Chapter 164
I found a bottle of mineral water in the room, opened the lime, walked towards the bed in the room, and sat down.

Lime, who was thirsty, was completely relaxed, and his tense nerves made him sweat profusely.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if this matter was discovered by the Magic Association or the Judgment Council.

This month, as long as today is over, even if Xu also goes to report it, it is impossible for the Tribunal and the Magic Association to find out any clues.

Lime doesn't believe that a person can be arrested for a whole month without evidence in the trial.

After all, their Shi family is not comparable to the four great families in the capital, but they still have some connections.

When the time comes to make a fuss, it is estimated that it will also affect some.

But fortunately, Xu Ye was finally dealt with. Although I don't know why this guy actually said that there are three monsters, but it's time for sure. Even if the breath is detected here, there is only one.

He didn't believe that there was a monster in this hotel but he couldn't detect it.

Lime still has a certain amount of confidence in himself, and now that Xu has been dealt with by himself, he didn't want to hurt the junior that Dean Xiao favored, but now he has no choice but to make him suffer.

"Xu Ye, I know you can't hear me, but I still want to say that this will make me feel better. Dean Xiao is one of the people I admire. He has high demands on us because he expects a lot from us. It has always been the purpose of our school to train excellent magicians in the country."

Shi Hui looked at Xu Ye beside the bed who was showing a bit of pain, and said slowly.

In fact, Shi Hui knew that Xu couldn't hear it, he just said what was in his heart to make himself feel better.

"I don't want to hurt you, because you are someone that Dean Xiao values." Shi Hui continued, as if he was complaining about his thoughts to a tree hole, and it seemed that this really made him feel a lot better.

"Dean Xiao once had a lot of expectations for me, so the way I saw him looking at you is the same as when he looked at me before."

"But no matter what, I won't hurt you. No one has ever discovered the secret of this hotel before. I can save myself from danger every time, but this time, you are here."

"Although I don't know why you said there are three monsters, but this monster, I must protect, no, he is not a monster, he is a person, a truly kind person, a person I admire."

"I will protect him, follow in his footsteps, and inherit his will. In fact, he doesn't have much time. In a few more years, he will die, but I still hope that he can live for a few more years."


Shi Hui talked eloquently, and when he was talking to himself, he didn't notice at all that Xu Ye's eyes had already returned to clarity.

Xu Ye lowered his head pretending to be in pain, looking flawless, not to mention that Senior Shihui insisted that he was restrained by his attack.

I was indeed in extreme pain before, seeing my family and Qiyue continue to die tragically before my eyes, I was really broken.

The deep sense of powerlessness, the mixed emotions of sadness, anger, self-blame, despair, etc. made me uncomfortable, which made Xu Ye even think of suicide.

Even took action.

But it didn't work. After several attempts, Xu couldn't get over those pictures at all, repeating them over and over again...

I don't know how long later, Xu also found that a strong uneasiness and fear suddenly emerged in his heart.

As soon as this sense of fear came, the spirit worm directly sent a strange energy to pull itself out of that feeling.

Then Xu Ye realized that he was actually still in the spiritual world. Seeing the spirit worm blocking those ripples, Xu Ye also thought for a long time before confirming that the previous scenes were caused by Senior Shihui's attack.

Or it can be said that it is directly the attack method of senior Shihui, by breaking the enemy's inner defense line, and then outlining the fear deep in the enemy's heart, and gradually amplifying this fear, to achieve the effect of defeating the enemy.

If it weren't for the spirit worm, Xu also felt that he would fall down.

Afterwards, Xu also kept looking for opportunities, but after hearing what Shihui senior said, Xu also always felt that this matter seemed a bit difficult.

However, Xu also felt that there were two monsters that were about to move. Since he chose to take care of this matter, Xu must take care of it to the end, at least kill these few monsters.

"Lei Yin, Fury Strike!!!"

As Shihui continued to mutter to himself, Xu Ye suddenly raised his head, black thunder burst out of his body, filled with the violent breath of the lightning strike before, and directly covered Shihui's whole body.


The black lightning struck Lime and shook his whole body, the clothes on his body and the sheets on the bed were burnt to dust before they had time to burn.

Xu also raised his eyebrows when he saw this. After absorbing the power of the lightning strike wood, why did the power of his lightning magic seem to stay for a long time in addition to the original rage.

The burning smell of bed covers and clothes filled the whole room, as well as the mixed smell of meat exuded from the charred exterior and tender interior of the lime facilities, coupled with the burning smell left by the lightning magic in the air, began to make the whole room became a little uncomfortable.

Xu also knew that Senior Shihui would definitely not die directly, although the power of his elementary magic was already comparable to that of the intermediate magic that had not absorbed the power of the Lightning Strike Wood before.

But Senior Shihui himself is also a person at the peak of the middle level. Although Lime was caught off guard by his own attack, he didn't react directly. Now his body is burnt black, and the smell of clothes and meat remains.

But he definitely didn't hang up so easily, and he still looks alive now.

And perhaps aware of the magic he released, Xu also found that apart from the warrior-level monster upstairs, the other two monsters had already begun to leave their original places.

They sensed their magical aura!
This was Xu Ye's first thought. Without a word, he broke the window and went out. The limestone fell from the broken glass, and Xu Ye spread his wings without hesitation.

Noble wings appeared in an instant, and with a slight vibration, Xu Ye directly flew across the gaps between the houses, flew to the roof of the building complex, and directly locked on to the little demon of the servant level.

It was a small monster, hidden in the darkness and completely undetectable, but Xu didn't need to look at it at all, he could feel the disgusting aura of the monster.

Flying in the sky, looking at the roof that is at the same level as himself, and countless red, green and green billboards, gusts of cool wind blowing, mixed with the delicious smell of various snacks in the snack pedestrian street, Xu also couldn't help but Swallowed a little saliva.

I haven't eaten for seven days.

Although it is said that the cultivation is so smooth, the magician can also endure hunger because of his cultivation, but Xu is also a layman, greedy for money and lustful.

Not to mention eating the biggest thing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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