of the lieutenant generals almost instantly.

But they didn't realize that when Mo Dao slashed at them, he used the back of his sword, so although the lieutenant general's eyes went dark immediately, he was fine.

Mo Dao killed the three lieutenant generals almost instantly, but Mo Dao who stopped was also a little out of breath.

Although he defeated the three lieutenant generals in an instant just now, he also exposed some of his hole cards and his true strength.

Now he has initially stepped into the realm of the great swordsman, but because he has just entered the realm and has not been completely consolidated, and he does not have much actual combat experience, so he cannot fully explode the strength of the great swordsman.

But there is no problem with this kind of strength being used to deal with these three lieutenant generals, and the powerful speed he erupted in that instant just now.

He has seen shaving this thing many times in the anime, and the principle is also explained. In addition, he has seen many people perform it now, so is it strange that he would shave?

Luffy can comprehend the second gear because his speed is too slow after only seeing Lu Qi and the others perform it a few times, and then comprehend the third gear immediately after. There is nothing strange about shaving this trick, right?
However, it may be that his speed was too fast after using shaving, and his instant shooting speed reached his limit, and shaving was not fully mastered, so the burden on the body was not small, and it consumed a lot of energy .

But it was a good deal to defeat these three lieutenant generals at the cost of only a little physical consumption, so Mo Dao put the sword back into its sheath and walked back happily.

It is natural for everyone to be very happy to meet again, but this is not a place to reminisce about the old days, and there is another problem that is a headache for them, because they have no boat to leave.

Yes, no boats.

None of them came by boat, they all came by sea train, and the sea train had all crashed when they landed, which meant that they had to find a boat to leave safely.

But unfortunately, the other party also knew that they needed a boat to leave, so there was no boat nearby at all. That is to say, although they defeated the enemies on Judicial Island now, they couldn't leave.

After they had nothing to do, everyone turned their attention to Grandma Ke Keluo. After all, he used to be Tom's secretary, and he should be the most familiar with sea trains among everyone, so Nami asked, "Grandma Ke Keluo, can sea trains still work?" Fix it?"

"Well, haha, it can't be repaired, it's all smashed into a pile of scrap iron."

"That will be difficult. Are we going to be trapped to death on this island?" While speaking, Nami turned to look at Mo Dao.

Mo Dao: "..."

"You see, I'm useless, and I can't help it. I can't change a boat."

At this moment, Lu Fei and the others suddenly looked startled, and then tears filled their eyes.

"You...have you heard?"


"Merry, it's Meili who came to pick us up."

Robin was not a member of Luffy's crew, so he didn't hear the voice, so he asked with a puzzled look: "Merry? Who is Meili?"

Mo Dao sighed and said, "Merry, the Golden Meili, has been carrying Luffy's ship all the way since the East China Sea."

Serena didn't believe it at all when she heard this, so he retorted: "How is it possible? How could the boat come to pick them up."

When Frankie heard Serena's words, he immediately retorted: "I believe, because according to the legend, if the crew loves each other and loves their ship enough, then the ship may have a ship elf. Gavels, 'people' like crews in raincoats."

Although the high-level combat power on Judiciary Island was knocked down, there were still a lot of navy left, so they ran forward after hearing the sound, and soon saw the golden Meili, which was already full of scars No.

The facts were right in front of them, Serena and the others couldn't believe it, but just as they were about to board the boat, Mo Dao suddenly stopped and jumped onto the tallest building nearby.

After jumping to the roof, Mo Dao's pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw a tall man riding a bicycle on the sea in the distance.

"Grass, why is the green pheasant here?"

"Aokiji? Who is Aokiji?"

(End of this chapter)

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