Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 136 The Undead Ability

Chapter 136 The Undead Ability

After Xu Ye's body was immersed in the translucent green liquid, the wounds on his body healed three times faster than before, and the wounds disappeared in the blink of an eye.

If it weren't for some blood remaining, there would be nothing to prove that Xu Ye was injured.

The blood slowly disappeared into the green liquid, and Xu Ye's breathing also became stronger. Seeing this, Shi Zhenhai was very satisfied, and looked at the surrounding things with burning eyes.

At the same time, the Blood Gu King left Xu Ye's body and happily soaked in the green liquid.

Shi Zhenhai didn't notice this. He looked at the many things in the secret room. Among them was a closed glass tank with a blue rock inside. The three-finger-sized blue rock was surrounded by black sandstones.

If someone is here, they will definitely find that this Qingyan is actually growing!
It grew to the size of a fist in a while, but it was immediately given to the fairy tale by those black sandstones, like fuel. After the outside of the fist-sized bluestone turned into black sandstone, the thumb-sized bluestone fell off from the inside.

Then it continued to grow bigger until it was about the size of a fist and was assimilated again, and then continued to fall off.

Repeatedly like this, those black sandstones are like fuel, as long as the thumb-sized blue rock grows bigger, the bigger part will be dyed black.

This blue rock is constantly growing, just like a sponge absorbs water and expands easily, which can be seen with the naked eye.

There are several machines around the glass tank that display their respective data, Shi Zhenhai began to tinker with those machines excitedly, and at the same time, Shi Zhenhai's arm began to petrify!
But this petrification will not affect the flexibility of Shi Zhenhai's arm, not only that, but the movements of Shi Zhenhai's hand are constantly changing, the petrification on his arm is exactly the same color as the ever-growing blue rock!
After Shi Zhenhai's arm was petrified, the parasites outside the grotto rushed back one after another, as if they were soldiers who had received an order from the general, and retreated one after another.

They slowly came to this secret room, and then half of them flew into the blue rock, and were swallowed by the blue rock, and the other half didn't enter Shi Zhenhai's arms, and were also swallowed up!

In about an hour or so, the army of parasites, no matter whether they were small and invisible, or the size of a rice grain or even the thickness of a thumb, were all absorbed by the petrified arms of Qingyan and Shi Zhenhai.

And the colored arms of Qingyan and Shi Zhenhai are more intense than before, deep blue, and look extremely smooth.

After fiddling for about two hours, Shi Zhenhai left. Now that everything is ready, it is enough to confirm the boy's origin.

Although this guy showed himself the mark of the oath, Shi Zhenhai himself didn't know what the mark of the oath looked like. According to what this kid said, there should be people from the Judgment Council outside.

Shi Zhenhai came under the grotto and pressed down on an inconspicuous stone.

dong dong dong dong...

After that, countless special luminescent fluorites appeared in the entire grotto to illuminate the grotto, and then countless one-meter-long stone slabs protruded from the rock wall, gradually forming a circular staircase, constantly spiraling upwards.

This staircase extends directly to the top of the grotto, because of the appearance of luminescent fluorite, the stone staircase looks very beautiful.

Shi Zhenhai slowly climbed up. The stone ladder is not high, so it is very easy to walk up...

Not long after Shi Zhenhai walked over, a person cautiously poked his head out of a stone pillar in the huge space outside the secret room. When he left the huge stone pillar, a large piece of the stone pillar was vacant.

He Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that the old man hadn't found him just now. Before he met Xu Ye, he almost died at the hands of this old man.

He brought more than 20 black beasts, four cursed black beasts, and a dozen gray clothes, but they all died. If he hadn't used them to block the attack, he probably would have confessed here.

Touching his unnatural left arm, He Feng secretly rejoiced that he got this thing from that person. Although it made his left arm a little unnatural and inconvenient, it allowed him to have this unusual ability.

He Feng touched the vacancy of the huge stone pillar with his unnatural left arm, and saw that the rocks seemed to be alive, growing continuously, and the stone pillar became exactly the same as before.

Then He Feng approached the secret room on tiptoe, he stretched out his head, and when he found no one, he stepped in.

After a glance, He Feng was overjoyed when he saw the dark blue rock, and then he saw Xu Ye soaking in the green liquid, his eyes were full of murderous intent, but he still didn't do it in the end.

He Feng wanted to kill Xu Ye, but if he did it now, he would be completely exposed here. If the old man had taken precautions, He Feng felt that he would definitely die!
That old man was so strong that He Feng didn't dare to be an enemy at all.

But He Feng coveted the power of Qingyan very much.

As long as I get the power of that Qingyan, I won't be afraid of that old man anymore.

So what about super-order, as long as it doesn't kill me, I'm not afraid of anything!
Others may not know about that Qingyan, but He Feng knows what that thing is, and He Feng doesn't know how it was formed, but He Feng knows what function that thing has.

If that person didn't lie to himself, this thing has the ability of immortality!
Compared with this thing, killing Xu Ye or not is insignificant. He Feng can still tell the difference. Even if he hates Xu Ye, he should finish the more important things first.

Thinking of this, He Feng glanced at the stone wall behind him, touched the stone with his left arm, and the stone wall disappeared as if it had been melted.

Then He Feng's body slowly petrified and merged into the vacant place, looking exactly the same as before.

Leaving from the spiritual world, Xu Ye slowly opened his eyes. After being unconscious, he entered the spiritual world. Xu Ye could actually wake up earlier, but he knew that if he woke up too early, he would feel pain.

Anyway, the Blood Gu King would repair his body, and Xu Ye reckoned that his body must be in tatters after being made so painful by that old man that he passed out.

Or wait for the blood gu king to finish repairing himself before waking up.

But when he was still in the nihilistic world, Xu also felt a strong malice, and the degree of secret intensity made Xu Ye know that the malice was strong and very close to him!
Xu Ye came back from the void world in a hurry, but when he opened his eyes, Xu also found himself submerged in water.

Xu Ye found that the water he was soaking in was slowly becoming thinner. It was originally green, but later it became more and more clear. When he saw the blood gu king sucking it, Xu Ye raised his eyebrows.

What is this water? The Blood Gu King seems to like it very much.

It thought about it before, and it should be attracted by this.

Looking at his deep rags, which were pierced by the vines full of barbs before, after touching it, he found that he didn't even have any scars on his body, Xu was not only secretly happy.

(End of this chapter)

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