Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 508 Sub-Emperor Zhankong

Chapter 508 Sub-Emperor Zhankong

What the hell, that Fujiwara Sakataro secretly tricked himself, so don't blame yourself for being rude when you go out this time.

Xu also looked in the direction of the sea battlefield, only to realize that the evaporation of the sea water caused by the forbidden spell directly caused the water vapor to form huge water walls and countless water vapor walls around the magic range.

With my own eyesight, I can't see through, and I can't see the situation on the sea battlefield.

In this case, those people couldn't see the situation clearly, Xu also put away the Tiger Talisman, and gave the half that belonged to Uncle Meng to Uncle Meng.

"It's just right, Your Majesty is also ready to start the battle, I still have this tiger talisman." Meng Tian didn't refuse, and took the half of the tiger talisman that belonged to him.

Xu Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, "Is His Majesty going to war?"

"There are three obstacles to the position of Pluto, two in this world, and one in the dark plane. The spearhead first points to the undead in the sand sea, and then the queen of the sea." The ancient king said lightly, "This person is very useful for me to deal with the queen of the sea. You Carry her on your back."

"..." Xu Ye smiled wryly, these things are not something he should consider.

"Your Majesty, I'm still injured and have broken a few bones." Xu Ye said, it seemed that he didn't want to carry the unconscious woman with colorful long hair.

"I can see very clearly that your recovery ability is very strong, and the bones have been automatically renewed, so there is no serious problem."


Xu also had no choice, these three were masters, carrying this colorful long-haired woman on his back, Xu also found that her body temperature was very low, but her vital signs were obvious.

On the other side, Zhan Kong looked at the magic that covered more than 70 miles in the sky. It was only a few kilometers away from the ground. The sea monsters within the range of the magic had all been reduced to ashes, but the magic was still going on.

The aura on Zhan Kong's body instantly became far beyond the range of the peak monarch, and a strong death aura appeared around Zhan Kong, Xu Ye's eyes were fixed, and he was a little disappointed, "The current Boss Zhan Kong is already a living dead, right? "

"If you want to gain power, you have to pay a price." The ancient king said lightly, "The body of the sub-king, the power of the sub-king, he abandoned magic, but he also possessed stronger magic."

Xu didn't answer either, the incomparably strong dead air was not something that living people had at all.

I don't know why, Xu also felt a little sad, what kind of obsession and what kind of person is worth going to Boss Zhan Kong like this, regardless of everything.

When he was in the ancient capital, he said please let him be selfish for once, there are some things he has to do.

And it's for one person.

A person that Boss Zhankong never mentioned to them, that person, in Boss Zhankong's heart, is really important.

Whirring whirring! ! !

Waves of violent wind suddenly appeared from around Zhan Kong, countless wind walls visible to the naked eye rose from the sea, those winds were black and full of dead energy, the whole area was like hell.

The source of those violent winds was unknown, and it was mixed with dead air, which directly extinguished the surrounding transparent white flames. The dead air and white flames crushed each other, and the violent wind element and fire element began to attack each other.

Those fireballs stopped, they were blocked in the air by these wind walls that stretched for dozens of miles, making it impossible to move an inch, they emitted terrifying flames, and the increasingly powerful flames filled the sky.

A huge fireball began to explode, directly annihilating part of the dead energy wind wall, and dissipated without a trace.

"I'm still not familiar with it, so it shouldn't be so difficult." Meng Tian said indifferently, "It seems that you only plan to use a wind element to deal with this magic."

"No problem." The ancient king was as calm as water, without any expression.

The corner of Xu Ye's mouth twitched. Damn, the explosion just now, if he was nearby, he would definitely die. As a result, these two guys were talking about whether they were struggling or not, and they really had strong confidence.

Seeing that his death energy wind wall was blown away, Zhan Kong was not surprised. The black armor on his body was buzzing, and he slowly lifted into the air. As he lifted into the air, those fireballs actually began to be forced into the air. Return!
As a result of the fireballs being forced back, they began to explode one after another.

There were deafening sounds one after another, and countless orange-yellow fires bloomed in the air, like a feast of fireworks closely connected, but the power was to easily kill creatures of the monarch level.

Any aftermath, the Great Monarch Creature may not be able to stop it.

"Use the blade of the wind to cut the fireball and let it explode, and at the same time use the wind wall of dead air to push the explosion away. It seems that this guy has good combat experience." The ancient king said lightly, "It will be over soon."

Sure enough, after waiting for about 10 minutes, Zhan Kong came back, and Xu also found that after those fireballs exploded, the air in the middle formed a vacuum, and the strong air pressure made the surrounding water wall and water vapor wall all rush towards the middle at a high speed.

But Xu didn't panic, there were three emperors beside him! ! !
"I have a bill to settle." Xu Ye looked in the direction of the Tokyo Shield, where there were also water walls and water vapor walls blasting in his direction, but they were avoided by invisible forces.

The ancient Wang Mengtian and Zhan Kong didn't say anything, and they didn't ask, as if in their eyes, it didn't matter at all.


Fujiwara Sakataro was on the watchtower, staring at the center of the meteor flame outside the sky, seeing countless water walls and water vapor blocking his sight, Fujiwara Sakataro actually didn't care.

That Xu also must die.

As a Forbidden Curse Mage, as an absolute high-level, Fujiwara Sakataro knows very well how many top combat powers from Asian countries have been summoned at the Dubai Mage Tower.

It is also clear what their purpose is.

Now he found a guy who made him feel horrible, and he dealt with the six monarchs at the same time. The power of magic, the terrifying flames, and the terrifying black thunder made Fujiwara Sakataro clear in his heart.

That person, alone, is enough to deal with dozens of them super powerhouses! !

Such a person cannot be kept.

At such a young age, once he breaks through the Forbidden Curse, he will probably become the world's top Forbidden Curse Mage. Anyway, the Dubai Mage Tower has already started to move, so he will easily solve this enemy who may kill the super strong on his side.

As long as no one else knows, those thousands of mages on the embankment, whether they are at home or abroad, just let the mages of the curse department and the mind department delete their memory.

No one knew that it was him who did it, and when the time came to push it to the peak monarch, those Chinese mages had no evidence, and they would not suspect themselves.

Taking a step back, even if it is discovered, I am afraid that the Dubai Mage Tower will also start to act. By then, the demon army will not be able to stop the alliance army!
When he thought that things were developing according to his imagination, Fujiwara Sakataro suddenly felt a creature with the aura of a sub-emperor appearing within the range of the forbidden spell.

In Fujiwara Sakataro's view, it should be the rescue of the peak monarch creature, sub-diwang, this creature, Fujiwara Sakataro doesn't think he can beat this creature alone.

Not even a chance!

Although he and the old friend who released the competitive magic—Meteor Flame from the Outer Sky are both Forbidden Curse Mages, they cannot release magic independently. Now all the Forbidden Curse Mages in Tokyo have gone to Dubai. Once the Naya Emperor creature starts to attack, they... ...can't stop it.

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Sakataro looked extremely ugly, and he no longer had the heart to care about Xu Ye. Anyway, he was included in the scope of forbidden spell magic, and Xu Ye must die.

The most important thing now is whether the sub-king creature will attack.

(End of this chapter)

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