Chapter 456
Xu was also speechless. He had seen shameless people before, but he had never seen such shameless people.

Seeing those bloody half-moon-shaped monster power blood blades, Xu Ye just wanted to use Shadow Dun to take Zhao Manyan away together, only then remembered that he had already used two magic systems.

Using another one, it is estimated that even if Ai Jiangtu tried it before, he is now convinced that he is playing soy sauce.

It's hard to explain at that time.

Seeing that the sea area behind the Scarlet Splitting Demon was completely frozen, Xu Ye knew that Mu Ningxue's talent should not be underestimated by the icy air around him. Seeing that Nan Jue and others had already stepped on the ice, Xu Ye After thinking about it, he turned his head and pulled Zhao Manyan and ran away.

"Oh, wait..."

Zhao Manyan didn't expect that Xu Ye would run away as soon as he said it. He originally expected this guy to be stronger to block the wave, but he ran away without saying a word, but he couldn't run a long time ago, and now he can only fall down. Drag forward.

"I'm going to die." Zhao Manyan shouted.

His clothes were hung and rotten, and his stomach was hurting in the short ten meters. The island was damp and damp, but the stones were still sharp.

Xu Ye heard Zhao Manyan's voice coming from below, and turned his head in doubt, but he didn't see anything.

Quickly looked down and saw Zhao Manyan who was full of resentment, Xu Ye quickly stopped the car, let go of his hand, looked at the red cracking monster chasing him, and wanted to leave this guy behind, Dean Songhe said, how many people died It's their own inadequacy.

He also deliberately told himself many times not to worry about it. As a magician, death caused by insufficient strength is normal, so he told himself not to worry about it too much.

Xu Ye had repeatedly promised in front of Dean Songhe that he had done his best to recruit Zhao Manyan to run at the beginning, but now that this guy is dragged down by himself, he will probably be taken to cut open his belly, and he will die when his internal organs are scattered all over the place undoubtedly.

Let the guy struggle on his own.

But just as Xu Ye was about to leave, he found that his left leg was being hugged. Zhao Manyan held on to Xu Ye's left leg tightly, as if he would not let go.

"Brother, show some face." Xu Ye looked at the approaching Scarlet Splitting Demon, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Damn!" Zhao Manyan roared, "I also want to stand up, the distance just now made my legs go numb!!"

"Let me go." Xu Ye looked at Zhao Manyan and said helplessly.

"Don't let it go!"

"I killed the Crimson Splitting Demon."


"Really!" Xu Ye looked at the scarlet cracking demon who was less than ten meters away. The fire magic energy was injected into his right hand, and an extremely hot breath emanated from Xu Ye, and the thin ice around him melted into water. Zhao Manyan Also felt the heat.

"Fuck, the third series!!!" Zhao Manyan yelled, and let go of Xu Ye's calf, "It was really hit by the captain, damn it, thanks to my shamelessness, I finally forced out a high-level Mage."

"give it to you."

While Zhao Manyan was talking, he stood up and walked to the other side, leaving a word.

Xu didn't care, it was exposed anyway, this Ai Jiangtu is awesome, it's okay to let Zhao Manyan force himself.

"Strong Fist, Nine Palaces!!!"

The breath on his body fluttered, and nine fire dragons several meters thick descended from the sky, directly blocking the rushing red cracking monster.

Those pillars of fire climbed onto the body of the Scarlet Splitting Demon in an instant, as if completely ignoring the scales on the Scarlet Splitting Demon's body, and began to burn crazily.

Before the Scarlet Splitting Monster rushed over, it was trapped by nine pillars of fire, like a fire cage, and the Scarlet Splitting Monster couldn't break free no matter what.


The Scarlet Splitting Demon still wanted to rush towards Xu Ye. Xu Ye looked at Ai Jiangtu and the others who wanted to get closer, and gave up on detonating those flames. Otherwise, his body would probably be fine and bear it when it exploded.

But others probably choke enough.

The flames on the Scarlet Splitting Demon's body became more and more intense. It had rushed out of the cage of flames, but it was walking towards the frozen sea area. The demonic power emerged from its body, and the sea water rushed out of a big hole in the ice layer. Countless seawater rose into the sky.

"Captain!" Xu Ye yelled at Ai Jiangtu, and at the same time condensed a space lotus.

Ai Jiangtu was slightly taken aback when he saw the space lotus in front of Xu Ye's eyes. Such a difficult space system was played by Xu Ye to such an extent that even the appearance of the sword mark was directly changed to a lotus?

Moreover, it seems to be very scary.

However, Ai Jiangtu didn't say anything. After understanding Xu Ye's meaning, silver light appeared in his pupils, surrounded the space lotus in front of Xu Ye, and then disappeared.

Barely taking a breath, just when the Scarlet Splitting Demon was about to plunge headlong into the sea, a space lotus appeared quietly and spread out in front of its head. One after another lotus petals spread out, easily cutting open the The scorched scales chopped off the head of the Scarlet Splitter.


The body of the Crimson Splitting Demon landed on the seawater in the ice cave. There was ice and seawater, and the flames on it began to slowly go out.

And Xu also looked at the nine pillars of fire, and directed them to the islands where the three sea monkey monsters were located, and then exploded.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!
The terrifying rumbling sound directly blew up the peaks of the three outer islands. Countless sea monkey corpses flew all over the sky, and the red vegetation also started to burn. Countless sea monkey monsters uttered strange screams and began to escape.

"This guy is so strong!" Nan Jue led those people to the vicinity, looking at Xu Ye's figure, he was full of shock.

"It seems... not weaker than the captain, maybe even stronger. Is this guy really a substitute?" Jiang Shaoxu looked at Xu Ye in disbelief, and then glanced at Guan Yu beside him, "It seems that someone still Thinking about when to get back to the field."

Guan Yu's face was gloomy when he heard the words, but he didn't answer. This Xu Ye is so strong, he really didn't expect it.

The flame just now is definitely not a common fire.

"He just refined a very strong flame." Seeing Guan Yu being teased, Zu Jiming said, but he didn't say how strong Xu Ye was, only that Xu Ye refined a very strong flame.

Mu Ningxue's breath was a little weak, she looked at Xu Ye with a serious expression, this guy is very strong!
Not only Mu Ningxue, but also the five ordinary people were brought by the iron-eating beast, and the iron-eating beast looked at Xu Ye in shock.

When it saw its owner being chased just now, it was also very anxious, but after waiting for a long time, it didn't see the boss coming over. The red stupid monster was not as strong as the boss at all, so the master didn't ask the boss to come over.

I can see that I am anxious.

If it can't beat it by itself, it will go up by itself.

"Has anyone heard of a family surnamed Xu? Not only in China, but in the whole world, right?" Mu Tingying asked in a low voice, looking at Xu Ye in shock.

Seventy to eighty percent of the sea monkey monsters in the three surrounding islands must die!

"No, even the inferior family has no surname Xu." Nanrong Ni responded, her own family is attached to the Mu family, and she has never heard of a family surnamed Xu.

But when you think about it, the Xu family in a small place like Leicheng is not even as strong as the Mu family in terms of magic power. It's no wonder these guys know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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