Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 197 The Benefactor of the Thunder City Incident

Chapter 197 The Benefactor of the Thunder City Incident

"I know this too." Qin Longyin nodded, "But the military leader, you also need to know how much the Great Ocean Wall project means to our coastline garrison troops."

"It's up to Xu Ye. It depends on Xu Ye's choice. It's useless to force him." Three people made it before, and the oldest one spoke for the first time.

He has been here for so long, and he has never spoken once, but now he speaks about this matter.

"I will complete the Great Ocean Wall Project." Seeing those people looking at him, Xu Ye expressed his thoughts.

"After all, I was going to finish this thing, and I promised Professor Shi to finish this thing." Xu Ye said slowly, "And I have the favor I got from him. If I take this thing, I will Complete its mission."

While speaking, Xu also looked at the army leader, "As for waiting for me to reach the super-level, that's unnecessary, just give me this undead walker."

"You are quite greedy." The military chief smiled slightly when he heard the words, "If you behave well, I can consider it."

"I've given you all these flesh and blood. Ninety for the Great Monarch level, at least twenty for the Supreme Monarch, and ten for the Peak Monarch level. The rest belong to me." Xu Ye laughed when he heard this.

"Your success rate of the supreme monarch and the success rate of the peak monarch level should not give you so much confidence?" The military leader's face darkened when he heard this, "I admire your ability, and you do have the capital of pride. But I still want you to be more down-to-earth."

"My previous success rate can be improved. It's just that I will consume some vitality." Xu also emphasized his tone. After all, it is more convincing to pretend.

"Consume vitality?" The army leader and the others changed expression upon hearing this.

It is very difficult to make up for vitality. If the impact is too great, even the cultivation base may stagnate. You must know that as the magician's cultivation base improves, although the vitality will become stronger, it still cannot withstand the passage of time.

Time is the most powerful magic, and everyone can't resist the power of this magic.

Therefore, many magicians cherish vitality very much. If it is not a last resort, who would like to consume vitality to do something?

"This won't work." The military leader said first, "Xu Ye, your life is not just your own now, you are still young, you must live on, and before I die, I will also tell those who come after me to protect you."

The head of the army has a serious expression and a serious tone. It can be seen that he seems a little angry.

Xu felt a little ashamed.

Alas, it really isn't good to lie, after telling one lie, you have to tell ten lies to make up for one lie.The head of the army deserves to be the head of the army, and he always considers the interests of the people of the whole country.

"Yeah, Xu Ye, you should give up the thought of consuming your vitality as soon as possible." Zhao Huaian also said with eyelids twitching, "You still don't realize the importance of your ability. Now all of us, in the army From the first glance, it is estimated that everyone can die, but you can't."

"I think so too." Qin Longyin nodded sympathetically, "Now that you are a real favorite, it's best not to mention such life-consuming things."

"Stinky boy, when you were in Leicheng back then, that brat Zu Xiangjun asked me to settle things. I couldn't bear the threat of that kid Zu Xiangjun to help you settle the matter at that time. Now you boy tell me you Do you want to consume your vitality?" The old man directly gave Xu Ye a chestnut, and said angrily.

"It's true that a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry. You dare to say that you consume vitality at a young age. Don't you know what we think?" The old man continued.

"Teacher Zu Xiangjun?" Xu Ye was taken aback when he heard the words. This old man, it was Teacher Zu Xiangjun who asked this person to solve his problems in Leicheng at that time?
"You are?" Xu Ye looked at this person respectfully. Before, he only thought that he was a very powerful old man, but he never thought that this person was his benefactor at that time.

"I'm Zu Xiangjun's teacher. You kid took away the holy spring in Leicheng. If I hadn't suppressed it, you probably wouldn't be able to solve your troubles." Pang Lai said lightly.

"At that time, I actually discovered that I had the ability to make spirit seeds because I sucked away the holy spring of the earth and the semi-finished thunder-type spirit-seed." Xu Ye bowed deeply to the old man Pang gratefully. Bow, raised his head and said.

"Oh?" Pang Lai raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Originally, he saved Xu Ye only because he couldn't bear the soft-heartedness of that kid Zu Xiangjun.

I didn't expect to meet Xu Ye today. In fact, Pang Lai already knew the name Xu Ye before, but he never took it to heart.

After all, that kid Zu Xiangjun was someone else to find out more by himself, and later knowing that Xu Ye was also on the way to find the national beast, Pang Lai guessed why that kid Zu Xiangjun wanted to save this kid.

It is estimated that they have found or can look for the seedlings of the national beast.

In fact, because he didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet, Pang Lai only found out about Xu Ye's things when he heard the invitation from the military chief.

The chief of the army wanted himself to confirm whether Xu Ye's ability was a special summon. He was really good at this aspect. After understanding the general situation, Pang Lai agreed.

He wanted to see if the name that reappeared in his mind was really as miraculous as the military chief described.

Now that Pang Lai saw it, this Xu Ye was indeed perverted.

How many of them have spent their whole lives without such a strong combat power, but Xu also directly has an undead walker at the peak monarch level.

No matter how powerful a summoner can summon such a powerful creature, he is a master among masters. He Pang Lai can't do it now, let alone a peak monarch, the supreme monarch is enough.

But among the summoning mages, he is actually pretty good.

It's still not as perverted as Xu Ye, so Pang Lai began to feel a little thankful that he couldn't bear Zu Xiangjun's soft-heartedness at that time, otherwise, he probably wouldn't have the chance to meet Xu Ye himself now, and seeing He has such extraordinary abilities.

"I didn't expect you to have such a relationship." Qin Longyin said with a smile, "Military chief, since Xu Ye is willing to continue the Great Ocean Wall project, then let him go. As for his safety, I, Qin Longyin, promise, As long as I don't die, no one can hurt Xu Ye."

Qin Longyin's words were not joking, he, Qin Longyin, generally would not joke, at least in front of his superiors, and even more so in front of such an important matter.

As for the things that Xu Ye spent his vitality to do, Qin Longyin would not allow Xu Ye to do that, and he also knew that it was impossible for the military leader and others to allow it, so he simply didn't mention it.

(End of this chapter)

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