Chapter 573 Tough Problems
"We even figured out the reason for the Drowning Curse, but Xu Ye still hasn't returned to the team." Walking on the land of Africa, Mo Fan whispered while looking at the endless sand.

It was originally going to Egypt, but there was an emergency mission to the Sahara for rescue.

This is a forbidden place that is more terrifying than the Amazon Demon Country.

After all, there is only one empire in Amazon demon country, but there are several demon empires in Sahara! ! !

Even the outer area is crimson, and this density is even comparable to some deep sea areas, where there are tribes and tribes at every turn, not to mention there are several demon empires.

Not to mention magicians, even the demon wars in the Sahara are difficult to stop, not to mention that there are not many resources in this place, and the mighty forces rob each other of survival resources, and those tribes and even demon empires naturally fight endlessly.

The Sahara Desert, this kind of Jedi, ranks among the top three on land.

In the past, Amazon had two levels of terror.

Of course, now it is suddenly discovered that there is more than one emperor in Amazon, and it is estimated that the world's assessment of Amazon's danger level has risen sharply.

But no matter what, the Sahara Desert is an extremely dangerous place.

However, the national team from other countries entered the Sahara by mistake, and the rescue team needed time, so they went to the rescue.Because they have to go through the place of rescue.

Not everyone in the team goes. After all, this kind of thing is voluntary. Of course, it is also linked to resources.

Although he joined Xu Ye's Tengfei Chamber of Commerce and obtained some resources and funds before, it was limited to this. Mo Fan is not a fool, and all he gave before was prepaid funds.

Now that I have made no contribution to the chamber of commerce, how could I sell myself soul seeds and pretend to be other money.

You know, the Thunder-type Soul-Seed that I like, in Zhao Manyan's words, is at least [-] million or more, which is outrageous. For resources, Mo Fan will naturally come.

Jiang Shaoxu, Jiang Yu, Zhao Manyan, Mu Ningxue, and Nan Jue were also rescued together.

Ai Jiangtu led the rest of the team to find other ways and tasks to obtain resources.

Team differences existed from beginning to end, basically every time Ai Jiangtu and Nan Jue each lead a team.

"I said Mo Fan, even if you are short of money, don't fight like this." Zhao Manyan found that ever since following Mo Fan, he had to do some deadly tricks wherever he went.

This not only failed to complete the task of sowing the world, but almost lost his life again and again.

Ever since he made Mo Fan his friend, Zhao Manyan felt that when he saw Mo Fan a little excited, his hairs would stand up, and he was constantly wandering on the edge of life and death.

The team has already reached the golden gravel, even if it is on the periphery of the Sahara, they also feel their own insignificance compared with this endless sand sea.

The Mediterranean Sea is just to the north, but they are approaching the point of the Cape of Good Hope Magic Castle of the African International Magic Association.

"I can't help it, I'm short of money." Mo Fan is also very helpless. The money given by the Tengfei Chamber of Commerce has been spent, and there is no reason to take more money now.


While the team was moving forward, several powerful mages were conversing solemnly in a small meeting room in the Magic Fort at the Cape of Good Hope.

One of the old mages with an old face looked very ugly, "What's the matter recently? Over the Egyptian pyramids, the undead war is still going on, it's already a headache enough, those lost guys are also a headache, and now it happened again These things."

"Had, my old friend, what's the matter with you?" When the old mage lost his temper, a nearly old mage came in from outside.

He was accompanied by a few ultra-level mages who seemed to be quite powerful, each of them was at the peak level of ultra-level, and looking at the badges, these seven or eight people were all from the eight major international magic organizations!

"Yo, John, why did you come to me from St. Paul, and these few, the badges are from the Dubai Master Tower, the Temple of Liberty, the Altar of Saint Kay, the elders of the Hunter Alliance, oh, I didn't expect Parthenon and St. The mages of the city are here. Do you have any advice?"

"This time Amazon's affairs are a bit weird. Sending people to investigate has resulted in the loss of a lot of people. On the one hand, we are here to discuss with you whether we should let the seniors of the association jointly investigate. We plan to send a group of Ultra-level mages go." John said upon hearing this.

"This..." Harder was stunned when he heard the words, and these guys actually wanted to go to investigate, "Didn't the news come from the Temple of Liberty before, and their Forbidden Curse Mage didn't dare to go deep?"

"Now that Amazon has recovered, it seems that there has been no movement since a few days ago." The mage of the Temple of Liberty said, "Seniors of Forbidden Curse are not going to continue to shoot, let us send people to investigate, I think it is just to investigate , it should be enough for us to send a team of super mages.”

"That won't work, we are also in a state of distress now. You also know that there are five undead emperors in Egypt, as well as mighty undead. Even those old forbidden curses who have never been out of the mountain in our magic castle have gone to lurk. Now we can't separate more mages at all." Hader still refused.

"The matter in Egypt is very important, and we also have Forbidden Magicians who have already arrived in Cairo." John said, "Many Forbidden Magicians from the Eight International Magic Organizations have appeared because of the Egyptians It's too big of a deal."

"So you don't have to worry about things over there, and we plan to put the final site of the World School in Egypt, which will keep reducing your pressure." A veteran of the Parthenon Temple who has not been in charge for a long time said.

He used to be a knight, but he left Parthenon a long time ago, but now after the news of Egypt, those mages who had completely ignored Parthenon were recalled one after another.

You know, even if Parthenon is attacked, they may not necessarily go back and make a move.

It is conceivable how much the Egyptian undead war has affected them now.

The struggle of the five emperors is very rare in historical records. Not only the Parthenon Temple, but many forces have begun to recall the old mage.

"But there is one more thing." Hader's frown still did not relax, he pointed to the envelopes on the table in the conference room, "Since a few days ago, from South Africa to the north, there have been many demons was killed."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"However, the number of these monsters killed is quite a lot. I don't sympathize with those damned monsters, but on the surface of the tracks where these monsters were killed. Those mages who killed the monsters probably entered the Sahara." Hader said in a deep voice. .

"Aren't they courting death?" John frowned, "We dare not enter the Sahara casually, and there are some places we can't get close to."

"Yeah, some guys who want to die don't have to worry about it??"

"I'm worried that if these mages mess up the monsters in the Sahara, or even cause riots, once the monsters in the Sahara come out, the whole of Africa will be unstoppable." Hader's face is extremely ugly, "It's like Amazon Similarly, the Amazon demon country almost rioted, right?"

"Amazon's is a gigantic tiger, a [-]-meter glazed giant, and a woman in a blood-colored long skirt. Could it be that such a person also appears?" asked the mage of the Temple of Liberty.

His face was a little horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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