Tang Hao peeked at my diary and smashed the Spirit Hall

Chapter 134 Tang Lang Assists Tang San to Enter Shrek

Chapter 134 Tang Lang Assists Tang San to Enter Shrek

Soon, the time came to half an hour later.

Level 29 control system soul master Tang San actually wants to challenge level 74 attack system soul sage Zhao Wuji!
It's unbelievable when you think about it!

"By the way, teacher, I beat you, can the three of us join Shrek Academy together?"

Before the battle, Tang San asked suddenly.

"Hmph! There are quite a few demands, let's wait until you win!"

Zhao Wuji continued to speak with a cold face, obviously very dissatisfied with Tang San's performance.

"Okay, sir, I'm ready."

Stop talking nonsense, Zao Wou-ki lit a stick of incense again and stuck it on the ground beside him.

Immediately after seeing Zhao Wou-ki's face slightly solemn, he let out a low growl, and his body instantly swelled up.

His already terrifying muscles almost doubled again, and his height also increased by a full meter in an instant, making him extremely burly.

Immediately, seven dazzling spirit rings also rose at the same time, two yellow, two purple, and three black, seven terrifying spirit rings attached to his body.

Zhao Wuji, who has completed the state of being possessed by a martial spirit, is covered with a layer of thick brown long hair. Even his height is already over [-] meters. The muscles all over his body are exuding explosive power, and he looks extremely domineering. , the seven soul rings are constantly moving around the body.

This is the fighting form of Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji!
Although it was not the first time for Tang Lang and others to see Zao Wou-ki's fighting form, each time it had a strong visual impact.

And almost everyone is sweating for Tang San who is only a great soul master.

What is the difference between this and death?

It seemed that it was because of being enraged by Tang San, Zhao Wuji actually released his martial spirit as soon as he came up.

You must know that when Tang Lang and the others challenged before, they released the martial spirit a lot late.

Tang Lang couldn't help worrying about Tang San, maybe he really couldn't handle Zhao Wuji this time.

But the only good news is that Zhao Wuji is waiting for Tang San's attack.

Tang Lang watched Tang San's changes from the side. First of all, his hands, which had all turned into white jade, were Xuanyu hands.

Although Tang San quickly lowered his head, Tang Lang caught the purple meaning gradually rising in his eyes, the purple extreme magic pupil.

Soon, Tang San took the lead in attacking.

Tang San suddenly raised his head and said to Zhao Wuji:
"Teacher, be careful!"

Zhao Wou-ki naturally sensed the trace of danger on Tang San's body.

The lion still needs all its strength to fight the rabbit, so Zhao Wuji was even more careful this time.

That's why he was taken aback when he saw Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes, thinking it was some kind of confusing skill.

But this is actually just Tang San's blindfold.

In the next second, ten cold lights shot towards Zhao Wuji quickly!

hidden weapon!

Zhao Wou-ki wasn't too surprised, it was just a hidden weapon, he could easily resist it just by relying on his own defense.

The two big hands raised and lowered to protect the eyes and other important parts, and then the golden light shot up all over the body!

"Ding ding ding..."

The ten hidden weapons immediately returned without success, causing no harm to Zhao Wou-ki at all.

But Tang San also seemed to know this result, after he released these ten hidden weapons, he quickly used Ghost Shadow Fan and stepped back.

Tang Lang knew that Tang San was about to get bigger!

Sure enough, at the same time that the ten penetrating nails failed to make a contribution.

While Tang San's body was constantly moving, he continuously shot out various hidden weapons from his hands.

And the targets are all the vital parts of Zao Wou-ki's body!

As a result, even Zao Wou-ki had to focus on protecting his own body.

Fudo Mingwang's body is running at full strength!
But if it's just defense, it's obviously not Zhao Wuji's character, I can see that he is also constantly approaching Tang San while defending.

When Tang San was about to be caught, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass suddenly appeared and tripped his feet.

Although it was only delayed for a moment, Tang Lang was able to take advantage of such a short opportunity to quickly distance himself from Zhao Wuji by using the Ghost Shadow Fan's Tracking Step.

Then continue to harass with hidden weapons!
Zhao Wuji was irritated by Tang San, only to hear him say angrily:

"Slippery boy, let's see what you do this time!"

"The third soul skill! Gravity boost!"

The third soul ring on Zhao Wuji's body quickly lit up, and countless soul power poured into the ground.

Almost instantly, the entire fighting area was as difficult to move as a quagmire.

Tang San's figure also couldn't help being stagnant, this way, he didn't have any time to continue harassing Zhao Wuji with hidden weapons.

Just escaping for his life is enough for him to do his best, and he barely avoided it several times, and it was dangerous!
However, at this time, the incense had burned almost half of the distance, and it seemed that Tang Lang's battle just ended at this moment.

Zhao Wuji was also in a hurry, the fourth soul ring on his body instantly lit up, Tang Lang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief after seeing it.

According to the previous plot, Zhao Wuji seemed to say something that Tang San was eligible to be admitted when releasing the fourth soul ability.

"The fourth soul skill! Location tracking!"

I saw a flash of purple light, and the fourth spirit ring on Zhao Wuji's body flew directly towards Tang San.

And it was as if it had eyes, and it was directly set on Tang San's body!
Tang Lang knew this trick, within a range of [-] meters, as long as he was caught up by Zhao Wuji, he could directly rely on the power of jumping to shorten the distance.

Although he knew that Tang San had a backup, Tang Lang still planned to help him once.

Directly shouted at Zhao Wuji:
"Teacher Zhao! He is a great soul master, you have already used the fourth soul skill!"

"I know! This kid has already been accepted exceptionally, but the incense hasn't burned out yet!"

Hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Tang Lang finally felt relieved.

Zhao Wuji already agreed with Tang San and the others to enter Shrek Academy, but now he just wants to simply beat Tang San up.

But this was not what Tang Lang wanted to consider.

As long as Tang San enters Shrek Academy normally, then he is not sorry for Tang Hao.

And now Tang Lang might be able to look forward to the scene of Zao Wou-ki being beaten at night.

Although a bit evil, Tang Lang couldn't help but curl his mouth.

Sure enough, at the same time that Zhao Wuji used his fourth spirit ability to instantly close the distance between him and Tang San.


Tang San instantly activated the blue silver grass seeds he left on Zao Wou-ki's body before, and these seeds wrapped up Zao Wou-ki's body tightly in an instant.

Although Zhao Wuji quickly broke through these blue silver grass with brute force.

But Tang San's attack had just begun, the next second, several crossbow arrows brushed Zhao Wuji's face and shot over!

The strong impact shaved Zhao Wuji's face so painfully!

(End of this chapter)

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