Tang Hao peeked at my diary and smashed the Spirit Hall

Chapter 111 A high-level soul beast that crossed the border!

Chapter 111 A high-level soul beast that crossed the border!
But then there was a scene that shocked everyone.

Following this 2000-year elk soul beast, is it more than a carnivorous soul beast?
Dozens of them!
And all of them have been cultivated for more than a thousand years!
Even the most powerful tiger-shaped soul beast among them, Tang Lang could feel that it had been cultivated for more than ten thousand years.

You know, their location is just the outer edge of this spirit beast forest.

How could there be so many soul beasts with more than a thousand years of cultivation?
Fortunately, Tang Lang led everyone to hide his body as soon as he discovered the group of soul beasts.

It wasn't until this large group of soul beasts galloped past them that Tang Lang and the others slowly walked out.

"Why are there so many soul beasts?"

Dai Mubai's expression was a bit serious, obviously it's very abnormal for so many thousand-year-old spirit beasts to appear outside the spirit beast forest.

"Could it be hunting?"

Ma Hongjun thought of a possibility.

"It's definitely not hunting. Among the group of soul beasts just now, there are both meat-eating and vegetarian soul beasts."

"What would that be?"

Tang Lang thought about it seriously, and then said to everyone thoughtfully:

"Maybe it really is hunting."

"how is this possible!"

"Of course, the prey I'm talking about is not the elk soul beast."

Tang Lang's face also became serious.


Everyone understood Tang Lang's meaning almost instantly.

Since the prey wasn't the elk spirit beast, it was naturally the large group of spirit beasts that ran over just now!
But what kind of terrifying existence will the hunters who can hunt them down have?

Could it be a 10-year soul beast?

"No, it won't."

Oscar's face was a little pale.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get out of here first!"

No matter what, everyone's safety is the most important thing.

Tang Lang planned to lead everyone out of here temporarily, and it would not be too late to come back after a few days.

"Master Dai, you take the lead, we evacuate quickly!"

"it is good!"

At this moment, everyone faintly felt that the earth seemed to be shaking, and this shaking was actually getting closer!
"Come on!"

Tang Lang urged.

Dai Mubai didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly retreated towards the way he came.

Tang Lang was at the end, looking back at the depths of the spirit beast forest from time to time.

However, due to the occlusion of the trees, even if his eyesight had been strengthened, he couldn't see too far.

It's just that when they fled, more soul beasts appeared.

And there are quite a few flying soul beasts among them!

Ma Hongjun was drooling while running, one of these flying spirit beasts might be his spirit ring!

A 1000-year-old fiery rooster.

A 600-year-old Ice Fire Dragon Bat.

The Scorching Lingmagpie cultivated in 2000.

Even a Balrog bird with ten thousand years of cultivation!
"Fatty! Don't look! It's important to escape!"

Tang Lang saw that Ma Hongjun was falling behind, so he quickly reminded him.

"Rongrong! Speed ​​up!"

"it is good!"

Tang Lang, who was the Queen of the Palace, could clearly feel a powerful coercion rapidly approaching them.

Although the target might not be them, Tang Lang obviously didn't want to take this risk.

After receiving Tang Lang's order, Ning Rongrong released her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul almost instantly.

"Nine Treasures turn out Liuli, Nine Treasures are famous, and the second is speed!"

In the blink of an eye, five beams of light quickly landed on the five of them, and the speed of their escape was raised to another level.

But at this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from behind them.

And almost at the same moment, Tang Lang also felt a wave of air coming from behind him.

Although the momentum has weakened a lot when he came to him.

But being able to radiate to such a long distance, even the attack just now is extremely terrifying.

Maybe it's really Title Douluo fighting a 10-year-old soul beast.

"Don't be distracted, keep running!"

Tang Lang reminded everyone again that as the mission leader this time, Tang Lang must ensure everyone's safety.

Especially Ning Rongrong.

Half an hour later, Tang Lang and others successfully escaped from the spirit beast forest.

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Is this the rest of our lives?"

"It's about the same. Such a big movement must be at least a tens of thousands of years old soul beast."

"Start at least 5 years!"

"Forget it, let's go to the hotel to rest first, and then have a big meal to calm the shock. This meal is my treat!"

It seemed that because of experiencing life and death together just now, Dai Mubai suddenly became much bolder.

Tang Lang was also happy that the Second Generation Wang had some blood, otherwise, he would have paid for all these expenses himself.

Dean Flender disappeared after arranging tasks for Tang Lang.

When Tang Lang thought that he should take care of some operational funds, he couldn't even find anyone.

Finally found Zhao Wuji.

Zao Wou-ki said so.

"The task is arranged by the dean for you, not by me. You don't care what money I want!"

In the end, Tang Lang could only hold his nose and bear it.

In fact, Tang Lang gradually relaxed after the explosion sounded.

Because perhaps someone blocked the soul beast, the powerful coercion that had been oppressing them gradually disappeared.

Even so, Tang Lang still decided to lead the team out of the Soul Beast Forest first, and return to hunt for the soul ring for Ma Hongjun after a few days when the calm was restored.

And at night, when they were having a big meal, Dean Flender, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared.

Although he appeared suddenly, Tang Lang felt that it was not sudden at all.

This guy might just want to come out and grab a big meal!

And as expected, Dean Flender went to the dining table with a smile, and said to everyone while eating:

"Tang Lang did a good job this time. Soul rings can be hunted at any time, but if my life is gone, then there will be no chance to hunt for soul rings again."

"Dean, you have always been here."

"Of course, as your dean, how can I really trust you to act alone, this time, it's just a small test for you."

"Dean, what's going on inside this time?"

Dai Mubai asked what everyone wanted to ask.

"I don't know too well. At that time, my attention was all on you. It seems that a very powerful soul beast has crossed the line."

"Who did it? Wuhundian?"

Tang Lang suddenly asked inexplicably.

Because only he knew that in the end someone stopped the soul beast that crossed the boundary.

"Huh, how did you know."

"It's really Wuhundian?"

"Oh, no, it's not Wuhundian, but someone else."

Speaking of other people, Flender's eyes never left Tang Lang.

Seeing Flender's reaction, Tang Lang frowned, and had some vague guesses.

"Are you playing charades?"

Ning Rongrong said helplessly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, it's still too far away for you, Ma Hongjun, I've already chosen your soul ring for you."

Flender didn't seem to want to say too much, so he directly changed the topic.

"Really, master!"

(End of this chapter)

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