Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 170 Heading to Island City

Chapter 170 Heading to Island City
Xu Ye saw that the person's body was gradually sinking into the darkness, and ran over quickly, but he could no longer feel any breath from that person, and only the faint dark breath exclusive to shadow magic remained in place.

Looking at the night outside the window, as well as the faint figure and the red and green lights in the pedestrian street downstairs, Xu also fell into deep thought, what did this mysterious person mean just now?
What does it mean that some people can't get their hands on it?
Who is this guy?
Among the people I know, is there anyone from a great influence?
And judging from the meaning, this person seems to be really targeting him, and he has investigated himself so clearly, he must not be wrong.

Moreover, he found his own position all at once. Xu also felt that it was impossible for this kind of energy not to be a huge monster behind it.

And this plot, how can there be a sense of sight in TV dramas where the heroine has a big background and the hero is threatened by the family behind the heroine?
Such a bloody plot wouldn't happen to me, right?
Xu Ye's complexion became a little weird. In fact, thinking about it carefully, it shouldn't be. So far, he has no idea about anyone except July. Why did such a mysterious person suddenly pop up to threaten him?

Xu Ye did guess that Qiyue might be from the Yang family in Leicheng. After all, her grandma was from the Yang family, but her grandfather, Xu Ye guessed that it was related to Mr. Zu Xiangjun and the others. Otherwise, Yang Qiyue's grandma would not I will know Teacher Zu so well.

Could it be that the family behind Teacher Zu is so powerful?

Teacher Zu didn't reveal much to himself, and he really didn't know. From the conversation between Teacher Zu and Boss Zhankong, Xu also vaguely guessed that Teacher Zu Xiangjun's background was not simple.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so emboldened.

But logically, it is impossible for the Zu family to come to him and threaten him because of the matter of July. After all, Teacher Zu has no opinion on the matter of himself and July.

"It's here." Lime Xu also fell into deep thought, the talents of the urban monster hunting team were long overdue.

It seems that there are not only people from the city's hunting team, but also some magicians nearby, some of whom have dazzling wind wings, suspended in the sky.

"Strange, the breath was clearly here just now, why did it disappear?" Someone frowned and said, then looked at Xu Ye, Lime, Shiqing and the others, "Three, could it be that the demon has already been dealt with by you?"

"Yes, you came too late." Lime said hastily, "We have dealt with the monsters, everyone go back."

Shi Hui didn't want to get too entangled with these people. After all, if Brother Shi Qing's affairs were discovered, it would probably be a bad thing.

Xu Ye understood what Senior Shi Hui meant, so he didn't say anything, but looked at those people. Xu also knew that if he could cover it up with a few words, he might have underestimated the IQ of these people.

After all, in terms of aura, they are all middle-level magicians, and they can solve the monsters at the advanced stage of the warrior level in a short period of time, and they don't seem to have any abnormalities yet.

Don't look at the obvious traces in this room, but in fact, the real battle is a small scene, and the roof of the general-level monster is lifted up, which is a normal operation.

"Really?" The man didn't believe it at all, "Where's the corpse of the monster, leave it to us."

"Yes." Xu Ye nodded when he heard the words, making the maternal body part of his right hand grow bigger quickly, and grabbed the man before he had time to react. When the huge right arm appeared, Xu Ye's aura did not restrain himself. !
And it was a very powerful aura, which made the surrounding magicians change their colors. They never expected that this young man who looked about 20 years old actually had such a high level of cultivation.

"You said you want a corpse, right?" Xu Ye looked coldly at the person he held in his hands, "Believe it or not, I can just squeeze you to death and you can live safely."

Xu Ye's tone was cold, coupled with his indifferent eyes, the caught man was full of fear. This breath was much stronger than his, and he couldn't struggle to open the huge arm.

This seems to be an earth magician, and there is still a very powerful earth magician, but why did he only feel the middle-level breath before?

Originally, I thought that by accumulating rewards by hunting monsters, I could be promoted to the status of a hunter, but I didn't expect to be caught in the hands of a young man now.

My life hangs here.

As the captain, he actually humiliated himself in front of his team members. How would he deal with his majesty in the future?

But if he refuses to give in now, if this young man really pinches himself to death, he has no doubt about it. The icy temperature from the huge rock-like palm makes him even more afraid to do anything strange.

To be honest, everyone is a high-level magician, but he was so embarrassed for the first time. The attack just now was caught off guard, which shows that this kid is straightforward. If he really kills himself, how can he reason?
"Let go of my captain!" A mid-level mage rushed forward without saying a word, his magical aura fluctuated, as if he wanted to do something.

"Stop, you kid want to kill me, don't you?" The high-level magician in Xu Yeju's hand saw his team members eager to save him, and didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a while.

Can't you take a look at the situation?

You don't even dare to move now, and you still want to get up and kill me?
But anyway, he has the intention to save me, and he must reward and reward well in the future.

Xu Ye looked at the person who rushed up. He was pulled back by another mid-level magician after being yelled at by the person he caught, "You are stupid, you don't know what's going on now?"

The man's eyes widened when he heard the words, but he didn't respond.

"Who still wants the corpse of a monster, you can take it from me, the waste is slow to come, and you want to grab other people's achievements, do you think I'm too easy to bully?" Xu Ye glanced around coldly, and those people Hastily flinched.

In fact, there are many high-level magicians here, but they are also very afraid.


After Xu Ye showed his power, no one talked about things here anymore. After all, with Xu Ye's cultivation base, other people were sure of the disappearance of the demon.

There is no need to offend such a powerful magician for the corpse of a warrior-level monster. The corpse of a monster is valuable, but if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, you will spend your money without your life.

In the early morning of the next day, at Chenxi Hospital, after Xu Ye gathered all the remaining patients in the magic city that Shi Qing had prepared earlier, Xu Ye absorbed those parasites thoroughly, seeing the money transferred by Shi Qing, Xu Ye After keeping [-] million for myself, all of them were transferred to the gold standard account.

Send him a brother message saying that this is the money lent to him. After his goal is established in the future, if necessary, he will have the right to use it alone.

Jin Biao agreed without hesitation, how short of money he is now, and he also promised to return to the base as soon as possible, and then he needed to hastily end the chat and go offline in a hurry.

Before he noticed it, he had to run away first.

Then Xu Ye followed Professor Shi Zhenhai, took the brothers Lime Shiqing, and boarded the plane to Daocheng...

(End of this chapter)

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