Create a spirit seed in a full-time mage

Chapter 601 Announcing the Identity of the Legion Commander

Chapter 601 Announcing the Identity of the Legion Commander

Moreover, Xu also found that the evil spider was also somewhat interested in the things inside the magic circle of forbidden curses. Before, Xu Ye still thought that the evil spider was interested in the energy inside.

After all, the Forbidden Magic Array needs to inject a huge amount of energy as a reserve, and the Forbidden Magic Mage who cannot release the Forbidden Curse alone can only release the Forbidden Curse under some auxiliary circumstances through the Forbidden Magic Array.

Energy is naturally essential.

Of course, the Forbidden Curse Mage who can release the Forbidden Curse alone can also release magic through the Forbidden Curse Array, which will save some mana.

So when he knew that there were hundreds of forbidden magic circles, Xu Ye didn't doubt it at all.

After all, it takes time to recharge the forbidden magic circle after using it, and the forbidden magic magician has just gone to other prepared magic circles to release magic, so even if he knows that there are hundreds of forbidden magic circles, Xu just feels that the forbidden magic magician attaches great importance to the five emperors .

But now it seems... things don't seem to be as simple as I imagined.

Stabilizing his mind, Xu also relied on the shadows between the corridors to slowly approach the area, which is a circular area with a diameter of five kilometers, and the buildings inside seem to have been cleared long ago.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to have such a flat area in the city.

The Egyptian military mage and the people from the Magic Association were on the periphery, and Xu could easily pass through... through the stinky ditch that seemed to have no time to deal with it.

But after crossing the guard circle of those mages, Xu also encountered an enchantment, which blocked his way, and it seemed that he couldn't get in.

"Even if it is a forbidden magic circle, it is impossible to have a continuous supply of barriers. After all, almost only forbidden magic magicians are interested in the forbidden magic circle." Xu Ye's heart sank, although there is no evidence yet.

But Xu Ye's intuition told him that it was absolutely simple.

Xu didn't rush directly, but approached the 'Forbidden Curse Magic Circle' area in other places. You can't break into the barrier, otherwise you will be discovered.

But now Xu also doesn't want to be discovered.

At the same time, Xu was also a little thankful. Fortunately, he really came to take a look, otherwise he would not have noticed the strangeness.

In the afternoon, Xu Ye had already visited hundreds of forbidden magic circles, and fifty of them had no enchantment. Xu also confirmed that there was nothing unusual in them.

Moreover, although the forbidden magic circles without enchantments were also guarded by Egyptian mages and injected with a lot of energy, the evil spiders did not have that kind of urge to be interested.

The wolf arm didn't respond either.

But in the other 61 places with barriers, the wolf arm and the evil spider all changed!
"It seems that the 61 places are definitely not as simple as the Forbidden Magic Circle." Xu also appeared in an empty office building and took out his mobile phone.

The phone rang suddenly several times in the middle of the trip, almost exposing myself, and then turned it off.

Now that the matter has been found out, Xu Ye still took out his mobile phone and turned it on, wanting to see what happened.

"Use the satellite phone that was given to you before, and call the channel that was given to you before." Looking at the email from the head of the Hua army, there was only a simple sentence.

There are many other people's phone numbers, including Mo Fan's foreign card, and Xu also has their African number in South Cairo.

This morning, I knew that the message from July was Mo Fan's number, but I still haven't answered it now.

There are also a few strangers.

From the bracelet space, he took out a satellite phone that was much larger than ordinary phones, and Xu also dialed a certain number.

"I heard that you have regained your identity?" After getting connected, the Chief of the Hua Army said directly, this is for Xu Ye, and the Chief of the Hua Army knows who it is.

"Sorry." Xu Ye said, "But I don't think there is any need for me to hide, and someone is targeting me. Although only the Holy Inquisitor was sent, I think there must be someone behind it."

"You don't need to apologize." Hua Junshou said, "Now that the entire Sky Demon Legion recognizes your status, it seems that I can't deprive you of your status."

"Hahaha, the army chief was joking." Xu Ye said awkwardly, "I didn't mean to intervene in the Sky Demon Corps, but since they dare to directly impose house arrest on the Guofu Corps, I think there is no need for the Sky Demon Corps to stay any longer. unauthorized use of power."

In fact, Xu Ye knew in his heart that it was normal for the head of the Hua army and the heads of other military regions to disagree with giving him real power for the position of head of the Tianyao army.

He is young and impulsive, and Xu does not deny it. Although he knows what he does, sometimes he still doesn't have the stability that the head of the Sky Demon Army should have.

So I don't reject them because they are not willing to give themselves power.

What's more, I don't really care about it.

"No, after knowing your decision in Egypt from Qin Longyin, we have already disclosed your identity to the public." The head of the Hua army responded, "Your strength is obvious to the Sky Demon Army, and you have the right to decide the part of the Sky Demon Army." business."

"This, it can't be." Xu Ye didn't expect that the chief of the Hua army actually directly gave himself a power.

Although the head of the Hua army emphasized that it was the Sky Demon Legion that recognized his strength, if the big bosses didn't give it to him, then it would be impossible for him to find a power.

"By the way, since you called, you should have left from the Holy Inquisitor, right? You didn't do anything to them, did you?"

"Can't you?"

"No, there are many powerful mages in North Cairo now, and they are worried that you will suffer."

"I didn't make a move. With my strength, those guys can't stop me half a point."

"I believe that." Hua Jun nodded, "Amazon..."

"I did."

"The giant tiger is a national beast, right? And what is the glazed giant?"

"It's a national beast." Xu Ye nodded, "They did something for me, and I have to pay back the debt in the future."

"Sure enough, you have an unusual relationship with the national beast. It's a pity that you said before that you can't persuade the national beast to return."

Hearing the words of Huajun Chief, Xu Yeren was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said, "No wonder you will give me real power. It turns out that you want to use me to establish contact with the national beasts."

No wonder these guys suddenly gave themselves the real power they didn't give them before, presumably they guessed that Amazon's business was done by themselves.

Moreover, after confirming that the national beasts will even cross the Pacific Ocean to fight with themselves, they know that their relationship with the national beasts is much stronger than they imagined.

They don't care what method they use.

"You kid understands it too." Hua Junshou responded, and it was indeed because of this that they gave Xu Yetian the real power of the demon army.

What's more, originally Xu was also the founder of the Sky Demon Legion.

He originally planned to sharpen Xu Ye and give him enough power, but it is unnecessary now.

"However, what I said before is indeed what the national beasts meant. They were once driven away by the people they protected. Even if they have nothing to do with us, they don't like humans just the same."

"Let's not talk about this matter for now." Huajun Chief didn't care, as long as Xu was there, he didn't worry about anything else.

"We have already refused to send any member of the Sky Demon Legion to Egypt, because they not only want to put our national team members under house arrest, but also frame our head of the Sky Demon Legion." Hua Jun continued, "Do you understand?"

"Hmm." Xu Ye fixed his eyes upon hearing the words, "That is to say, I will be full of confidence in the future."

 Thanks to the two book friends: The old monk came to pretend, the monthly ticket of the stars.

(End of this chapter)

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